Dragonball Supremacy

by Atol Soldier
Dragonball Supremacy
Welcome To Teh World Of Supremacy...
I'd rather not, so kthxbai.
In response to Orient Xper
Orient Xper wrote:
Please let me suck my own dick Christine
Nigga, what are you? 3?
A true nigga would be 111111 since you know K is the 11th number.

Dumbass nigga...
A true dumbass nigga would say nigga! But I ain't saying nigga!
But you just said it...
Fuck you nigga!
I don't fuck dick girls, sorry.
I would
Well then, there you go Christine.
Ori you seem a bit picky as to where you put your dick
I am, so what?
And how you going to say the game is up if it isn't? >_>
The server is getting upgraded, It will be back up in few hours.
I hope your few hours are the same as my few hours
(i.e 10minutes e.e)
In response to DachKinderson
DachKinderson wrote:
I hope your few hours are the same as my few hours
(i.e 10minutes e.e)


I know Right
Will I have my sub when server comes up? ;3
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