-New Armor drops, Bronze, Chain, Mythril, Plate, Diamond, Onyx, Bezerk, and Seerer Armor. Boosts Defense.
-Helm drops, Leather, Bronze, Iron, Barbuta, Mythril, Gold, Platinum, Crystal , and Grand Helm. Boosts Magic Resistance.
-Scores, name, level, kills, and deaths.
-Potion Seller NPC, has small, medium, and large HP/MP Potions for sell.
-K in Kalero's banner as mouse pointer.
-New portion of the map has opened.
-Delete Game, you can now actually delete your save.
-Load game working even with no save file.
-Strike for Warriors now have a flick() state.
-When using Projectiles, the user now has a flick() state.
-Removed Rest.
-OOC color is now Purple.
-Party Chat color is now Blue.
-Bank, Storage, and Potion Seller/Owner now have clothes.
-Double click to talk to, Potion Seller, Storage, and Bank owner.

Notes: The medal effect will be changed to be a original design, it's currently being worked on. There will be a testing prior to this update log.