This time I wanted to talk about some of the features I have personally wanted BYOND to have over the few years I have been around.
This list is also put together with BYOND as a whole in mind - the engine, the website and the pager. I am also not considering it's actual feasibility to much- just a heads up.
I encourage you to post your own wishlists, as I am honestly curious what other things people have been wishing for.
So here goes, my personal wish list:
#1Built-In Map Edging

This can already be created through soft-code, but it is very slow in comparison to what it could be if it was built-in. As a developer it saves time and means quality and productivity. As a player it means more games will have better graphics and tilesets as it easier to add and support. Considering that most of the games on BYOND are top down RPG's I am actually kinda surprised this was never added.
#2Community Driven Ratings

As far as anything on the website is concerned, nothing would thrill me more than allowing players to rate the games they play. Newgrounds does this and it works - its pretty awesome. It would give players an idea of what to expect and would give developers some feedback on how well they are doing.
#3Code Completion

OK, OK - I admit it - ....I have been spoiled by modern IDE's...that being said..I CAN STILL HOPE! This appeals mostly to my developer side as it would mean faster production, less memory usage(from my brain) and less work(from my fingers). You might be thinking that this will never happen for BYOND and it may not..but there is still hope!(at least a tiny bit ;p) there is an IDE that could change all of this if it ever get's rolling : BYONDclipse.
#4 Custom Loading Screens

You know what happens whenever you download or launch a new game on BYOND - it gives you that same old loading screen you've already seen for the millionth time. The ability to customize the loading bar or hell even just a background image would go a long way to making the launch screen alot less boring and more presentable. Since we're pushing the in-game ads thing this could be a nice benefit for BYOND members as well as they would get a taste of the graphics before digging into the game..
#5Dream Maker Facelift

In 2013 the pager got a much needed facelift and it left players and developers with a smile on their faces. We had finally ditched that old 2000's looking interface and went with a more modern look - it was one of the best days to be a BYOND user. Developers were secretly wishing and hoping the same thing would happen to the dream maker but it never did - developers are still stuck with that old interface - it's functional but deep inside I think we all wish we had a better paint job.
Anyway that's pretty much it for me(that I can recall atm anyway)
So do you have any wish-features you have secretly been hoping for? I am really kinda curious what you guys have wanted BYOND to have over the years.
Anyway, thanks for reading my little post. =3
The community-driven ratings thing was tried once, but it was heavily abused and it became apparent that it was trivial for someone to generate false positives and negatives in the system if they had a large enough group of trolls to help them. It ended up being a big waste of time and effort.
Code completion and IDE update stuff doesn't really need to be up to BYOND, focus on the IDE just takes time away from working on other things. The IDE is perfectly functional for what it does and has been updated to support larger projects and whatnot, which were really the only short-comings of the pre-threaded IDE. There's been community efforts at making IDE's and implementing DM specifics into existing ones (Eclipse) but you mentioned that in your post, so you're aware of it. That's probably the best bet for a more modern IDE.
Custom loading screens would be pretty tricky to implement with Dream Seeker because there's no way for the client to access the resources needed to display a custom loader before downloading the game resources, it was discussed loading it from a website or something but it proved to be more complicated than it was worth. HOWEVER, the web-client opens up some possibilities on this front, and the developers have state their intention of improving the loader for the web-client at some point -- the web-client will most likely obsolete existing Dream Seeker at some point as it'll have more robust support for modern functions.