True, he said he thinks he can. Can't really argue with that, just gotta wait and see what happens. Just wanted to make it clear that this is currently no small undertaking.
Aaiko wrote:
Zecronious wrote: Didn't you complete majority if not all of Teridal by yourself? I really love that game, sure wish people still played it... It was a LONNNNG run though lol. |
Chickenlegs wrote:
Didn't you complete majority if not all of Teridal by yourself? I really love that game, sure wish people still played it... It was a LONNNNG run though lol. Yes. But I spent on average 8 hours a day for over a decade and didn't get very far in the end. Making an online RPG is a massive task and I honestly wouldn't recommend going it alone, but sometimes you have to. With that said, I don't regret a minute of it. I learned and experienced a lot from the process. |
Aaiko wrote:
Chickenlegs wrote: Well thank you for all your hard work and dedication. I enjoyed playing it throughout the years. Any projects currently in the works? |
Chickenlegs wrote:
Well thank you for all your hard work and dedication. I enjoyed playing it throughout the years. Any projects currently in the works? I am currently working on my own game creation service and making a bunch of games on it. Redoing many of the games I made on BYOND on it. |
Awesome! Out of respect for BYOND I won't ask in detail, however, whenever it comes to fruition please let me know!
Chickenlegs wrote:
Awesome! Out of respect for BYOND I won't ask in detail, however, whenever it comes to fruition please let me know! It's currently in alpha and not ready for wide public use so I wouldn't post details here anyway (also out of respect for BYOND). But if you are ever interested, you will have to contact me privately for details or wait for a public release and hope to hear about it. I doubt I will contact people to let them know. |
Chickenlegs wrote:
Alright, will do. Best of luck with your future endeavors man. Thanks. Good luck on your game. |
the only consistent team we have here is silk games. every other "team" ive seen on BYOND has failed to actually go years functioning as a competent group of developers.
so yeah, solo is the way to go, unless you want to deal with high school kids going 2-3 months without checking their email or logging into skype to communicate their progress ( which is usually nothing anyway ). good luck getting a game done that way. |
My experience with teams is that people are quick to say they want to contribute but it's short lived. Finding someone who's gonna grind every day until it's done is almost impossible.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
the only consistent team we have here is silk games. every other "team" ive seen on BYOND has failed to actually go years functioning as a competent group of developers. I've worked with Ss4toby for 2 years. We've communicated through skype. We link files through google drive. We've done some mild projects such as the server utility and a mobile game for a $10,000 competition with Unity3D which we became finalists in and got a smaller prize. We're still, to this day, working on projects and they're getting more serious over time. We haven't fully established a team name up until now. Not only that, we do all the art, programming, and sound ourselves. Since people can't seem to work for free for a while to get a payment in the long run. If that doesn't fit your expectations, then Chance and Doohl seem to be doing good as a team if I am correct. There's no established team name (aside from pixel realms, but what was Eternia under then?), but they have been sticking together. I'd have to say they're doing very good. There's numerous others out there doing some small work that just never comes to the light though. I knew a lot more people who have been developing as a team for years. |
Yut Put wrote:
only person i can work with is Blazekid. he has no skills in game development other than being trustworthy. if it weren't for him, about 70% of Epic's dungeons would have not been made, along with a bunch of other stuff. strangely enough, i've probably brought more polished games from start to finish than any other developer on BYOND. almost every game i make goes through the same motivation-based development process, which hasn't really changed much in 3 years I can only worth with Toby. Everyone else I've worked with just annoys me and they're also boring. when i work in teams i recruit as many hand-picked people as i want, and i put them all in nonessential positions. for example, Neo Berserker helped me with a project last year, and even though what he did wasn't completely necessary to the project, it was still a massive help. and every bit of help counts, but when nonessential team members abandon you there's little to no negative consequence. Surprisingly enough, I did that as well (in a similar way). While Toby and I are the essential parts of this team, we do get some help from others who are a minor part of the team. It's set so that if they leave, we can still do work ourselves. If I left, Toby can still do work. If Toby left, I can still do work. but that type of team building only works if you have skills in all areas of game development. IMO if you can't make a game by yourself, you can't make games. Bingo. Thought, I hate making pixel art and sound so much. Seems very time consuming as opposed to programming. I guess that comes with practice. it's just not the same- being able to both do art and program is like having an art team and programming team that are in extremely good communication. counter-intuitively, things get done faster. the majority of successful people in the industry have wider sets of skills than just "designer" One thing that's pretty beneficial is being able to just talk. Even while you're relaxing playing a game or something. Eventually you'll talk about the development so you still get things done. And when you are developing, talking helps get things done faster since it can A) Spark an idea, B) Get rid of brain farts (which I have seen happen multiple times to multiple people), C) You also don't have to take the time to type back to them while you're typing code. Voice chat is very much beneficial in this area. Saves so much time... |
You'd be surprised what a single dedicated person could accomplish.