Alchemist Classic

by Oasiscircle
Alchemist Classic
Combine elements and create chain reactions to thwart your foes!

'bout to get wind-furious!

Small interface update! :)
Left green banner is the Social banner. Contains the number of friends you have online, your ELO rank, and your global ranking status.
Middle red banner is the Lives banner, shows number of lives you have remaining and how much time until you get a new one naturally over time. The counter does keep track while you're offline as well!
Right yellow banner is the Gold/Quest banner, contains your current amount of Gold Pieces and the button to access your daily Quests that accumulate. Quests are completed to earn Gold Pieces and are usually tasks you would do otherwise Example: "Get 10 Chains of 5 or more!". When a Quest is completed you earn the Gold reward and receive another Quest if you have none left.

Hope you enjoy! :)
Leave comments, questions, and critiques below!
You updating the zip often? Hosting it for you.
I'm actually not updating the zip, the game isn't quite ready for public viewing. Plus it would be on a different hub.
Will there be lots of shiny achievements to get in Alchemist RPG?
In response to LordAndrew
LordAndrew wrote:
Will there be lots of shiny achievements to get in Alchemist RPG?

That would definitely be easy to do, yes! :)
I know there are a lot of achievement-hunters among us. They would probably be in the second tab on the Quest menu. :)
Originally I was very un-impressed with the interface, and was really hoping you'd make it a lot more polished. Of course, as always, you NEVER Disappoint.
This interface looks so beautiful, I don't think I've seen one this great on BYOND - ever o: