See those stars in your profile? They can be cashed in here for a higher rank in the nexus, along with other forms of contribution. (state the deed you did to gain such)
For example, being willing to code a person's game for free will award you nex.
It cannot be your average contributions, however. It must be something quite noteworthy in order to be awarded nex points and bonuses.
So, report your contributions, whether good or evil, and I (or EmpirezTeam) will award you free nex increases.
![]() Jan 4 2015, 1:28 pm
Are you referring to the stars like the ones I have?
The blue star is from being the #6 helper last month and the green one's from being the #2 helper of all time in BYOND Help/Developer Help (if you hover over them it'll also tell you this).
I don't mean what they mean - I mean HOW you gained them in the first place. But I think I get what your hinting at.
Andrew didn't really earn those stars. Word on the street is he secretly bribed Tom with packs of ramen in exchange for stars to make himself look important. I would recommend that you not award Andrew any nex increases.
[Edit] In fact, I just realized Developous put me in charge of nex increases. Therefore, I have the authority to deny them. So, I will use this opportunity to do just that: to strip away that which you so dearly desire, LordAndrew. Let it be known to all men and women, near and far, that on this day LordAndrew shall not be awarded nex increases for his "help" on BYOND which actually wasn't help at all, but a pompous attempt to garner worship from the BYONDite society. Amen. Also, I hereby place a Nexus bounty of 1 billion nex on your head. Amen. |
From where I stand, he probably has a very sizable number of GOOD posts in the help section of these forums.
Since there's suspicion of cheating, however, I can only award LordAndrew with 315K nex, instead of the possible 3.2 MILLION pts. But... I would urge you NOT to collect on it, because, more than likely, EmpirezTeam would declare war against me, and at his score - He has a VERY good likelihood of winning. (we're almost exactly equal, except the blasted econ, which I PWN him on. He can't even restore himself when I'm involved.) |
Almost anything game-oriented. Think of it as your reputation as a gamer EVERYWHERE.
For example, manipulating your reputation so empirez over there appreciates you more. But be careful how you use your points. While respect must be given, TRUST is a completely different story. |
LordAndrew wrote:
What is nex good for? What can I do with it? ask not what the nex can do for you, but what you can do for the nex |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
LordAndrew wrote: Hmm.. Interesting belief. SO, just know that you should judge what it Shouldn't Do. You see, it CAN do anything - but that doesn't mean it will. |
I don't have any stars, but I've helped lots of people with their games. I think I deserve at least 185,023.75 nex.
Hey, this post was for those of us whom are the stars of BYOND. The rest of you are not worthy. I think it is obvious how I gained my star, by being Tupac. I implore you to award me the highest of nex available for my honour. Hail Mary.
What happens if someone loses a star? What happens if someones star rating decreases? Would they lose their Nex?
If a player loses their Nex, do they gain debt? What happens if they're debted to the Nexus? Are there Nexian Repo Men who come to their games and start taking functions away from them? |
It's for any form of contribution.
Also, it's a matter of when you cash in. Ganite: Money doesn't give it. But that star there is worth 3K nex, ok? Fug: Hmm, I think you used to have some. So, I can give 28K nex, ok? NNA: 65K nex! Mask: Loosing stars don't matter, nor going negative. However, going too low in nex could cause a perma-death. Also, you COULD be come a repo-man if you wanted to be. But that takes a hub, and it wouldn't come cheap. Want the price tag for that one? |