Visual candy!
Figured I'd reveal a little more information regarding the project I'm currently working on. I'm making the concept used in this game, Alchemist, into the main game-play focus of an adventure RPG.
The game would focus around groupings of Bosses called "Dungeons" and each Dungeon would have between 2-4 bosses in it. To defeat the Dungeon, you must beat all Bosses one after the other after choosing three Spells to take with you into the Dungeon. After you complete the Dungeon, you are rewarded in Coins to buy more spells and other upgrades/customizing features and to unlock special Dungeons that costs coins to enter rather than progress from the previous Dungeon. Dungeons would be linked in a way similar to Mario 3's overworld, with each Dungeon being it's own structure but connected to other Dungeons. You can decide your own path as there would most likely be a few forks.
Each Boss has it's own AI and own special ability that functions similarly to how your Spells work. Bosses increase in difficulty as you progress through the Dungeon and all have their own uniqueness to them.
Armor and Health are two new things that have been added to the game to make it much more RPG-styled as well. Some Bosses have armor, which basically "shrugs off" that amount of damage that the opponent sends your way if that damage is in the form of garbage blocks. When armor reaches zero, garbage blocks begin to fall on the opposing side as they would normally in traditional Alchemist, although there are a few different types of garbage block now which you will encounter at various stages. Health in the second added mechanic, because of the game's new difficulty, you are allowed a certain amount of lives in order to get through a Dungeon without having to restart your progress on it. Bosses also have lives, but they function differently. Instead, when a Boss is taken to the point of losing, their board clears and everything resets except their armor. Most early on Bosses have only one Health and so won't be affected by this, but some later Bosses would perhaps even change their AI or their Ability after losing their first life.
The last mechanic that's different is the purple liquid (although is lacking some of the effects that make it look like a liquid) that can be seen on the left board. This liquid raises when either the Player or the Boss being fought gets off a combo. When a combo occurs, the floor raises one tile upwards for the opposing player in addition to raining some garbage blocks on them. To return the floor down a floor, the player with a raised floor must break 6+ blocks of a single color in a single clear. Each time this occurs, the floor will sink a level until there is no more liquid visible. This is a great way to beat your opponent as they quickly run out of space when you achieve a big combo all at once.'
That's all I have for now, hopefully more coming soon! Leave any questions you have below. :)
Great work!!~