I miss the days of playing this game on byond and it was such a long time ago. I lost my account so i had to make a new one, and if only i could host my own server on the game so it will atleast keep it active. Does anybody have an idea what i could do?
I honestly missed this game for some time, and had not of had the time to get back on byond. Is there a way someone can turn the servers on?
The only way to "turn the servers on" is to have someone host it. If the host files are not lost forever, such a thing is possible. And since there is no download link, you'll probably have to get the files from a staff member, and that game looks deserted so good luck with that.
All you fans are lucky then, I have gotten contact from devil productions that he is hiring any able scripters, game designers, hosters, you name it to revive INEB. If you would like to apply to the team, Pm me when im available or on this post
P.S this might be moved to a different subject in the forums. |
Awesome! This is a great opportunity for all dem fans to be applying to that there Inuyasha game! Finally, what BYOND has been waiting for has arrived! Not to mention it's all being managed by world-renowned game development company Devil Productions. This is too much epicness, I can't even.
Are there any GM positions available for Inuyasha Never Ending Life Battles? I'd like to apply. |
Maybe I'm missing the joke here. Does no one find it odd that a 3 day old account claims to have access to the necessary information to bring back a game untouched for over 2 years?
You may apply for a gm, but know that you must take full responsibility for the privileges you have and be respectful and fair to the community when it comes.
Btw to have the game revived we need a team hired. We will need a coder. We need someone smart but not too smart. The lead iconer will have to be able to work with graphics art as well as iconing, banners start menu stuff like that. If anybody has good experience with this stuff msg me or post on this forum.
I hereby swear on my Grandpappy's grave that I shall uphold justice and righteousness in all the days that I am bound to serve as Game Manager within Inuyasha Never Ending Life Battles Reborn.
May the radiant renaissance beams shine down upon the promising horizon of truth. Amen. |
Then o hereby knight you, Gm Empirezteam, remember to listen in to conflicts players have and decide what is the problem and solve it correctly.
Zahif you will be a moderator. If players ask for help your duty is to help them and solve disputes. This is exactly like game manager except you do not host.
Empriezteam do you wish to host a pvp server or a roleplay server? This will have to be yet decided if we should have pure pvp servers, so there are no gurantees to host a pure pvp server.
Checkmate, stupid atheists.