Keywords: 2chainz, art, bars, base, hud, more, naruto, ninja
I would like some critique on a Bar Layout I made for a Naruto Spin Off (SPIN OFF!) game called, The Ninja World.

Also a little taste(TASTE!) of the unshaded base(80x80, completed, not posting the actual base), and a Missing Nin Garment or robe..still looking for an appropriate word..

I just want opinions on the follow art, but about the game.. it is in 2 years development and already potentially ready to take the top spot for Anime-fan based games of byond (programming wise my potential as a pixel artist can use alot of work), and if anyone can figure out who I am..meaning my original byond key from 4-5 years ago, ill buy you a diamond ring...ok..

king suna hud bars

king suna base

also which is better a garment with no hood, a garment with a hood, a open garment, akatsuki zetsu style? or all 3!

king suna garment1

king suna garment2
Wheres the shading?

EDIT: Maybe I should read more lol. look nice though.
it's alright (ALRIGHT)

edit: guessing this is hebron due to the weird green color reformist talking about

The base looks like it's moping. The perspective of the rest of the body compared to the head makes it seem like it's staring at the ground.

As for the bar set-up, the shuriken is far too big and seemingly has no purpose other than to take up space. Also not sure why it has a white outline; it makes all of the jaggies more prominent. I like the gradient on the bars, but I feel the blue to green needs to be scaled back (less green).
If its Hebrons i'm going to cry.
In response to Ganite
King Suna wrote:
(programming wise my potential as a pixel artist can use alot of work)

Think about it... is that really something Hebrons would say?
Not at all unless he tryna come back as someone new lmao. But yea I doubt its him. He thinks he is a legend at pixel art.
Im not Hebrons;

And I hear everything you say Reformist, the shuriken is a place holder until I decide to buy 2d GUI HUD Creator, as for the blue to green aspect I'll dim the green.

As for the base this is just a mock up for showing art, my artist put alot more promise on it..
To bad I cant say the same about the rest of the games art yet (YET) @Zagros...
In response to King Suna
no thats not him lol.
In response to Zasif
Zasif wrote:

You got it?
In response to UPD4T3
where's my diamond ring?:X
Would like to say egor but his stuff is top notch
found the shaded version, I'd say it's probably Skyiden.
Other than that i like the HUD, the colors look nice.
Gensho ;o
Are 1-9 Supposed to be skill slots? If so, they are rather tiny...
In response to WeabooGamesInc
I thought it was experience but I didn't notice the numbers til you said something lol.
It's Tom guys.
It is experience, but i might also convert it into combo slots that show critical damage on +10 sucessful hits
becuase the keyboard will be only used for navigation and combat, their will be several attack keys not just one.
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