BYOND Build Number:Don't know what that means... I installed the newest version.
Operating System:Dell...
Video/Graphics Card:Yes.
Game Hub/Link: Every game.
Internet Connection Type: I have Comcast High Speed.
Problem Description: Okay, heres the deal. Although I don't know if its related, yesterday I started arguing with some kid. He said he was an iconner for Byond and would get me banned from Byond. I didn't take it seriously, but now I'm not so sure. I left my home yesterday to hang out at a friends house, and Byond was working fine. Today when I got home and logged onto Byond, I went to the game I usually hang at, Dragon Ball Finale. Upon logging in, I realized that it said my key was guest. The screen that comes up when you log into a game, you know, the blue one with the Byond symbol? That was there, and it said "Launching Dream Seeker". Naturally, I pressed the X. It basically just closed out the game I was in. I relogged. Still gave me a Guest Key. I logged into a couple other games I play, and got Guest on all of them. Freaking out, I logged into a couple other keys, like Dundra95, and Gigatwilly 9. (Gay names, I know.) When I logged in, it kept saying Guest. I asked some people for help, and did everything they suggested. I cleared my cache, nothing happened. I uninstalled and reinstalled, nothing happened. I even tried closing logging out, exiting, and then logging back in. Nothing happened!! If someone could help me, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
Steps to Reproduce Problem:
![]() Apr 7 2009, 5:11 am
![]() Apr 7 2009, 5:38 am
Okay, what the hell? I uninstalled and reinstalled Byond, and now when I tried to log in as Artixknight, it says 'Cannot Read Key File'. WHAT IS GOING ON?!
Most unfortunately your template was kind of unhelpful in gathering information.
For example, newest is very subjective and dell is not an operating system. However, I'm guessing that you're using a version of Windows, so I hope that you can open the Windows Explorer and search for a file called "key.txt", which should be located in a folder called BYOND (in your application data). If you manage to locate this file, try to cut it out and paste it somewhere else for security (e.g. a newly created B_Store folder). Then try to log in again. |
That did not help me in the least. I had gotten it to work, and I did what you said, but now it just says "Cannot Read Key File" again.
a) How did you get it to work again?
b) Did BYOND create a new key.txt file in the folder? c) If not, you could just undo by pasting the file in the folder again. |
1) I uninstalled and reinstalled, and my key logged on, but still won't let me log into games with my key.
2)Yes, it did. |
Greetings Artixknight.
If BYOND does create a fresh key, but can't read from it, nor manages to connect to an Dream Seeker instance, it hints to a more serious issue. You haven't provided enough information/ignored the forum template and as a result of this, we are unable to help you. In order to be of any real assistance, we need to know as much detailed information about your computer as possible. Please consult All about the BYOND Help Forum if you are unsure on how to fill out any of the template fields. Once you are sure you have enough information, please reply to this post with all the information you can. From there, we'll see if we'll be able to help you solve your problem. Yours sincerely, Schnitzelnagler. |