if you read the topic before me, you will now what i am going to talk about.
as he said Many people join but leave when they found out it wont be finished. There are so many people still playing because they like it, tough its finished by 2% !!!
a few years before i started play servers were AAALWAYS full
And i wanted to join... But have you seen bleach lach noches?
all these players might come back to bleach eternity
or even better bleach eternity 2! No body will care if you pwipe or if they start with new character... because
they would gladly play it.
dragonball z is fun but still
people would also like to slash with swords sometimes.
They follow the rules even youre not here,
they help eachother gladly and play.
They dont sub CUZ ITS NOT FINISHED!!!
if you finish it people will gladly play it!
As i said its 2% finished yet so many players join and train.... So Pleace make a bleach eternity 2!
You will take 50% of Las noches and 50% of most other bleach games!
(btw:these censoring are a bit... well... Hitsu@@ya? cmon!)
You update stuff... well what? ONLY CENSORING AND MOVEMENT?!
The Hollows reset when they are trapped by Zabimarus bankai
they sometimes reset Before they die... Also, Cant you just FOR ONE MONTH leave HU2 alone and then after 3 months go further with HU2 and then agian Bleach eternity...
it will be like this 70% Hu2
30% BE 1 (or 2 if you will make one)
(btw i can icon too but not code, but im lazy so if you want something i can make it)
As prove Who replys will count as 1 player.
![]() Sep 19 2010, 6:33 am (Edited on Sep 19 2010, 10:44 am)
![]() Sep 19 2010, 10:06 am
I agree man, keep the graphics system, add a run feature and everything, if this game is only 2% complete it has so much potential! Get working! :) A new bleach eternity would be epic, im no iconner or anything but id be happy to help with ideas. ^^
I completely agree with sasuke. Whenever i play one of your other games I ask them why they dont play BE. and they say "becuz its not finished" so why dont u update it. if it was finished it would be the best game on Byond. People keep bragging about who Bleach Las noches is amazing. well im sure bleach eternity cud be 10 times better.
BLN is played for the amount of content Falacy. Add content the players need to BE2, and I guarantee the player base will increase dramatically, subscriptions would be up too. I believe your games are good, but BE2 has the most potential BY FAR. So please, consider continuing the development of BE2,as, you never know someone may make a large contribution if you do.
ps. At the very least complete the current bankais and skills that are missing or unavailable. Even then your player base for BE2 would skyrocket. |
BE has more content in its first hour than all the other games on BYOND have combined. That's the problem with it. If anything, content needs to be removed, and replaced with logs to punch.
Well most people wont care cuz theyd probably leave cuz they cant go further... am i not right? Also since when do you care if our data gets lost -.- everyones saying you dont care anymore.
also i speak for most people that they gladly would start agian if they could go further, There are many rumors and i know i am not the only one making this topic that means that there are many others. Your Movement And censor are not much actaully more a disadvantage Movement system is making renji bankai suckish Censor... Toshiro Hitsugaya... -.- Falacy no body cares if we lose any data... because they will leave if there wont come new things... and as i said your profit will rise greatly. Also remember... when bleach eternity had many servers and almost all of them were full? that proves that it will raise your profit around 30 to 55% Even now there are still subscribers |
fal we dont care if u need remove all and remake , or if we lose all ur save file . update it if u can plz :)
Just stop posting before I ban you. This is as fail as a topic could get, as are all the rest, and as always, not a single person has ever made a legitimate comment when it comes to updating.
So falacy... is it true that you cant upgrade cuz ur iconer left? well? yes or no? ...
or is this always what you say when you dont know what to do? -.- tought so -,- |
Neither of those are the reason, but you're too much of an idiot to ever comprehend things, so I won't even bother trying to explain
Yet again, that has little to do with it. If BE actually got players it would bring in more than the DBZ style games, but it doesn't. Its also a pain in the ass to work on, because as I keep trying to tell you brainless noobtards - its a game with actual content. It takes me days to add a single new area, which the players then run through in 10 minutes and want more, so why bother? In HU I can spend an hour working on something that will keep people entertained forever. It makes no sense to waste my time updating BE, and if you retards don't stop posting crap like this I'll just shut the game down to solve the problem.
And to you personally, if you post one more thing like this, where you think you can tell me how things are, you will be banned. I don't need some worthless noob attempting to talk down to me, thanks. |
Before you consider skipping over my post as another talk down incompetent noob exortation and sermon, please wait.
I speak to you as someone who apreciates your work, and wants to see it flourish. I admit I dont know half the effort youve put in to make the game what it is, but I can see that your game has been made with great precision and care, and even a noobtard can see that. Your ability to create games like BE and HU is a gift and art, if not; all us would have our own byond games up and running about. Im no expert for sure, heck Im just a random guy who appreciates great games. But what if I was a software developer from Square Enix or Bungie? Doesnt the sheer possibility of your work's publicity and potential drive you? Guess I wouldnt know, but I do care. SO PLEASE LISTEN. Lemme get as technical as a noobtard can. Your argument is quite sound, and I agree with what youve said in terms of the areas. So why not just complete/add the existing skills and abilities? BE doesnt need more areas that can be rendered useless in 10 minutes, youre right. It just needs different skills to keep the players hooked/happy. And Falacy, youve given players a great thing in BE, if you dont want to update for us, do it for the economical benefits that will accompany a small update. Just like how you can keep the players on HU on forever with a minute update, the same would hold true for BE. The ball is in your court Mr.Falacy. Peace. |
Have you ever considered just giving the game to someone else who has no life? I know you worked very hard on the game but you don't need all the crap from idiots that don't understand. Or maybe you should just shut it down for a while until you think these people deserve to have a great game like this.
Why let a good game go to waste? Pass it on to someone who will actually want to make the game better.
Zietz15 wrote:
Have you ever considered just giving the game to someone else who has no life? I know you worked very hard on the game but you don't need all the crap from idiots that don't understand. Or maybe you should just shut it down for a while until you think these people deserve to have a great game like this. Owning this game is like holding a wolf by the back of the ears as soon as you let it go it'll come back and... If Falacy ever gave the game away he'd know it would become an instant success. If a capable pixel artist was to really finish the game and provide plenty more content (even with the amount it already has) this game would outclass HU. I'm not insulting Fal's programming skills but I know he's stubborn and wouldn't risk time for a bunch of people like us. Maybe if Fal formed a royalties like-program. Where the new owner gives Fal 50% of his subscriptions for the sake of taking the name and the current game. That would mean Fal wouldn't have to do any work and would still get paid. |
If anyone on BYOND was even half as competent as I am, they could have easily wasted their time recreating BE by now, just to have their own version of it fail. The sad fact is, even if every other developer on BYOND formed a team to work towards such a goal, none of them are even close to being good enough to accomplish it. If I gave out the source, one of two things would happen, or probably both:
First, the noob developer would have no clue what they were doing, and would break countless systems already in the game, while adding new ones that barely function (see every other rip on BYOND) Then, since that noob has no clue what he was doing, he would either give up and distribute the source, or even more idiotically hand out the source looking for help, and the hub would end up with 30,000 rips of BE, just like it has of every other DBZ Naruto and Bleach game currently in existence. If I had released BE as a standalone project, or on some competent gaming site, I guarantee you it would have thousands of players, but because BYOND's community is less than garbage, and only wants to AFK punch logs, the game quickly died and isn't in the least worth pouring any more effort into, by anybody, unless that effort is to convert it into an AFK log puncher. You idiots have absolutely know clue what you're talking about, as usual, so feel free to shut the hell up before I ban you. I've already told you what it would take, and somebody was actually competent enough to make a topic about such. Feel free to go along with that one, instead of posting these ridiculously idiotic ideas that are a complete waste of everybody's time. |