Hello , can i make my game run without BYOND ? (exe.) ?
![]() Nov 3 2014, 9:27 am
PS : i have tried to change the dmb. to exe. but that didn't work..
You will need to download BYONDexe, which is a standalone client converter. It builds ypur game into an EXE using your packaged executable files from DreamMaker.
The download is available for listed games on the hub. To request a distributable key to allpw the software to work, you will need to ask Tom for one. |
wait , can i use the make EXE in the 416 update of BYOND ?
or it dosn't work anymore ? |
416? That version is years old, it definitely isn't gonna work for you. The current stable version is 506, and the beta is 507.
Also, from the looks of things you're working on a fangame, fangames aren't given access to the standalone tools. |
I've asked the same question as you several times :) so you can also wait for the web-client to be optimized and you will not only be able to make it standalone but also cross-platform
The webclient is more than well-optimized enough now to stop waiting for it to be "done" and start actively participating in testing.
Doohl wrote:
The webclient is more than well-optimized enough now to stop waiting for it to be "done" and start actively participating in testing. Agreed. Don't have a way to really test your work for online compatibility? I'm supporting the web client development. I've only seen 2 people utilize it so far in a proper manner. |
GatewayRa wrote:
you could make your own exe bootstrap and have your own "standalone", but idk if it's against byonds software license to If I recall the license Byond has with FMOD conflicts with this due to redistribution. |
So far I think I'm the only one creating an HTML5-based UI completely from the ground up with the webclient support. There's probably a few others, but they seem to be entirely relying on DM to convert their .dmf files into HTML.
You can get some extremely sicknasty shit going on if you do it right - and much, much faster and easier than what you can get done with just DreamSeeker. An example of some of the stuff you can do with the webclient: http://puu.sh/cKbMH/bd058d144b.gif |
I can flatter myself all I want!!!!!! >:)
Really, though, I can see BYOND phasing out Dreamseeker in favor of the webclient. That's generally where software seems to be going - more web-based, less native work. ![]() The webclient provides more than enough client-based logical handling. Even more reason to use it!! |
Doohl wrote:
So far I think I'm the only one creating an HTML5-based UI completely from the ground up with the webclient support. There's probably a few others, but they seem to be entirely relying on DM to convert their .dmf files into HTML. That does look extremely sexy. ;) I haven't looked into the web client at all, but I'd like to see some documentation, maybe a tutorial or two on it's features and such. For now I'm still developing in dream seeker. It is possible to develop in both, yes? I've had nothing but issues allowing BYOND to convert the interface for my project. I end up with nothing being shown, and some pop-up alert with absolutely no text at all. I suppose I should look into actually creating my own HTML5 based UI at some point. |
Unfortunately, there's absolutely no useful tutorial on how to actually develop client-side things on the webclient. I basically had to learn everything on my own (with the documentation as reference on what to do, not HOW to do it), which was only possible because I had a few years of prior experience with web development.
I might write up a quick startup tutorial on the webclient, including how to write a basic custom "byondclass" that displays chat from the server and whatnot. It all depends if people are interested. |
GatewayRa wrote:
but itd be cool if we had some of that client-side processing outside of the web client -.-This. |
Oh, if you're still interested in alternative methods. Then you could always do that:
Make a .bat file and write this in. start "" "[BYOND DIRECTORY HERE]\bin\dreamseeker.exe" "[GAME DIRECTORY HERE]\[GAME].dmb" Run the bat file and tada. |
That would still require that the user has BYOND installed. The OP specifically asked for ways that would not require BYOND.