Bleach Eternity

by Falacy
Bleach Eternity
MMORPG Styled Game, Loosely Based on Bleach.
In response to AliIbrahim
Sosad that you have no life, but why should I care?
In response to Yueryuu
Honsetly if I had to guess why most people left the reasons were the cool downs and lack of replay value and content.

I think at least 1/4 of the player base were Byakuya shikai and kidou users.
The cooldowns pissed them off and they left.

Another thing is that you lost 1/2 or possibly more from little replay value. Most people see everything in the game by level 35. They stay longer to test other races. Then theres the shinigamis. Every shinigami grinds so that they can reach lvl 50 and obtain there Bankai. Sadly they're all dissapointed at the discovery that the only thing waiting for them is a slow ass snake, a black suit with a slight speed boost or nothing at all.

In short you tried to work on everything in the game and spread yourself to thin so that the game is full of a bunch of incompelete parts. I think the game was better when you put it up over the weekends only and everytime there was always something new to do.
In response to Damie904
Replay value? No fucking kidding? I haven't already explained that 3000 times? Good job.
In response to Falacy
New player here, and I do enjoy the game quite a bit.

This topic has me confused though. Is this game realistically being updated anymore or not? This topic leads me to believe that it's not, but the In-Game link shows that it was updated just shortly over a week ago.

I'll be pretty bummed if it's not going to be updated anymore, but unfortunately that's what usually happens when a bunch of noobs bitch about not being able to AFK train or some shit like that. Games such as this are already a rarity on Byond, so it was a breath of fresh air when I found it.
In response to DNaraku
the only update i want is hollow character oh and by the way why do those noobes bitching make the creator stop updating thats not a good reason :p oh also i want the bounts to get something special at lvl 20 why the fuck do soul reapers get everthing???
In response to AliIbrahim
your biggest fan
love paul
bleach eternity name:ZUNIN
lvl:21 currently

ps: plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssse if you do this i will find ur adrress and kiss your feat :p
In response to Pablolo99
You guys are some ignorant mofos. Falacy I know what you mean.

He isn't going to waste his fucking time on a game that is going to eventually decline, he already foresees the future of BE. And basically, HE DON'T GIVE A FUCK. So here is 3 rules for you noobs to follow:

1. Leave him alone, he do what he want. I want him to update GG but I know that fo sho that ain't happening.

2. Quit trying to suck his dick! He has a life!

3. Go troll Bobbyawesome, at least you will get some fun out of it.
In response to Ganing
Falacy please don't give up on this game.
It really has alot of potential
It's the only one of its kind on BYOND...
A game without AFK trainers everywhere, without a bland 1-button attacking system it could easily surpass BLN and probably GOA if it doesn't die out.
Also it's not true that there are no new players. I myself just started this game about a week ago and already I've seen at least 10-20+ new players along with myself. I can guarantee you that not even frequent but just one or two updates such as higher level monsters and finishing Bankais the player count will increase two or threefold. So please don't give up on this because it has such good potential..

P.S. Best game on BYOND
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