![]() Jun 11 2009, 9:27 am
umm falacy will u ever update BE2 again cuz i like this game alot but if nothing new comes no one will
![]() Jun 11 2009, 9:25 pm
Nobody new comes anyway, it says right on the fucking hub that I'm not updating it anymore. I'd kick you in the face if you asked me such a completely fucking retarded question in person. Read the god damn forums, there are plenty of topics that explain why I'm not wasting my time on you ungrateful bastards anymore.
LOL, Falacy is too greedy to sell something when he can be making money off of it for a long time. Unless you're willing to buy it for $600+
KatamariX wrote:
LOL, Falacy is too greedy to sell something when he can be making money off of it for a long time. Unless you're willing to buy it for $600+ 600? Seriously, why do you people even bother talking? Add 3 0s on the end of that and we might have a deal. |
You need to pay everybody back who brought they subs then if u going to be selfish in stop working on it. Only reason nobody come on is because u never wipe and having really show no updates when we was waiting.
add 3 os huh well ur just cheap falcy dumbass il buy thegame of u for 1000000$or£ wicever on just remebr this i will host ban u when i buy it u dont derserv to play it
Aaronmills wrote:
add 3 os huh well ur just cheap falcy dumbass il buy thegame of u for 1000000$or£ wicever on just remebr this i will host ban u when i buy it u dont derserv to play it lol you're probably some random 12 year old, I doubt you have 10 dollars no less 1,000,000. And if I thought anyone on BYOND was competent enough to do anything in DM I might actually hand the project off to them, too bad you're all retarded. Not to mention I don't trust any of you in the slightest, and I know we'd end up with 1000 shitty rips of BE just like all the other games that try to share sources. |
LMFAO OMG LOL 600,000 then he'll sell the game, but he will be living in a big ass mansion while u playing a game XDD
how the fuk do u think more people to join shitface falacy u fuking ugly lump of poo like over 50 people on evry day and the gam only has 3 races and people always coming on sayin how they want to be a hollow and ur here talking bout no one new joins the fuking game i see new peple on evry day boy u disgrace me i am relly pissed i bet if u was to just update game just once put a bit more shikais and bankais on then ud have over 200 people playing online othere than that ur a prik who cant be boverd to work on ur game and ezxpect people to join when ur notupdating it dont work like thatb shit face update game then people will join k.. first of petals shud have bankia make it like when u shoot petals it gose in like 3 like 3 tiles insted of1 and the circle around him is like 4 times bigger u neeed to buk up if u cant be boverd to wrk on game give it to someone who will if i owned game then id have all the bankais on and if u want to disscuss dis widme furthere come onto ur game see how much people r addicted to it i mean like man ur games is so adicting people dont even have the time to ip it they cant to caught up wid killing hollows to be strong and shit i mean ur game owns u put so much work in to it and ur just going to quit fuk me man that is bullshit u better start working i cant be beovred to tell anyone esl on the game that when 70 and add people come o then there wuill be update UPDATETEN MORE THAN 200 PEOPLE WIL BE ON JESUS
He(?) does have a point, though. The core gameplay of BE is, as far as I can see, more polished than any other animé action RPG on Byond - PvE balance in particular. Lag detracts slightly from the timing aspect of battles, but lag can ruin even the best laid plans.
However, new players might be quickly put off by the missing, unfinished classes. Whereas every other animé action RPG on Byond has almost everything thrown in, disregarding balance, BE is more polished, but its alpha and beta are in reverse, so it's missing what players already on Byond Animé automatically assume should be there. I'd be mad to suggest you have half the game in alpha and half in beta, but what it lacks lets down a generic Byond goer's opinion of the game hard and early. Also, with most of the high-level content incomplete the games depth takes a serious hit. While the player has a lot of choice with how to build their character, they can try several builds with one character using Respecs and will probably only have two characters of different Classes. Either a Shinigami and a Quincy, or a Bount, then upon realising how limited they currently are, one of the other two. Instead of gaining players, after a while your player base will end up decreasing because the game as it is would be inadequate. When you have the time and if you have the willing, you might like to hear that a very sizeable chunk of a 30+ player server was discussing this for a good five-ten minutes today. Also, as a side note: if you do update, I'd suggest getting rid of the Report Bug icon in the main game HUD. Hitting it accidentally while trying to Flash Step or Target and having Firefox/whatever pop up while you're fighting is not fun. |
Yueryuu wrote:
Also, with most of the high-level content incomplete the games depth takes a serious hit. While the player has a lot of choice with how to build their character, they can try several builds with one character using Respecs and will probably only have two characters of different Classes. Either a Shinigami and a Quincy, or a Bount, then upon realising how limited they currently are, one of the other two. Instead of gaining players, after a while your player base will end up decreasing because the game as it is would be inadequate. Exactly. As I've been over 9000 times already, there is NO POINT in making a game with actual content for the BYOND community. Not only does it take an un-comparably larger amount of time and effort to make than any random crap AFK training game like all the other anime ones, but it gets less players, and forces them to leave once they reach the maximum level. As I've already proven with HoL, a game with literally 0 content can and will get just as many players with absolutely no effort put into it. I'm not wasting my time to make the best game on byond, just so I can say that I did it. |
That's sad to hear (though it does call into question the Byond Animé community's taste in games). I was excited when I heard about BE and moreso when I started playing the other day, mainly because my first OnRPG experience (and probably my favourite) was Diablo II, which BE greatly resembles.
There are ways to artificially lengthen the game. You could remove being able to Respec so easily and give everyone one free Respec at about Lv30, after a player has figured out how to at least fix their current build. With more Classes in the game and variation between them, the play time is increased by a few times. Things like that to make the player actually use their save slots. Another thing would be to promote things like guild wars and maybe organised competition, to encourage people to stick around longer. Still, I suppose the general immaturity of the Byond Animé playerbase would make a lot of it pointless, so I see your point that there's no point. It really sucks to see something wasted. :( |
come on falacy i beg (and yes i know that people have said that before) but seriously you didn't even finish bleach eternity please i beg you with all my heart can you PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS EEEEEEEEEEE finish bleach eternity
hes right falacy you are probably the biggest asswipe below the pple who made bleach breed of destruction you are a fuckin dick suckin/ fucked by mr T lookin / shitface and jusT so you know bleach eternity gave me sumthin to look forward to everyday when i came from skool and its summer now so i have the whole day and yoo know what yoo do yoo quit yoore a bigger pussy THAN frankie munez and robin from BATMAN put together so to rap this up YOU SUCK YOU COCK LUVIN CUPCAKE LICKIN PUSSY WHOS AFRAID TO FINISH 1 LOUSY GAME SO TO PUT IT IN LAYMAN'S TERMS YOU ARE THE BIGGEST PUSSY I HAVE EVER HEARD OF!!!!!!!!