Gilgamesh200 wasnīt it.It was Carlose56...he bought all the Subs and made the Charge Back.I know it,because the banned Key '10Koenie' is my Alt...
So,please reply that and unbann the other Keys like Gilgamesh200,Sparda156;my Key (10Koenie) and just bann Carlose56,the other Players didnīt knewd that he do that Shit...
Thanks anyways.
P.S. Iīm on this Key until 10Koenie get unbanned...
Maxluismiguel2202 wrote:
It was Carlose56...he bought all the Subs and made the Charge Back. Yep,dats right O_O carlose56 said me he wanna hack pay pal system and get him a sub. after then all asked him to get him one too for training and z poins... he was ma best friend and wanted to get me one sub too ,he said dat yesterday to me o.o just bann this fag fal >.> |
same here. i dont buy my own sub. people buy me it when i give them z points before trade was restricted. i shouldn't be ban.
wow iam surpused now ...
Carlose wanted to buy me a Sub for 100k ZP too...but Iam lucky now to said to him fack you Oo Just bann him Falacy,and because the others...unbann them <.. How they could knew dat? Say me that Falacy and with a good reason.. |
Dam Carlose56 Screwed everyone over he got everyone ban with his chargeback fal u need to ban him he bought all us sub no one didnt know and wdf i didnt buy shit raz and husen dont lie on me it was carlose.
Gilgamesh200 wrote:
Dam Carlose56 Screwed everyone over he got everyone ban with his chargeback fal u need to ban him he bought all us sub no one didnt know and wdf i didnt buy shit raz and husen dont lie on me it was carlose. yep,thats right |
gil didnt buy anyone sub because( no offence) but hes broke ass and he wanted me to buy him a sub awhile ago for his alt because he couldnt buy it.And also carlose56 said can u buy me sub Dreh i said no and he said ill just figure out a way to get a free sub then.
fal me and raz made a mistake fal we accused the wrong person it was carlose56 who did everything we accused gil cus we hated him and wanted him bann and sparda because they pwn
hahahahahahahahaha Thats what you get for getting subs from people you barely know. All I got to say is Fal is doing a great job and people shouldnt even complain. He hosts teh game 24/7 unless he is updating. Though he does need a pwipe or something like that, which will make pretty much everyone who has played flock back to the game(and add my bankai XD). So Tac, how does it feel to be banned? "dawg"
actually kyru u r dark kuchiki u told me he was ur alt also 10koenie is not ur alt i no that becuz i got his key also
and ur on max's key for past couple of daiz cuz max's not been online u told me u were kyru on main server. it may be carlose that did this charage back thing but u dont need to bring 3 keys that are yours and lie to prove it |
Huseyin_10 wrote:
fal me and raz made a mistake fal we accused the wrong person it was carlose56 who did everything we accused gil cus we hated him and wanted him bann and sparda because they pwn i didnt want gil banned i dint even *accuse* anyone i just found out now that carlose has been filling chargebacks |
From what I have heard,Gil and most of the people who were banned,are saying "Carlose56" is the one who bought the subscriptions and cancled them or w.e it was exactly.Not 100% sure if he is,but a majority vote said it was him,So do what you see fit to the banned people i suppose,if you think they are guilty keep them banned.
i just wanna say i was wrong , i though it was Gil but i see now it wasnt.. it was Carlose56 :S whoever that is.
anyways idc anymore i got Unbanned. |
by the way that person posting about dont let people u barely know sub you.Falacy doesnt host the game 24/7 he pays 30 dollars a month to let The Planet hosting host his game.
Sparda156 wrote:
same here. i dont buy my own sub. people buy me it when i give them z points before trade was restricted. i shouldn't be ban. I talked to you in the game and you told me the subs were being bought by your brother Gilgamesh200. Drehdog7 wrote: by the way that person posting about dont let people u barely know sub you.Falacy doesnt host the game 24/7 he pays 30 dollars a month to let The Planet hosting host his game. First off, The Planet is the company I pay, its not a fucking person. 2nd off, I pay them 200 a month not 30. And 3rd off, EVERYTHING on the server I rent from them is 100% run by me, they have practically no involvement in it. As usual you retards have no clue what you're talking about but try to spread it around like its fact. |
First off, The Planet is the company I pay, its not a fucking person. 2nd off, I pay them 200 a month not 30. And 3rd off, EVERYTHING on the server I rent from them is 100% run by me, they have practically no involvement in it. As usual you retards have no clue what you're talking about but try to spread it around like its fact. Yea +1, Falacy I was wondering if you can give me a link so I may get the same hosting service? It's pretty great depending on the situation(runtime errors or watnot, dont know if you get them), not much lag when there were about 90+ people on BE. |
BxS0ldi3R wrote:
Yea +1, Falacy I was wondering if you can give me a link so I may get the same hosting service? It's pretty great depending on the situation(runtime errors or watnot, dont know if you get them), not much lag when there were about 90+ people on BE. o.O what do runtimes have to do with anything? The server I got from them is running a windows OS so I can easily do anything I could do from my own computers. |
dude sup sabin :) why u want sparda banned ? he didnt do anything either