More bosses: would be quite welcomed, especially if it's the kind of boss that can't simply be projectiled/fireorbed to death. The game play becomes dull if it becomes more about the classes used than the people using them.
Monsters that steal items then run away: Would help to ramp up the challenge a bit and they'd drop the items if defeated.
Monsters that drain aura: to help balance the game a bit when concerning monks and sages. They would probably also have some manner of using the aura against the players such as supplying it to other monsters. Or using it themselves.
Monsters that heal themselves or other monsters: Players heal themselves all the time, why not let the monsters do it? This raises the need for strategy a bit more as well. You could even go as far as to create monsters that can revive other monsters and raise dead players as a unique type of monster.
Monsters that are immune or resistant to different types of damage: This also goes back to balancing the game in relation to certain classes and helps make other classes more useful since players can't just rely on spamming _________'s __________. Although this mostly relates to sages and a few other (mostly magical) classes. Seeing as I rarely see any royal knights or anything and somehow we can reach up to wave 160+ thanks to mostly two characters. Perhaps making undead/demons that are resistant or immune to non-holy spells and somewhat resistant to melee would make classes like the crusader more useful or really any class that has the turn-undead or turn demon spells. It wouldn't have to be all undead just a enough to present a challenge that would make having a well-rounded party more useful.
Exploration elements: Secret passages leading into dungeons and hidden areas which house optional treasure that offer bonuses in the way of score or perhaps some kinda power-up depending on the difficulty of the area. However, these passages could also function as shortcuts to skip to more challenging waves. Any power-ups that are gained this way would probably last over a number of waves or until the player dies. They wouldn't be anything too gamebreaking. Probably stuff like amulets that add a bit of defense or a bit of HP. They could even be class/archtype specific. None of these would stack, and there would be a limit as to how many a player can obtain. Probably with some equipment slot system and better equips take up more slots or something.
![]() Jan 18 2011, 9:27 am
Another game I wanted to mention was Golden Axe. A classic for Sega Genesis (or at least that's what I played it on).
They would have these cut scenes in between levels where the characters are relaxing by campfire, but these little thieves run by and steal your health or mana. Then you would have to chase them around and attack them to get them to drop it. The catch was that they dropped much more than they took, so if you were good you could milk them XD Just something I remembered as being fun. (Mostly because you could hit your friends too in that game, so it was a lot of bumbling around trying to get the thieves.) |
Some more ideas, about chaining attacks and link attacks.
Say for example you had four lance using users side by side, who all used lance at the same time, it would create a chain attack which does more damage or has some fancy cool thing. You could do the same thing with mages. Three mages together casting, make a super fireball. Healers healing together, enhanced heal. Summoners all summoning something, turns into a really big cool monster. You get the idea. |
That is a pretty cool idea. Though these things will probably never happen in CQ, I am making a note of them for possible future use.
I'm just going to keep posting here for the sake of keeping it in one thread.
I was playing an old SNES Action RPG called 'Dragon View' and it gave me an idea. You could mix the better qualities of Regressia and Casual Quest to make a sort of RPG/Action hybrid. RPG questing and partying up with the classic style, and then when you enter a battle it transforms into a map (Depending on your terrain) casual quest style where real live action takes place. After the battle you gain EXP and return to the RPG style. Something like this online would be ground breaking for sure. Especially if people could party up, Solo, and level up. Classes could be obtain through quests, and/or by obtaining the correct equipment. Or (Though it might take some work) You could have it so whatever they had equipped would work in game. For example: Weapon slot: Wooden sword. Wooden sword in battle. Magic slot 1: Heal. Magic slot 2: Mini fireball. These could all be exchangeable on the RPG map through shops and so forth. But for the sake of spriting time you could have their armor/outfit remain to whatever their class was. I'm not sure if BYOND can handle something like this, because I don't know anything about how it works, but it would be the greatest BYOND game ever. You would pool both RPG lovers and action gamers. |
You could have small rounds, say after every treasure chest wave, where the players play games with a chance to win something.
Games could be hit the moving target, find the ball in the cup, or even something as simple as going back to the Mario games where you'd flip a card and win something random.
Prizes could be health potions, mana potions, random cards, maybe a set class like K/A/M/P.
Another thing that would be interesting would be an arena mode or something of that nature where players get to mess around and fight each other for fun. Random powerups could appear and stuff to keep it interesting.
Maybe even have it as a seperate mode, and everybody starts as an adventurer, with random class icons that appear. Then everybody rushes for the class powerups to get stronger. etc.