We'll get to read posts like this more often:
http://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2jwdez/ tifu_by_nonstop_farting_on_an_airplane_for_6_hours/
Insanely funny.
![]() Oct 21 2014, 1:36 pm
The people who don't like our subreddits are entirely irrelevant. There is no denying our presence, that doesn't even make sense. Garbage subreddits have no control over other subreddits, they're entirely different communities.
That's why "I don't like reddit" is not really a valid excuse if what you really mean is "I don't like X subreddit." I may be naive, but that's what I'm thinking. |
Except that subreddits have been known to brigade in the past. These are people that use proxies and post bondage porn to subreddits like /r/ShitRedditSays (a feminazi sub) and epilepsy screamers to subreddits with people suffering from seizures.
The admins can ban the /r/abcqwerty123, but they'll still group back up one way or another. EDIT: Since me and Galactic Soldier don't talk anymore, I no longer have anything to fear. His Reddit username is http://www.reddit.com/user/1bubneb . |
Reddits entire problem (except for being a terrible website run by terribly corrupt people who will censor things if you pay them enough) is the entire voting system it has and how easy it is to exploit.
You've all seen how immature the BYOND community is. Do you really want these people who make games like dragonballz extreme sayan saga to be in control of what content people do and don't see? Because that's what's going to happen when people realize they can make people who play their game up/down vote things as they dictate. |
I give gm to everyone who vote us. On reddit! Need confirm vote. Pls, give boost too.
The Magic Man wrote:
Reddits entire problem (except for being a terrible website run by terribly corrupt people who will censor things if you pay them enough) is the entire voting system it has and how easy it is to exploit. if dragonballz extreme sayan saga will be allowed to be posted on the subreddit to begin with i probably wont be using reddit lol |
Reddit seems like it would be so clunky for this sort've thing. Why not just make some kind of standardized forum with its own general categorization?
I'm officially tasking Nadrew with recreating the old BYOND forums somewhere. GO FORTH YOUNG MAN, AND DO GREAT DEEDS.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
if dragonballz extreme sayan saga will be allowed to be posted on the subreddit to begin with i probably wont be using reddit lol So instead you'll censor everything you don't like? Yet another reason to not use an unofficial BYOND community. |
The Magic Man wrote:
EmpirezTeam wrote: Pseudo-censoring is kinda the point of reddit. That's why you're able to upvote or downvote content. It makes sense to either downvote or delete ripped anime trash submissions instead of letting it drown out content worth checking out. |
LordAndrew, Ter, Teka, Higoten - only ones I'd trust in the moderation team. Oh, Lige too. And Baird. |
But yeah, if you venture forth to those other communities, you'll find plenty of gold.