Transaction //pixel work for money ($40).
I know I wont be getting my money. But I suppose the best thing I can do is notify other people of the community. Of the imposter that is "forsaken production" or w/e.
Part 1: XxLucifersJesterxX?command=view_comments&post=119922#comment s comments 5 - 12// please ignore 13, its from after i was banned from blog "D-Cire" and its a T.U.R (typing under rage)
Part 2: (side comments on right side) Basically, I gave him "[email protected]" instead of "[email protected]". Then I started noticing i wasn't getting money from all my clients. I guess over the years pay-pal has updated their system to make it more case sensitive. But this idiot scammer is too lazy to refund the money and resend to the proper account. He doesn't care about the agreement anymore, he was the work. So he gives me one final rant then bans me from the blog.
![]() Nov 3 2011, 6:41 pm
Moonlight Memento wrote:
This is why you sell work. You don't hand over the art before you get the dough. I try to be nice to these kids and do the work before i get the pay. because I know how it is on byond, chaotic. This has never happened to me, but I guess its a learned lesson. Guess they don't like nice guys anymore, rofl. Time to go back to being an ass. Its a shame ill be giving away those nice icons. |
Just release the icons you sold as public domain and make his usage of them seem less professional :)
I don't consider it being "nice".
You've been around long enough to have credentials I think and to be able to show past works as a portfolio that you are indeed an artist. If they can't pay up first before you send over the art, they aren't worth the effort. |
Hulio-G wrote:
I try to be nice to these kids and do the work before i get the pay. because I know how it is on byond, chaotic. This has never happened to me, but I guess its a learned lesson. Guess they don't like nice guys anymore, rofl. Time to go back to being an ass. Its a shame ill be giving away those nice icons. Eh, you can still be nice just not the kind of nice that means your obviously in a vulnerable spot. I feel for you, that means your the third person I know to have been scammed by seemingly nice people, Heyya got scammed with $2 (pathetic?) and me with $42 (ouch). Perhaps I'll post a blog post to teach people how to avoid these kinds of situations and to stay professional in the sense of not being "nice". Hope your guy wises up and pays you. :\ |
Truseeker wrote:
Hope your guy wises up and pays you. :\ Not gonna happen hes a kid. Most bad/dumb kid takes YEARS to wise up. (Even though Id NEVER do something like steal I grew up with morals, to care and put others before myself) Id say I dropped my irrational crazy phase around age 15. I found byond at 11 but I'm 21 now. Which means I spent of my 4 of my 10 years on byond(almost half my time) as an immature fool myself (again, I lacked intellect but I at least had morals). Anger/poor communication skills/irrational phase/noob: 11-14 years old Im smarter than you because I type better than you phase: 14-16 Tired of arguing, wont get that from me/lets make a game/i quit byond phase: 17-20 Peaceful/guru/buda mode 21+: (lol) I decided I'm either going resell the stuff for cheap. If that don't work out then ill just release them to all. But thanks everyone, for some reason it actually made me feel better hearing everyone's support(not just here either) and feed back. *shrugs* |
You aren't going to be able to sell it due to the fact that someone already has it and WON'T be branding your name on it.
At that point, you'd look far worse than he did, because there's no viable proof you were the artist (that, and that "T.U.R." comment you posted was incriminating against you, to say the least). It's either release it as public property, or let him get away with branding it his own, really. |
Hulio-G wrote:
Anger/poor communication skills/irrational phase/noob: 11-14 years old This is so incredibly accurate. |
El Wookie wrote:
Hulio-G wrote: |
Hulio-G wrote:
Part 2: (side comments on right side) Basically, I gave him "[email protected]" instead of "[email protected]". Then I started noticing i wasn't getting money from all my clients. I guess over the years pay-pal has updated their system to make it more case sensitive. But this idiot scammer is too lazy to refund the money and resend to the proper account. He doesn't care about the agreement anymore, he was the work. So he gives me one final rant then bans me from the blog. Case-sensitivity makes no sense. I highly doubt that's what's going on, since email addresses are by definition case-insensitive. Since that's what identifies an account, PayPal wouldn't be stupid enough to add case-sensitivity when they would know this would mess up all kinds of transactions. What happened is he didn't pay you at all. |
El Wookie wrote:
Hulio-G wrote: My fault for that last rant. After math of rolling a joint. You cant blame me though after some bs like that happened. Why you think I was so happy all of a sudden? lmao. |
Depending on exactly what the art is, just check every once in a while if he's using them or not. If he is, send a DMCA take down, as this is one of the exact situations that is meant to be used in.
Fan-game likely, DMCA isn't going to work and it's BYOND... you really wanna get into legal stuff over that?
I guess it could. But this is also a work done online. Likely, nothing will happen to him because:
A: It's online. There's his shield. B: Technically, Hulio would be in the wrong for selling fan-art provided anything of it wasn't just a "base" (naked man) or grass, or something non-copyrighted. |
I'm in agreement with Lummox on this one, I don't think he paid you at all and just made up a cover story.
If you look on the bright side at least your work will be safe because his game will never see the light of day. For now you should probably sell the artwork to someone else at a reduced price. As a precautionary measure don't take up jobs from people calling themselves "XxLucifersJesterxX." |
SuperAntx wrote:
As a precautionary measure don't take up jobs from people calling themselves "XxLucifersJesterxX." lol Had to wiki DMCA and I found this line in it, "The DMCA has been criticized for making it too easy for copyright owners to encourage website owners to take down allegedly infringing content and links which may in fact not be infringing." They said that because not all cases were actual infringement yet they took whatever content down to be safe. If you have MSN/whatever chat program record messages sent through it and back with the actual e-mails themselves, then surely that could be enough to prove the case. |
Sorry to hear about the loss, however.