var/addscore = list("Score"=src.Score)

//Also tried this

var/addscore = list("Score"="[src.Score]")

world.SetScores(src.key, "") // Delete src's scores entirely. (Only one field which is Scores)
world.SetScores(src.key, list2params(addscore),"ANess.TargetPractice","[hub password here]") // Then Add the new score

Problem description:
Well, it's a simple problem. My scores aren't being posted to the hub. Yes I can connect to the hub, I've checked using if(isnull()) - I am now wondering if you have to be a BYOND member to have scores displayed on your hub?
Well there has to be a password for the hub to display medals and scores
In response to Dj dovis
Their is, but I'm not posting it on a public forum.

PS: Password is also set under <code>world</code>. I've tried taking it off <code>world</code> and only placing it under <code>world.SetScores()</code>, and vise-versa, still nothing.
In response to A. Ness
I will help ya in the morning now on the Phone and cant type code :P gotta wait till then
In response to Dj dovis
Alright, thanks in advance.
In response to A. Ness
You do not have to be a BYOND member. I have two scores on my hub, level and money, this is how I would set them.

var/params = list( "Level" = level , "Money" = money )

world.SetScores( key , list2params ( params ) )

You do not have to include the ending <code>hub</code> and <code>hub_password</code>, it can be done in the <code>world</code> settings.


hub = ""

hub_password = ""
In response to Neimo
That's what I do not understand, it might be a bug-related problem in my case. You can try the game for yourself. The code is included as followed:

var/addscore = list("Score"=src.Score)
world.SetScores(src.key, "") // Delete previous score.
world.SetScores(src.key, list2params(addscore)) // Add new score.

Still nothing shows on the hub. Although medals are working fine.
In response to A. Ness
On your hub entry for Target Practice, go under Medals & Scores.

Under Player Scores, select the score and make sure the score is set to "Highest to lowest" or some sort.
In response to Neimo
Lol, thank you so much Neimo. I greatly appreciate it. It's usually something small like that, that stumps me..