usr<<"<b>Players Online:" // ...
var/counter=0 // the counter of All Online Players
for(var/mob/M in world) // U Know What is this ---
if(M.key) // Same
if(M.full_access == 0) // This is a thing of Sub
counter+=1 // This is Counter
usr<<"\icon [M.icon][] <b>Level[M.Level]" // Non Sub
usr<<"\icon [M.icon]<b>[] <b>Level [M.Level] <b>[M.key]" // Sub

usr<<"<b>[counter] Players Online"

i want my who appears Like this

1 Gohan Mistic 25 (Here if is sub) Level: 10000
2 blblblblb LuxMon Level: 9999

Like a Mini Ranking but i did alot of things to do it Any idea?
There's plenty of forum topics on "Who verbs". Use the forum search.
In response to Spunky_Girl
i cant find one like as what im saying
In response to Revolution Gohan
Probably because you're asking for something explicit to your own game, rather than something generalized. Saying "I want it to look like this" and giving us a snippet of some messed up code won't help your cause. You act like you're going to find another verb that does EXACTLY what you want.

What do you want your verb to do? What does it actually do?

Right now, that looks like a jumbled mess of random syntax that barely compiles, to me.
Well, i fixed the code. Normally the Code Appears Like That:

Players Online:
Revolution Gohan Level 1 Revolution Gohan
Other Guy Level 55 NothingBoy
2 Players Online

and i want appear that like this:

Players Online:
1 Other Guy Level 55 NothingBoy
2 Revolution Gohan Level 1 Revolution Gohan

2 Players Online

Like a Ranking.
var/counter = 1
for(var/mob/m in world)
usr<<"[counter] \icon[m] [] Level [m.level]"
usr<<"<b>[counter] Players Online"

You can re-add your odd admin var.
In response to JohnGames
Promoting bad practice with looping through players is bad. :\

var/x = 1
var/mob/player/p = c.mob
src<<"[x] /icon [c.mob] [] Level [p.level]"
src<<"[x] players online"
In response to Spunky_Girl
Oh, thank you spunky_girl!
In response to Revolution Gohan
Revolution Gohan wrote:
i cant find one like as what im saying

From what I can decipher from your post, someone asked exactly the same thing as you a little while ago.