![]() Oct 22 2009, 2:23 pm
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
A system emulator's sole purpose is to emulate ROMs (NES, SNES, etc). Tell me, how is that anything like what your saying?
Vic Rattlehead wrote:
And really now, DRM? That's the bulk of your complaints, a hack guard? Really, you read my post? Too good to be true. |
Who started the terrible idea that piracy isn't stealing? Last I checked, if I take a TV from the shop without paying for it - that's stealing.
If I download Halo 493938283871828198 and do nothing with it (or play, but I lack a 360 and hate FPSes with a burning passion), it's still illegal AND theft. |
Assuming I was reading about the right DRM (Wiki has like 10 entries), yeah, it's essentially a hack guard that slows things down slightly if your running said program with DRM on a fossil computer.
Vic Rattlehead wrote:
Assuming I was reading about the right DRM (Wiki has like 10 entries), yeah, it's essentially a hack guard that slows things down slightly if your running said program with DRM on a fossil computer. ...what!? |
Vic Rattlehead wrote:
Who started the terrible idea that piracy isn't stealing? Last I checked, if I take a TV from the shop without paying for it - that's stealing. "Under most statutes, theft encompasses the crimes of larceny, robbery, and burglary. Larceny is the crime of taking and carrying away the goods of another with intent to steal. Grand larceny, or larceny of property of substantial value, is a felony, whereas petty larceny, or larceny of less valuable property, is a misdemeanour. The same principle applies to grand theft and petty theft, which need not necessarily involve the "carrying away" of property and may include the theft of services. Robbery is an aggravated form of larceny involving violence or the threat of violence directed against the victim in his presence. Burglary is defined as the breaking and entering of the premises of another with an intent to commit a felony within." Britannica, I believe. |
Vic Rattlehead wrote:
I didn't feel like reading through ten entries, and nice spam. A one word post? I believed that the simple question qould have caused you to reread my post. Apparently not. I listed one of the reasons that one might acquire a pirated copy along side a legal copy is due to DRM avoidance. You responded by saying that the bulk of my arguement was DRM avoidance. I then noted how you didn't read my post to which you responded with one, completely over-simplified definition of DRM. Get it yet? |
Britannica? Never heard of it. A reliable source might be welcomed, I've never found a wall-of-text on Merriam Webster, especially when it's explaining something so simple as stealing.
I'll quote some of their definitions for "stealing": 1 : to take the property of another wrongfully and especially as a habitual or regular practice (Your taking property that you didn't pay for) 2 : to come or go secretly, unobtrusively, gradually, or unexpectedly (...? 3 : to steal or attempt to steal a base (No comment.) |
Is there any reason you feel the need to constantly flamebait? Just curious.
And what's wrong with an over-simplified definition of something, anyway? It describes what something is. And what on earth does what you said have anything to do with... anything I've said? EDIT: This topic has derailed far enough. I made a blog post regarding the subject if it's still wanted to be discussed |
Hiro the Dragon King wrote:
Again, beyond just "trying out" games. Like I said, mods do more than enable piracy so they're worth having. |
Vic Rattlehead wrote:
Britannica? Never heard of it. A reliable source might be welcomed... Encyclopedia Britannica. If that doesn't count as a reliable source, I'm not sure what does. A simple Google search would have garnered a "hearing of it." |
Vic Rattlehead wrote:
I don't support emulators at all - but it's always interesting to know that these consoles are now far more powerful than any computer. They aren't far more powerful. PCs just aren't powerful enough to emulate them and handle the overhead from their own operating system. |
Stop contradicting yourself. You said they aren't more powerful, than said a PC isn't powerful enough to emulate it.
Vic Rattlehead wrote:
Stop contradicting yourself. You said they aren't more powerful, than said a PC isn't powerful enough to emulate it. You're either trolling or really stupid. Either way it doesn't take a genius to figure out I'm not contradicting myself. And with that, I'm done replying to you about current consoles not being more powerful than current PCs. |
How am I stupid or trolling? You said consoles are not more powerful, then said computers are too weak to emulate a console. What does that imply, huh?
It means that computers have more power than consoles, but not enough to run their own systems AND emulate a console at the same time.
Yes I know I'm replying after I said I wouldn't but it's a simple one. |
Theodis wrote:
I'm not sure how many times this is going to be explained in these forums or for that matter, in this thread, but piracy isn't stealing. This will probably be fought by a lot of people on here with a bunch of rebuttals, analogies, and counter-analogies, but I am going to put it out here anyways; as long as I am just trying it out* and not keeping the copy, or if I do keep it or acquire it after acquiring a legal copy, I fail to see the morally unsound judgement in doing it. *My definition of "trying it out" is playing it for ten-fifteen minutes to see if it is worth acquiring. |
Which is a contradiction. Read what you're saying. The computers are more powerful, but they can't emulate the "weaker" ones? What?
Call me when you find Mechwarrior 2, Planescape: Torment, or a PAL version of Chrono Trigger second-hand. (Although there is a CT remake that was released on DSes, which are region-free. I have a copy of it. Legal copy, that is. And I'd previously pirated CT, the original.)
I feel perfectly justified in pirating games that I have an absurdly unlikely chance of ever being able to purchase and play legitimately. I do look around second-hand places in Adelaide, and they're just not there. There is eBay, maybe, but I don't feel so great a twinge of conscience from downloading games that are more than a decade old, some of which were produced by companies that don't even exist any more (for example, Freespace 2). |