I wish to know how to make an wide beam.It is with overlays?
How do I put that in format?Help please?
In response to Garthor
I was asking for the concept.And maybe a demo.Maybbbe a demo.
In response to Gr1m d4 r34p3r
Gr1m d4 r34p3r wrote:
I was asking for the concept.And maybe a demo.Maybbbe a demo.

What Garthor was trying to articulate is this:
1: When you ask for help on the forums you should do so assuming they have no idea what you're talking about. Wide beam doesn't necessarily mean anything to someone, even if they know what DBZ is, and it means even less if they don't.

2: Your question wasn't very clear even if you do know what DBZ is. Work on that.

3: Try to work on your sentences, again, being able to be understood by someone who has no concept of wtf you're talking about.

Answer to your question: You can make the beams in a plethora of ways... That is the beauty of programming. There is an infinite number of ways to program the same thing. You could create a bunch of objects and move them, you could make one object with overlays and move that, you could create a series of objects with overlays....

Try working on creating objects and moving them in unison, that should work for what you want.
In response to AJX
If I were to create an object with overlays that move in unison,I would have to change their pixel_x,pixel_y right?What if I were to shoot in different direction?My beam is just a click of a button.I have no ifs or elses.Or should I modify that?
In response to Gr1m d4 r34p3r
If implemented properly, you shouldn't need to worry about dir. Also note that overlays with modified pixel_x and pixel_y, I think, will not cause anything to happen if they "Bump()"* into something.

* = By this I mean that it will seem to bump into something, but nothing will happen.
In response to Demon_F0rce
Yep. Like some other things, overlays are a purely visual effect. They're nothing more than an extra image. So you won't really want them in this case - unless you use them to graphically represent the big projectile but also use actual atoms (with no icon) at the same time, so it's interactable as normal (technically you could implement this projectile with no atom at all or just one, but it wouldn't be as easily interactable).