![]() Jun 25 2009, 5:31 pm
In response to Morialis
Yeah... *takes it to Code Problems* XD
and till the new thread is started, lets start with this one
var/list/ExitList = list("East")as null|anything in ExitList I dont think you want to be setting the exit list based off of the exit list, its kind of bad, ill see what ur trying to do |
You're getting errors because your indentation is all screwy and you are missing parenthesis on all your functions. What you have there should look like this:
area Though that's only fixing the syntax issues, not the design issues. Why have a Move() proc and a move() verb that does nothing but call that proc? Why would it be global? There are major usr abuse issues, and you'll be getting an undefined variable error because of it. And a number of other problems. Here's a simple starter for how you'd set this up properly-ish: area You do not need to create actual instances of the areas yourself, they will be automatically created the first time you try to locate() one. Oh, while I was writing this Morialis spewed out a bunch of absolutely horrific, completely incorrect advice. Please ignore him. |
Okay, so this is the whole code with those adjustments (I think)...
world Now I know I've goofed somewhere, but I'm not experienced enough to see where. >w>; - Oh yeah, I made a small adjustment to Entered to try and get it to give messages to everyone in the room, but I don't think I did it right. |
You forgot a closing parenthesis in your Login() proc.
And to announce to the room, you would either use a for loop, like for(var/mob/M in src), or you could use oviewers(A). |
Great, thanks. It's always the little things. >w>;
That causes this, though... area EDIT: nevermind, it was an indentation error, which is now fixed. |