New() //overrides the world's New() proc
for (var/Atype in typesof(/area)) //loops through area prototypes
var/area/A = new Atype //creates a new instance of each prototype
A.tag = //makes it's tag the same as it's name
..() //calls the parent
var //declare new area variables
desc = "Hushed noises from the lounge drift out into this pleasant-smelling courtyard."
East = "Lounge"
var/list/ExitList = list("East")
desc = "A refrigerator is here, stocked with snacks and drinks for people who help newbies with their code."
South = "Lounge"
Lounge //create a new area prototype
desc = "It is very comfy here. The walls are edged in bean bag chairs."
North = "Kitchen"
West = "Courtyard"
desc = "The certificate reads, 'I hate byond.'"
Login() //overrides the mob's login proc
Move(locate("Lounge")) //finds Lounge and puts the mobs there
..() //calls the parent
new /obj/Certificate (usr)
Move(area/A) //overrides the mob's Move() proc
..() //calls the parent
src <<"<b>[]</b>"
src << A.desc //displays room description
src << "People here: \..."
for (var/mob/M in A) //loops through mobs in room, displaying each
if (M == src) src << "You \..."
else src << "[M] \..."
src << "\nStuff here: \..."
for (var/obj/O in A) src << "[O] \..."
src << "\nExits: \..." //displays any exits
if (A.North) src << "North \..."
if (A.South) src << "South \..."
if (A.East) src << "East \..."
if (A.West) src << "West \..."
src << ""
say(msg as text) //what the usr says is passed into 'msg' as text
Msg23("You say, '[msg]'", "[usr] says, '[msg]'") //gives our task to Msg23
emote(msg as text) //what the user emotes is passed into 'msg' as text
world << "[usr] [msg]" //everyone sees this
wave(var/mob/M as mob in oview()) //waves to a mob in oview()
Msg223("You wave to [M].",target = M,"[usr] waves to you.","[usr] waves to [M].")
drop(var/obj/O in usr.contents) //drops an item at your position
Msg23("You drop [O].","[usr] drops [O].")
O.loc = usr.loc
get(var/obj/O as obj in oview()) //picks up an item at your position
Msg23("You get [O].","[usr] gets [O].")
O.loc = usr.contents
inventory() //checks your inventory
usr << "You are carrying:"
for (var/obj/O in usr.contents) usr << O
look(var/obj/O in view()) //examines an object in view
usr << "You look at [O]."
usr << O.desc
move //error: invalid proc definition
Msg23(second,third) //declares a new proc that takes two arguments.
usr << second //outputs the first to the usr
oview() << third //outputs the second to oview()
usr << second1 //outputs the first text string to the usr
target << second2 //outputs second text string to verb target
for (var/mob/M in oview()) //outputs third to mobs in view who are neither
if (M != target) M << third
Move //error: invalid proc definition
var/area/A = usr.loc
var/Decision = input("Which direction?")as null|anything in ExitList
if(Decision == East) usr.loc = A.East
else if(Decision == West) usr.loc = A.West
else if(Decision == North) usr.loc = A.North
else if(Decision == South) usr.loc = A.South
North() //overrides the client's North() proc
var/area/A = usr.loc //creates a variable to hold the user's loc position
if (A.North) usr.Move(locate(A.North)) //moves player North if possible
else usr << "You can't go there." //otherwise not
var/area/A = usr.loc
if (A.South) usr.Move(locate(A.South))
else usr << "You can't go there."
var/area/A = usr.loc
if (A.East) usr.Move(locate(A.East))
else usr << "You can't go there."
var/area/A = usr.loc
if (A.West) usr.Move(locate(A.West))
else usr << "You can't go there."
Problem description:
'move' verb and 'Move' proc both give error: invalid proc definition.
And I have no idea how to fix this. >w>;
I dont think you want to be setting the exit list based off of the exit list, its kind of bad, ill see what you're trying to do