In response to Jeff8500
Jeff8500 wrote:
Level 94 in emerald? Do you fight every single pokemon you come across and only use one pokemon? In all my years of playing the games (10), I've never been able to reach that high a level before the elite four.

For the most part, yes. When I reached the Elite Four, thanks to Zigzagoon, I had close to 40 Rare Candies. I also did not do the side quests after the Elite Four, so there is a lot of room to train.
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
Yeah, I normally don't use pokemon with the pickup ability, that's probably a big portion of it. Another is that I typically balance my pokemon (to a point) and run away from a good bit of wild pokemon I come across.
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
Oh, I forgot Misdreavus was first introduced in 2nd Gen. I guess they could give it to him. Who knows, they might very well change up the pokemon gym leaders use.

Well, if you were really desperate you could just change you DS clock to the correct time, and find him. Perhaps they'll change his encounter rate, or when you can catch him at that point. We wont find out till the game comes out in Japan what changes they made exactly.
In response to Maggeh
Maggeh wrote:
Well, if you were really desperate you could just change you DS clock to the correct time, and find him.

Aww man. I forgot that you could do that. That would really ruin the gameplay value of the clock though. Oh well.
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
Hiro the Dragon King wrote:
I'm a competitive battler and a big fan of the Pokemon combat engine, and even I have absolutely no interest in perfect IVs, EVs, or natures in the games themselves. That's almost as absurd as some of those Disgaea crazies.

I don't know why this was here, but I never trained the IVs either. I never felt like it.

Because you restart the game a dozen or more times just to get good IVs or a good nature.

20) There should be a Beauty Contest building in Goldenrod City adn Celadon.

Dude, just fly. Seriously. These are the kind of expectations that are just ridiculous. Why should they bother wasting time adding another Beauty Contest when they could do something more intelligent and useful with their time? The Contest buildings are just like every other special building all over the Pokemon world - move deleters, name raters, and the Pokemon fan club. Should we have a move relearner in every Pokecenter as well?

As a developer, I think these kind of lazy requests are just that - lazy. Click a few extra buttons and fly, and stop wishing for the diamond encrusted platinum platter, and be satisfied with the already solid silver platter you'll definitely receive.

What the hell are you even talking about!? Read it again!

I read it again. You want the same building duplicated in two places and you didn't give any reasoning whatsoever, so I must assume the reasoning is because you're too lazy to fly back to the other one. If you'd like to explain more then maybe I wouldn't think that!

23) There needs to be more breeding-only egg moves and more complicated chain breeding lines.

You'll notice that no Pokemon's evolution stages exceed 3. There are a few complex evolutions, such as Wurmple, Ralts, and Eevee, but they keep it limited to three stages for simplicity - and I don't blame them.

!? Again!

I must have missed some of your intentions due to you not describing exactly what you wanted here.

32) Allow the player to have his lead Pokemon, aside from legendaries follow him, not just his starter. I want my Espeon to follow me.

While I can agree with adding animations for the Pokemon introductions, I think that adding multidirectional walking sprites for every single Pokemon is a complete waste of time - unless they draw on the resources from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

That makes sense. But, they already have to draw out overworld sprites for a lot of the Pokemon for in-game events anyways.

20 isn't nearly the same as 493.

35) Make all 140 TMs, 11 HMs, and Move Tutor moves from all the games obtainable through at least one of these methods.

Like I said earlier, this is a money grab. If you want your Pokemon to learn such and such a move from G/S/C, you'd better buy G/S/C and a Gameboy Color.

No. The reason this is suggested is because there are some moves that Pokemon could get due to TMs and HMs in the earlier games that they can no longer acquire. it would be nice to get those back for even more battle strategies.

You can get TMs from earlier games through the various trading methods between games. There are some moves where this is impossible, but for the most part the functionality is still there. I agree it'd be nice, but I also understand that Nintendo (despite being an awesome company) are definitely in things for the mad money, and selling 6 Pokemon games and 2-3 systems to somebody makes them happy.

38) Pump up the difficulty and make the A.I., outside of battle tower, a lot smarter. Allow them to use items the way players do. There have been numerous Pokemon battle tournaments around the world with people using particular movesets and strategies. Take a hint from them and implement a few of them into the game. I want to see a trainer try and Toxic/Roar my party.

Toxic/Roar... does somebody actually use that strategy? That's just horrendous. Toxic gets stronger the longer the opponent STAYS IN without switching out. Roaring them out defeats the whole purpose, and makes Toxic a version of Burn that's just 4 times weaker.

Yes, and it is a bitch. Toxic's effect still takes place after the afflicted Pokemon is switched. The general strategy for that is to get a tank Pokemon and start with Spikes, then go into the Toxic, Roar, repeat process. Poisons, switches, new Pokemon takes damage from Spikes, Toxic, Roar... etc. Afterwards, throughout the rest of the battle, your opponents Pokemon are taking quickly increasing amounts of poison damage coupled with your attacks.

The counter on toxic resets every time the opponent switches out, so when they come back in they start all over. Toxic only does 1/16th damage on the first turn, so you might as well just burn them (dealing 1/8th damage) and get things done much faster, and also halve their attack so you don't get killed in the process.

43) Give Espeon the ability to learn a sleep inducing move (other than Yawn) so that Dream Eater could be used skillfully in her movesets. It seems that every other Pokemon of every other type can learn Hypnosis (Ponyta!?).

Espeon has ridiculous special attack, and using Hypnosis and Dream Eater would be a total waste on this beast of a special attacker in the first place. Why waste time putting them to sleep (with a 55% success rate at that) and then using Dream Eater on them, instead of just killing them in one hit entirely?

A sweeper is not Espeon's only good trait. Espeon is also a nice Psychic based tank. I was merely pointing out that it would be great for a Pokemon that could actually use Hypnosis was able to get Hypnosis. Almost every (exaggerated(only a little)) Pokemon can use Hypnosis except for Espeon and Espeon can learn Dream Eater. WTF is the point of learning Dream Eater if you can't put them to sleep (and don't mention Yawn).

Yawn is awesome. If they don't switch out, they fall asleep and you can use Dream Eater. If they do switch out, you calm mind on the next turn and own whatever they bring in even harder.

In response to Polatrite
Polatrite wrote:
Because you restart the game a dozen or more times just to get good IVs or a good nature.

Sorry, I misread it, but I never did that. I generally used breeding for that. I would just wait for a dozen or so eggs and pick the best one.

I read it again. You want the same building duplicated in two places and you didn't give any reasoning whatsoever, so I must assume the reasoning is because you're too lazy to fly back to the other one. If you'd like to explain more then maybe I wouldn't think that!

I was talking about the placement for Beauty Contests in the "new regions." There isn't one yet in the Johto or Kanto regions. It was a cling to hopes that they would A) include the feature into this series, and B) make good placement of teh buildings. There would be one in each region, logically speaking. Fly didn't even cross my mind. You cannot Fly between Celadon and Glodenrod. You must either boat, walk, or train your way between regions, then Fly.

I must have missed some of your intentions due to you not describing exactly what you wanted here.

I was referring to breeding; not evolution.

That makes sense. But, they already have to draw out overworld sprites for a lot of the Pokemon for in-game events anyways.

20 isn't nearly the same as 493.

I realize that, that's why I said that your method made sense.

You can get TMs from earlier games through the various trading methods between games. There are some moves where this is impossible, but for the most part the functionality is still there. I agree it'd be nice, but I also understand that Nintendo (despite being an awesome company) are definitely in things for the mad money, and selling 6 Pokemon games and 2-3 systems to somebody makes them happy.

No, you cannot. R/B/Y/G/S/C are the only games where one can acquire a Tauros or Omanyte with Horn Drill. There's no maney grab here because you can't get it to the new games no matter how much money you throw at it.

The counter on toxic resets every time the opponent switches out, so when they come back in they start all over. Toxic only does 1/16th damage on the first turn, so you might as well just burn them (dealing 1/8th damage) and get things done much faster, and also halve their attack so you don't get killed in the process.

Yes the counter resets, but the counter will still increase when the Pokemon is switched back out. The point is to use strategies in the game's A.I.; I didn't care which ones. Toxic/Roar was the first one I thought of because I've heard of a lot people using it. I don't care what your opinion of the moveset is.

Yawn is awesome. If they don't switch out, they fall asleep and you can use Dream Eater. If they do switch out, you calm mind on the next turn and own whatever they bring in even harder.

You state that as if to predict your opponents switching of Pokemon. This has just given me a great idea for a moveset. But once again, the article isn't about your, or my, opinions, of movesets.
32 and 42 confirmed. 493 Pokemon available to follow the main character. Ruins of Alph expanded upon ot encompass an Arceus sidestory.
The games have been released so I thought that I should post my happy fandom confirmations.

6-11 confirmed.
12: Viridian is back but I haven't any word on trainers.
13-16: The legendary birds are back.
16 & 17 confirmed.
31: Music. Is. Awesome.
32,37,39-42 all confirmed.
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
You forgot #46, in which it doesn't take 5-8 months to get translated by their paid team of like 20+ translators.
In response to Vic Rattlehead
Vic Rattlehead wrote:
You forgot #46, in which it doesn't take 5-8 months to get translated by their paid team of like 20+ translators.

They've already announced that it will be out in spring. Five to eight months isn't very long considering the gratuitous amounts of everything that this games has in it.
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
Considering it's been out in Japan for like three days, yes, 5-8 months (Spring is March-June, by the way >_>) is quite a lot when even fan-translations can go by faster.
In response to Vic Rattlehead
Vic Rattlehead wrote:
Considering it's been out in Japan for like three days, yes, 5-8 months (Spring is March-June, by the way >_>) is quite a lot when even fan-translations can go by faster.

Then you have to give them time to go in and take out everything good for the English version and testing to make sure they didn't break it.
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
Okay, let's say a month to bug testing and such by the Japanese, that leaves 4-7 months for translation. Still WAAAY too long considering it's a paid team of 20+ translators!

Ruby/Sapphire took only like 3 months 16 days. Guess how many bugs were in EITHER version? None.
Emerald was the buggy one and it took much longer.

Conclusion: The best Pokemon games came out in the US the fastest.
In response to Vic Rattlehead
Vic Rattlehead wrote:
Okay, let's say a month to bug testing and such by the Japanese...

I was being facetious.

They probably also take into account when they should release it, sales wise. They probably figure that they won't have it done by Christmas and releasing something after Christmas isn't smart. So they set the date for Spring.

EDIT: I meant "Christmas Season."
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
Releasing something after Christmas isn't smart. Gotcha. So I shouldn't get new years gifts for ANYONE, right? Because no company will release anything after Christmas if it's before Spring, because it's obviously a bad business choice.
In response to Vic Rattlehead
The process will easily take 4ish months. Which is at the end of a bad quarter to release in. End of the Fiscal year and all. So kicking it down a quarter to spring is an easy choice.
In response to Rtbbvr
No, it's not them worried about when they should release it, it's Pokemon, it'll sell well even if they joke with people and it just came with a freaking card saying "LOL PIKACHUUUU".

Nintendo have been lazy sacks with their games nowadays, Pokemon being the last franchise they haven't completely messed up.
In response to Vic Rattlehead
No, its you caring when they sell it. They don't base their sales time and what you want, sorry. They base it on when is the best time for the market. That simple.
In response to Rtbbvr
Really? You're so sure they wouldn't release things at random dates?.

Granted, the game did blow badly, but that was their fault - they had 7 years to make a good sequel to Melee.
In response to Vic Rattlehead
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