I posted this in my blog, too, but I thought it would belong here as well.

45 Things That Would Make Heart Gold/Soul Silver The Best Pokemon Games Ever!

When I heard that remakes of Pokemon Gold and Silver were in progress, I was estatic. Finally, I would get to play an updatd version of one of my favorite games of all time. Unfortunately, there are many areas that the developers can fail, and citing D/P/Pt's shortcomings, they probably will. So I have compiled a list of upgrades, fixes, and reasonable additions that need to be taken into account during the production of this game. I realize that this list will never get any attention from the developers so it is more of a wishlist than it is production notes. Either way, this is my list. Most of the items on this list will hopefully be reasonble, but some of them will be a little more unreasonable. A couple of them are really detailed and some of them are short and specific and some of them detail on parts of other ones but all in all, this is what needs to be done.

1) Starting with the my biggest problem with playing D/P/Pt, speed up the battles. I don't know anything about the loading speed of the cartridges for the DS, but the battle speed was slow and annoying. Random encounters took way too long. In every game in the series up until this point, early battles were in and out.

2) Another D/P/Pt fault was the save system. It was atrocious. There were two savefiles and you could only have one saved game. I realize that this was for the prevention of savfile corruption but it ruined one crucial aspect of savefiles; starting a new game. The first thing I did when I bought my used copy of Pearl was to start a new game. After playing for about an hour, I came to find out that I could not overwrite the previous savefile. Another thing I did a lot of, was starting the game over like nine times in arow to see if I could the best stats for my starter. If I did get the best, I would save it. If I didn't like the new stats, I would just stick with the other savefile. If having two savefiles for one saved game ruined the ability to overwrite it, why not dedicate the extra 16MB of space on the card to another set of savefiles? Fix it. Fix it now.

3) Another problem I had with Emerald and D/P/Pt was the entrance animations for the Pokemon. Most of them consisted of stretching, rotating, of moving the sprite around. It just looked stupid and lazy. It was acceptable for the battle animations, but not the introductory animations. I loved Crystal version because the sprites were actually animated. I know that it would increase the size af the game, but D/P/Pt was only 50MB. With 256MB cards available for the DS and Pokemon's incredible ability to make money, availability and cost are no excuse, just laziness. I will wait another year for this game if it takes that long to animate the sprites correctly.

4) Alternate ways to get Leafeon and Glaceon. Since the rocks aren't in Kanto or Johto, not to mention that was stupid, there needs to be a way to get the native to this game. I'm tired of having to trade to other games for evolutions of Eevee, i.e. Espeon and Umbreon for FR/LG.

5) I want to decorate my room in my own house again. Forts were stupid and unneccessary; no one could see them. The underground however was pretty fun, but I would still like to decorate my room. More dolls, rugs, beds and plants and all the Nintendo systems would be cool, and changing the table and wallpaper would be cool as well.

6) Put Celebi the $#!+ back in the game. Celebi was in the Japanese version of Crystal and the developers restricted the quest to get him in the English version.

7) Giovanni. A little closure on what happened to this nutcase. Even a one liner about his whereabouts, or a mention about him from his redheaded son, as he seems to show up a lot. A single battle with him somewhere really late in the game would be great. Team Rocket never really had any closure in G/S/C with out the final boss.

8) Keep all the features that were added in Crystal. Extremespeed Dratini, Unown puzzles, the Pokemone Comunication Center in Goldenrod City, Buena's radio program, Odd Egg, Egg Card, Scuicune's side quests, etc.

9) Safari Zone. Apparently, there just wasn't enough room on the GB/GBC cartridges and the Safari Zone had to be scrapped. With the DS cartridges reaching up to 256MB, there is absolutely no reason for it to be missing this time. Safari Zone would also benefit from being expanded upon and having some of the Hoenn and Johto species "imported."

10) While on the topic of more room, it would be nice to have a fully realized future of not only Kanto (it was a bit lacking in G/S/C), but the Sevii Islands and maybe even Hoenn as well. Mt. Moon needs to a lot larger and still retain the pokemon that used to be in it. Seafoam Islands, Cinnabar Island, Viridian Forest, Pokemon Tower, Victory Road, the Power Plant (for all intents and purposes) and Unkown Dungeon were all but gone. The next few suggestions will be ways to the aforementioned dissappointments. Every part of Kanto was just... empty.

11) The trainers all over Kanto need to have Pokemon around the levels of 60-80. Everything after the first Elite Four was a let down in the originals. Nothing was a challenge anymore. The Gym Leaders need to be between 80 and 90 and Red needs to be in his 90s with a pumped up Pikachu sitting at level 100.

12) Viridian Forest needs to be reinstated in full with a major upgrade. Make it bigger and fill it with all kinds of bug Pokemon, migrating some from both Johto and Hoenn (Being three years after R/S/E as well). Being a hot spot for bug catchers, it needs to have a collection of the biggest, baddest bug collectors in the history of the game. I'm talking competitive move sets, high levels, and rare breeds such as Scizor, Heracross and Armaldo with moves like Fury Cutter, Megahorn and X-scissor.

13) Victory Road. The Kanto side needs to be brought back. The place where Moltres used to be should have a small crater and some melted rocks and flooring. Nostalgia is what G/S/C was all about. Even FR/LG threw over a hint to the future G/S/C series.

14) Cinnabar Island. There needs to be a Volcano on the island. The residents and buildings from Cinnabar Island need a relocation. There needs to be some sort of cave, alcove, anything for Blaine to sit. Maybe a cave system he's looking through with little bits of the buildings that used to be on the island visible in the walls. That way Seafoam Islands will be clear.

15) Seafoam Islands need to come back. Better than ever it should have ne puzzles with whirlpools, waterfalls, currents, ice and boulders. At the end, where Articuno used to be there needs to be some kind of ice formation with some other prize in it.

16) The Power Plant needs another set of rooms with wild electric Pokemon in it. There was really no other place in the originals for electric types to roam. Also another nod to Zapdos with a circular pattern of burn scars on the floor would be cool, too.

17) The only quip I had about Unknown Dungeon was that It was completely caved in. I was hoping for at least a little alcove with some scientists in it.

18) Pokemon Tower being gone wasn't too bad seeing as you could catch the other ghost in other places, but it still left Lavender Town completely empty. Not to mention, where did all the graves go in three years? That small building doesn't hold them all that's for sure. They should've expanded Lavender town to the east and put the Radio Tower right next to the Pokemon Tower. A gathering spot for teh ghost types in the new game would be nice.

19) The Radio needs a bunch more channels. It should act kind of like a sound check, using just the music though. It would also be could if you could get stations the played the songs from the orginal versions.

20) There should be a Beauty Contest building in Goldenrod City adn Celadon.

21) The ship that travels between Johto and Kanto should also travel to the Sevii Islands.

22) There should be two more Kimono Girls in Ecruteak City to accomodate the two new Eevee evolutions.

23) There needs to be more breeding-only egg moves and more complicated chain breeding lines.

24) Most of the trainers to have rematches and progressively become stronger. A lot stronger, with more intervals of levels.

25) Gym Leader Morty needs to have at least one other kind of ghost Pokemon. All he has is the Gengar family. Add a Misdreavus in there, at least.

26) The levels of the Pokemon trainers in Johto need to be slightly higher and slightly more progressive.

27) Redesign Rock Tunnel. It has been the same for three generations of games. Make it longer and harder.

28) Extend Ice Cave to include the newer ice puzzles gimmicks.

30) In three years, the Diglett and Dugtrio haven't dug any new tunnels? Bull. Make it bigger and a little more complicated than a straight line. Include exploration and puzzles (See a pattern here?), maybe some puzzles involving Dig.

31) Update the music. Remix the current music using synthesizers and real sound effects. Make the music something worth remembering. The music hasn't changed in the last thirteen years and it is the part of the game most complained about.

32) Allow the player to have his lead Pokemon, aside from legendaries follow him, not just his starter. I want my Espeon to follow me.

33) Reopen the Museum in Pewter City, and its little side building.

34) Change around the trainers and passngers on the ship and have them get progressively stronger every time you fight them as well. Seeing the same crew every other trip gets annoying. At least shuffle around the rooms where the passengers stay and the positions that the crew sit.

35) Make all 140 TMs, 11 HMs, and Move Tutor moves from all the games obtainable through at least one of these methods.

36) For the love of GOD and all sanity's sake, stop CAPITALIZING everythingca. I realize that it is to make NAMES stand out, but why not just make the important words BLACK now that all the other text is generally either RED or BLUE. I like reading things where all the word are UNIFORM and grammatically correct. The CAPITALIZATION has always bothered me.

37) Make both Lugia and Ho-oh know their signature move when you capture them. In G/S, one of the two did not. I believe that neither did in Crystal.

38) Pump up the difficulty and make the A.I., outside of battle tower, a lot smarter. Allow them to use items the way players do. There have been numerous Pokemon battle tournaments around the world with people using particular movesets and strategies. Take a hint from them and implement a few of them into the game. I want to see a trainer try and Toxic/Roar my party.

39) Add Pal Park to these games as well. I don't want to Pal Park to D/P/Pt then trade to HG/SS just to get a R/S/E/FR/LG Pokemon. That would be nuts.

40) Progress the story line further. Create some havoc in Kanto. Bring Silver, the supporting character, Lance and Team Rocket into Kanto. There wasn't much to do later in the game, story wise, in the previous games. Have Red and Blue come in and kick some Team Rocket @$$.

41) Add a little more story to Silver. We learned nothing about him in G/S/C and he kinda gave up trying to do anything after you get to the Elite Four. Progress his story further. Send him out to Kanto and give him some more screen time. Tell us a little about his father.

42) Expand upon the Ruins of Alph. It already has a few innovative puzzles, why not a few more. I love doing the Unown puzzles. Expand on the whole mysterious radio signal plot.

43) Give Espeon the ability to learn a sleep inducing move (other than Yawn) so that Dream Eater could be used skillfully in her movesets. It seems that every other Pokemon of every other type can learn Hypnosis (Ponyta!?).

44) Give Phanpy a higher chance of being found on Route 46 as he is the only Pokemon before reaching Goldenrod with the Pickup ability. Alternatively, you could make Aipom more accessible earlier, or you could give Sentret or Rattata the Pickup ability as well.

45) Stop giving us the legendary Pokemon through #$(*%@ events that take place once, in one city, ever. In ten years, when I play this game again, I want to get that pokemon again without cheating. Just create some really cool areas the need Big Goron Sword-like quests in order to reach. Or you know what? Use the internet to distribute it. The DSi's main new feature is that online store. Hand it out there. Do something about it.
Some of these are awesome and johto is personally my fav regin
but some i thought "Whoa this guys a fanboy who wants alot of stuff."
Very nice ideas looking forward to most of these being there.
In response to Monkey121
Monkey121 wrote:
Some of these are awesome and johto is personally my fav regin
but some i thought "Whoa this guys a fanboy who wants alot of stuff."
Very nice ideas looking forward to most of these being there.

They won't be in it. I mean, when they went to the GBA series, they withdrew all of the main features of G/S/C.

Which ones seem like fanboy hopes, besides the whole list?
A number of your complaints have been addressed in Platinum. For example, random trainers in Platinum do use items. Platinum battles are also faster than the ones in DP.

Secondly, a number of your complaints are either minor or silly. Oh noez they use CAPITAL LETTERS to make things stand out?

Thirdly, I hope to Eris this doesn't use DSi exclusive features. I'd prefer it if I didn't have to get a console that only exists because Nintendo is trying to reclaim the platform to play a game I'd like to play.

Finally, if they include Hoenn as well, it's not so much a GSC remake as it is a new game. It'd be nice if they had a big game with all the regions etc. etc. - maybe on the Wii or something - but this is a GSC remake. I.e., it's GSC tarted up a bit, fixing the problems in GSC.
In response to Jp
Jp wrote:
A number of your complaints have been addressed in Platinum. For example, random trainers in Platinum do use items. Platinum battles are also faster than the ones in DP.

They're still not fast...

Secondly, a number of your complaints are either minor or silly. Oh noez they use CAPITAL LETTERS to make things stand out?

I has been annoying since they started doing it. I understood when everything was capitalized during the GB series, when there weren't enough pixel to make lowercase letters. On everything else it looks plain stupid, format wise.

Thirdly, I hope to Eris this doesn't use DSi exclusive features. I'd prefer it if I didn't have to get a console that only exists because Nintendo is trying to reclaim the platform to play a game I'd like to play.

I hope it does, simply fot the reason that the online store would be great for a Pokemon game. They could use that to hand out the stupid event Pokemon long after event become extinct. Take Sonic Adventure 2 as an example. That game died years ago, but the fans can still go back and buy (in-game, no one would pay money) all the gem-colored eggs on their website.

Finally, if they include Hoenn as well, it's not so much a GSC remake as it is a new game. It'd be nice if they had a big game with all the regions etc. etc. - maybe on the Wii or something

This would be the greatest. Maybe they'd even throw in some Orange Islands, finally. But I'd figure that the development team has forgotten totally about that season.
Maybe they'd even make a game where you could catch all the Pokemon without trading...</sarcasm>
37) Because wild Pokémon always cycle their movesets as they grow (or at least did in Gen 2) when one of the Legendary Birds was cause at a high level they had forgotten their Signature move by default as it was learnt at Lv5. This was changed after Gen 3, with them both learning their Signature moves at around Lv70.

45) Thank you UK 10th Anniversary Event for my five Lugias, all with almost completely useless Natures.
In response to Yueryuu
Yueryuu wrote:
37) Because wild Pokémon always cycle their movesets as they grow (or at least did in Gen 2) when one of the Legendary Birds was cause at a high level they had forgotten their Signature move by default as it was learnt at Lv5. This was changed after Gen 3, with them both learning their Signature moves at around Lv70.

I checked out their new movesets and found that, now they don't know any of their other moves. By level 70, they've forgotten Fire Blast & Hydro Pump, Sunny Day & Rain Dance, and Recover. So, I revise number 37) to reflect.
In response to Jp
I concur with everything you just said. There was also a couple crazy points in some of these "improvements", I stopped when I found one that made near no sense.
In response to Jeff8500
Jeff8500 wrote:
I concur with everything you just said. There was also a couple crazy points in some of these "improvements", I stopped when I found one that made near no sense.

Which one? There are a few. I wrote this on like a week's insomnia and three beer mugs of coffee.
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
Number 11. You shouldn't need a level 100 pokemon to complete the game! I remember no-lifing yellow for weeks to get the only level 100 pokemon I've ever obtained legitimately.
In response to Jeff8500
Jeff8500 wrote:
Number 11. You shouldn't need a level 100 pokemon to complete the game! I remember no-lifing yellow for weeks to get the only level 100 pokemon I've ever obtained legitimately.

If you use a single Pokemon for the entirety of the game, you would have enough experience and Rare Candies to make it to level 130. Without all the Rare Candies and side quests, I made my starter to level 89 by the time I fought Red. Besides, with all the potential content that wasn't in Kanto in the G/S/C series, there could have been plenty enough to get at least one or two into the 90s. Red is the final boss if there ever was one, and he beat the Elite Four three years ago.

EDIT: That was another thing. Three years ago, Lance was only the Final Memeber of the Elite Four. Now, he is the reigning champion and he is much weaker, the Elite Four was just sad in G/S/C.
Hiro the Dragon King wrote:
1) Starting with the my biggest problem with playing D/P/Pt, speed up the battles. I don't know anything about the loading speed of the cartridges for the DS, but the battle speed was slow and annoying. Random encounters took way too long. In every game in the series up until this point, early battles were in and out.

I complained about this very same thing within days of the release of Diamond and Pearl. Fortunately, it was fixed in Platinum.

Platinum is the most fluid playing Pokemon to date - and I am an AVID fan of the Advance games over the DS or GB games - but Platinum definitely has the best battle engine.

2) Another D/P/Pt fault was the save system. It was atrocious. There were two savefiles and you could only have one saved game. I realize that this was for the prevention of savfile corruption but it ruined one crucial aspect of savefiles; starting a new game. The first thing I did when I bought my used copy of Pearl was to start a new game. After playing for about an hour, I came to find out that I could not overwrite the previous savefile. Another thing I did a lot of, was starting the game over like nine times in arow to see if I could the best stats for my starter. If I did get the best, I would save it. If I didn't like the new stats, I would just stick with the other savefile. If having two savefiles for one saved game ruined the ability to overwrite it, why not dedicate the extra 16MB of space on the card to another set of savefiles? Fix it. Fix it now.

I highly doubt this is going to change. First off, you can start a new game simply by deleting the existing file. There's a key combo you enter at the main menu. I understand that you'd rather be able to park it just before selecting a starter so you could restart 900 times, but the rest of us would rather be free of corruption problems. AFAIK Pokemon Platinum uses the maximum flash storage capacity sold on a DS card - flash storage retained while powered off, that is.

I'm a competitive battler and a big fan of the Pokemon combat engine, and even I have absolutely no interest in perfect IVs, EVs, or natures in the games themselves. That's almost as absurd as some of those Disgaea crazies.

4) Alternate ways to get Leafeon and Glaceon. Since the rocks aren't in Kanto or Johto, not to mention that was stupid, there needs to be a way to get the native to this game. I'm tired of having to trade to other games for evolutions of Eevee, i.e. Espeon and Umbreon for FR/LG.

Are you a hardcore Pokemon fan? If you are, Nintendo wants you to purchase every single cartridge and system that they've made.

Nobody's saying it's fair or cool, but that is just the way that business works. I'll reiterate this point at many locations in your post.

10) While on the topic of more room, it would be nice to have a fully realized future of not only Kanto (it was a bit lacking in G/S/C), but the Sevii Islands and maybe even Hoenn as well. Mt. Moon needs to a lot larger and still retain the pokemon that used to be in it. Seafoam Islands, Cinnabar Island, Viridian Forest, Pokemon Tower, Victory Road, the Power Plant (for all intents and purposes) and Unkown Dungeon were all but gone. The next few suggestions will be ways to the aforementioned dissappointments. Every part of Kanto was just... empty.

Hoenn? Isn't that a bit excessive? The original G/S/C map is already completely huge - keeping most of the ENTIRE FIRST GAME implemented was a huge bag of awesome back when G/S/C came out, especially since it was all optional content after beating the game. I have no doubts they're going to improve on the existing map, but adding Hoenn is completely Farfetch'd.

11) The trainers all over Kanto need to have Pokemon around the levels of 60-80. Everything after the first Elite Four was a let down in the originals. Nothing was a challenge anymore. The Gym Leaders need to be between 80 and 90 and Red needs to be in his 90s with a pumped up Pikachu sitting at level 100.

I won't argue with this. The Pokemon series has distinctly lacked content past level 60.

17) The only quip I had about Unknown Dungeon was that It was completely caved in. I was hoping for at least a little alcove with some scientists in it.

I want to catch Mewtwo again. Definitely one of the most memorable Pokemon experiences from playing Blue back when I was what, 12?

19) The Radio needs a bunch more channels. It should act kind of like a sound check, using just the music though. It would also be could if you could get stations the played the songs from the orginal versions.

I would definitely like to see more music options here.

20) There should be a Beauty Contest building in Goldenrod City adn Celadon.

Dude, just fly. Seriously. These are the kind of expectations that are just ridiculous. Why should they bother wasting time adding another Beauty Contest when they could do something more intelligent and useful with their time? The Contest buildings are just like every other special building all over the Pokemon world - move deleters, name raters, and the Pokemon fan club. Should we have a move relearner in every Pokecenter as well?

As a developer, I think these kind of lazy requests are just that - lazy. Click a few extra buttons and fly, and stop wishing for the diamond encrusted platinum platter, and be satisfied with the already solid silver platter you'll definitely receive.

23) There needs to be more breeding-only egg moves and more complicated chain breeding lines.

You'll notice that no Pokemon's evolution stages exceed 3. There are a few complex evolutions, such as Wurmple, Ralts, and Eevee, but they keep it limited to three stages for simplicity - and I don't blame them.

24) Most of the trainers to have rematches and progressively become stronger. A lot stronger, with more intervals of levels.

Yes, please.

26) The levels of the Pokemon trainers in Johto need to be slightly higher and slightly more progressive.

But not to the ridiculous scale of the existing DS games. On all three of my play-throughs, around the 7th badge my team has been 9-12 levels lower than the Gym Leader's Pokemon.

9-12 levels. I am NOT going to grind on self-destructing Geodudes to make up the difference, and I'm not going to ride my bike back and forwards six thousand steps to recharge my VS Seeker 60 times, getting about 40 matches out of it. I want to be able to raise at minimum 6 Pokemon equally, but preferably more like 12 if I put in some extra effort, and still maintain a reasonable level that's at least somewhat close to the Gym Leaders around any given stage in the game.

27) Redesign Rock Tunnel. It has been the same for three generations of games. Make it longer and harder.

I intensely disagree. Rock Tunnel and it's flash requirement was intensely stupid in the original games, and it's still intensely stupid today.

32) Allow the player to have his lead Pokemon, aside from legendaries follow him, not just his starter. I want my Espeon to follow me.

While I can agree with adding animations for the Pokemon introductions, I think that adding multidirectional walking sprites for every single Pokemon is a complete waste of time - unless they draw on the resources from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

35) Make all 140 TMs, 11 HMs, and Move Tutor moves from all the games obtainable through at least one of these methods.

Like I said earlier, this is a money grab. If you want your Pokemon to learn such and such a move from G/S/C, you'd better buy G/S/C and a Gameboy Color.

38) Pump up the difficulty and make the A.I., outside of battle tower, a lot smarter. Allow them to use items the way players do. There have been numerous Pokemon battle tournaments around the world with people using particular movesets and strategies. Take a hint from them and implement a few of them into the game. I want to see a trainer try and Toxic/Roar my party.

Toxic/Roar... does somebody actually use that strategy? That's just horrendous. Toxic gets stronger the longer the opponent STAYS IN without switching out. Roaring them out defeats the whole purpose, and makes Toxic a version of Burn that's just 4 times weaker.

39) Add Pal Park to these games as well. I don't want to Pal Park to D/P/Pt then trade to HG/SS just to get a R/S/E/FR/LG Pokemon. That would be nuts.

Money grab, but I'm hoping for the best on this one too.

43) Give Espeon the ability to learn a sleep inducing move (other than Yawn) so that Dream Eater could be used skillfully in her movesets. It seems that every other Pokemon of every other type can learn Hypnosis (Ponyta!?).

Espeon has ridiculous special attack, and using Hypnosis and Dream Eater would be a total waste on this beast of a special attacker in the first place. Why waste time putting them to sleep (with a 55% success rate at that) and then using Dream Eater on them, instead of just killing them in one hit entirely?

45) Stop giving us the legendary Pokemon through #$(*%@ events that take place once, in one city, ever. In ten years, when I play this game again, I want to get that pokemon again without cheating. Just create some really cool areas the need Big Goron Sword-like quests in order to reach. Or you know what? Use the internet to distribute it. The DSi's main new feature is that online store. Hand it out there. Do something about it.

Also a money grab, but I think they should release these Pokemon in some special way a year or two after the events.

Overall, some good suggestions, some bad, some that just seem ridiculously picky and portray you as an unsatisfiable consumer - but there were a few gems, and I'm definitely with you on those.


Shameless plug: Check out Pokemon Challenger, an entirely new and fun take on the Pokemon franchise.
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
I don't know where you're getting your statistics, but I never managed to get a pokemon past about 90-95 except for that one pokemon I mentioned earlier.
In response to Jeff8500
Jeff8500 wrote:
I don't know where you're getting your statistics, but I never managed to get a pokemon past about 90-95 except for that one pokemon I mentioned earlier.

I tested it myself. Try it sometime. In Crystal, my starter was level 89 when I fought Red. In Emerald, my starter was level 94 when I hit up the Elite Four. If you don't want to take the time test it, use the VBA emulator. With the Speed button, you can play through the whole game in a matter of hours. Trust me, I was dissapointed when I did it... :(
1. Eh, battles aren't that much slower than in the old gens. if it really bothers you just disable the battle effects. Makes battles go much much faster.

2. Pokemon games have always been limited to one save file. This will likely not change.

3. Although better animations (and Platinum did have actual animations for all of the pokemon that I saw thrown into battle) would be nice, it's not that feasible. They still need to fit the game on a DS cart, we're talking full animations for over 400 different critters. If it means anything, they're finally redoing the Gen 2 pokemon in the new art style (and they're likely making new sprites for most of the Gen 1 pokemon as well) for Gold/Silver remakes.

4. I wouldn't count on being able to get them. It's likely you wont be able to get any pokemon that aren't Gen 1 or 2 before getting a national dex in this without trading. Besides, Nintendo has this set up to a tee. Though, it is possible they'll put it in. I was kind of surprised they made it easy to get stones in diamond/pearl/diamond with the mining.

5. Forts are stupid, so is the whole house decorating thing but if it means anything there you get a beach house in Platinum that can you decorate on top of the secret forts. There's a chance Nintendo will include this in the gold/silver remakes.

6.Hahaha, we'll see. I doubt it, Nintendo always keeps these sorts of Pokemon restricted for special events. Though since they started to do mystery gift over wifi finally, there's a chance they'll do that with Celebi.

7. Giovani disbanded Team Rocket, and vanished at the end of the first games. Though yes, it would be good to find out what happened to the magnificent bastard. Doubt it will happen though.

8. If they're doing this like they did the red/blue remakes, then it's likely they'll include all of this stuff.

9. Definately. On the matter of cartridge limitations, I hope they have the full Kanto this time (and not the gimped version we got in silver/gold), as well as a fleshed out Johto.

10. I doubt Hoenn or Sevii will be included. Though I hope we'll get the full kanto. Why wouldn't we? They don't have to worry about the space limitations.

11. Yeah, re-balance of trainers would be nice. Gold/Silver/Crystal were really easy, besides Red needs to have his pokemon boosted up in level so that the 'tard of a rival you have in platinum no longer has the highest leveled Pokemon of any trainer in the games. That right belongs to Red darn it. :(

12. I'll be content with the normal Veridian forest. like I said, I rather have a fully fleshed out Johto. There was really nothing to it if you think about it.

13. Meh, not really that important.

14. It would be cool to see the town moved to the seafoam islands, but it was destroyed by the volcano erupting. It is likely they wont change this for the gold/silver remakes.

15. Your suggestions seem to be heavily focused on Kanto. Where's the Johto love? That's the region that needs more stuff.

16. They seemed to have learned their lesson about pokemon variety from Diamond/Pearl with Platnium. Though this isn't really needed. They're likely not going to have Electrobuzz catchable in this game, so there's what the electric sheep, voltorb, and magnamite? More rooms in the power plant wont matter if there's really only 3 electric pokemon and their evolutions to choose from.

17. There really isn't point to the cavern anyways. It was the final dungeon to catch Mewtwo. Mt. Silver fills this roll in Gold/Silver.

18. yeah, I admit this was silly. probably had to do with the cart limitations. i wouldn't be surprised if they kept the Pokemon tower in, and just had the radio tower next to it or something.

19. Eh, kind of a pointless feature.

20. They will have beauty contests. It's become a feature of Pokemon with the whole poffins stuff. Though which city it will be in remains to be seen.

21. I doubt they're going to have the sevii islands. If they do, it will probably be a seperate boat. Not really that big of a deal.

22. If they only include the Gen 1 and Gen 2 pokemon in the Johto dex, this likely wont happen. Well, unless they change the Johto dex to include all of the new evolutions.

23. This is already really complicated. Why would you want to make it even more ridiclious? Besides it's rumored you'll be able to breed certain physical traits into your pokemon (notched eared pichu for example - though this seems to be a special quest in the game because of the money).

24. They had this feature in gold/silver, and in Diamond/Pearl, and it was taken to new levels in Platinum with re-challenging Gyms. This will definitely be in the game.

25. Once again, I doubt they're going to include any Gen 3 or Gen 4 pre-national dex.

26. Yes, though I doubt it. The reason they were so low in the first place was because they had to balance the game with 2 entire regions, 16 badges and an Elite 4 in the middle.

27. I doubt it. Like it you said it's been the same for 3 gens. A redesign would be nice however.

28. Isn't the original icecave similar to the ice stuff in D/P/P anyways? They wouldn't have to change much to incorporate the same stuff. It's pretty much the same thing.

30. Unlikely, though it would be nice.

31. I disagree with this. The music has continuously changed over the years. The two main tunes may not have changed much, but changing the music is like Squeenix getting rid of the Final Fantasy battle battle music. Also, we're dealing with the DS. Don't expect anything more than midi.

32. Would be cool, but we'll see. I think it's only going to be a select few pokemon, or maybe only your starter.

33. Once again, they will probably include the full Kanto. So this will probably find it's way in. Unless they're lazy and they're making an exact 1:1 remake of Gold/Silver. Ugh.

34. Randomizing trainers, in my Pokemon? Hahaha, wont happen if it didn't even happen in D/P/P. It's been a while since I played Silver (I haven't touch it since like 2003), so I don't remember if you can fly between regions. If you can't that feature should definitely be added. It gets rid of the need to continuously travel by boat.

35. Uh, there's already 100 TMs in Diamon/Pearl/Platinum. And in total over a couple hundred moves. They need to be able to keep this compatible with the other gen 4 games. It will be updated with Gen 4's attack sets, and what battle gameplay. Changing the moves will break that compatibility.

36. They probably wont stop doing it for this game either.

37. Who knows what Nintendo will do with this. I don't see the big deal as long as they can still learn the moves at one point if they don't know them when you capture them.

38. They did this with Platinum. In fact Platinum was probably the hardest Pokemon game yet. I feel sorry those that haven't played the series since the originals, or are getting into the series for the first time. Game must of been brutal for them. Though, whether they improve it anymore for Gold/Silver we'll have to see.

39. We'll see. They might be making it possible to get all non-special pokemon not catchable in D/P/Pt in this. This includes all of the Gen 1 and Gen 2 pokemon, as well as Gen 3, thus removing the need for the transfers for the most part. Granted this applies to non-legendary catchable pokemon. So I wouldn't expect starters, or legendaries to be available that weren't in Gold/Silver. Though having the three legendary birds in Platinum was shocking, so who knows what they'll do. But with the DSi not having a GBA port, this seems the logical thing to do. Remove the need for the GBA games in the first place.

40. Yes, a more fleshed out story would be nice. Too bad this is pokemon we're talking about. You could always read Pokemon Special though.

41. More or less a more same as number 40.

42. Touch screen puzzles ahoy!

43. Eh, Yawn although it has a 1 move delay, has it's ups over Hypno. It never misses, and 100% puts the pokemon to sleep. Whether or not Nintendo changes the move pool, we'll have to see.

44. I didn't have any problems finding Phanpy in Silver. It just seems you want (despite complaining about the easiness of the games) to hand you the useful pokemon with useful abilities.

45. They wont, but they got better at this in recent years. If you really want the pokemon in give away events pay attention to sites like Gamestop and Toys R Us usually do the give-aways all over the states (no idea how it's done in Europe), and Nintendo recently started doing the give aways over internet Wifi, so there isn't even a need to leave your house. Just connect to the internet and get your mystery-gift. I did it for the rotom key give away recently.

Man, I feel like a pretty big nerd now having writing this post. :( Oh well.

In response to Hiro the Dragon King
The move tutor should be able to teach them their old moves again.
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
Level 94 in emerald? Do you fight every single pokemon you come across and only use one pokemon? In all my years of playing the games (10), I've never been able to reach that high a level before the elite four.
In response to Jp
It wont. It might have some extra camera features or something, but as far as I've heard it's just a normal DS game.
In response to Polatrite
Polatrite wrote:
Hiro the Dragon King wrote:
2) Another D/P/Pt fault was the save system. It was atrocious. There were two savefiles and you could only have one saved game. I realize that this was for the prevention of savfile corruption but it ruined one crucial aspect of savefiles; starting a new game. The first thing I did when I bought my used copy of Pearl was to start a new game. After playing for about an hour, I came to find out that I could not overwrite the previous savefile. Another thing I did a lot of, was starting the game over like nine times in arow to see if I could the best stats for my starter. If I did get the best, I would save it. If I didn't like the new stats, I would just stick with the other savefile. If having two savefiles for one saved game ruined the ability to overwrite it, why not dedicate the extra 16MB of space on the card to another set of savefiles? Fix it. Fix it now.

I highly doubt this is going to change. First off, you can start a new game simply by deleting the existing file. There's a key combo you enter at the main menu. I understand that you'd rather be able to park it just before selecting a starter so you could restart 900 times, but the rest of us would rather be free of corruption problems. AFAIK Pokemon Platinum uses the maximum flash storage capacity sold on a DS card - flash storage retained while powered off, that is.

There is no reason that you can't override a savfile. The reason for the second savfile was in case your first savefile was corrupted. At that point it would boot up the backup file as the main save and then back that up. When you save it, it writes over the main file, then creates a backup. So why not do the same thing for a new game. Overwrite the main file, then overwrite the backup. If something happens while overwriting the main save, it loads the backup containing the old file. If something happens while overwriting the backup file, backup the main save file when it boots up again.

I'm a competitive battler and a big fan of the Pokemon combat engine, and even I have absolutely no interest in perfect IVs, EVs, or natures in the games themselves. That's almost as absurd as some of those Disgaea crazies.

I don't know why this was here, but I never trained the IVs either. I never felt like it.

10) While on the topic of more room, it would be nice to have a fully realized future of not only Kanto (it was a bit lacking in G/S/C), but the Sevii Islands and maybe even Hoenn as well.

Hoenn? Isn't that a bit excessive?

Yes. I said it would be nice. Kanto is expected, Hoenn and Sevii were mere hopes.

20) There should be a Beauty Contest building in Goldenrod City adn Celadon.

Dude, just fly. Seriously. These are the kind of expectations that are just ridiculous. Why should they bother wasting time adding another Beauty Contest when they could do something more intelligent and useful with their time? The Contest buildings are just like every other special building all over the Pokemon world - move deleters, name raters, and the Pokemon fan club. Should we have a move relearner in every Pokecenter as well?

As a developer, I think these kind of lazy requests are just that - lazy. Click a few extra buttons and fly, and stop wishing for the diamond encrusted platinum platter, and be satisfied with the already solid silver platter you'll definitely receive.

What the hell are you even talking about!? Read it again!

23) There needs to be more breeding-only egg moves and more complicated chain breeding lines.

You'll notice that no Pokemon's evolution stages exceed 3. There are a few complex evolutions, such as Wurmple, Ralts, and Eevee, but they keep it limited to three stages for simplicity - and I don't blame them.

!? Again!

32) Allow the player to have his lead Pokemon, aside from legendaries follow him, not just his starter. I want my Espeon to follow me.

While I can agree with adding animations for the Pokemon introductions, I think that adding multidirectional walking sprites for every single Pokemon is a complete waste of time - unless they draw on the resources from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

That makes sense. But, they already have to draw out overworld sprites for a lot of the Pokemon for in-game events anyways.

35) Make all 140 TMs, 11 HMs, and Move Tutor moves from all the games obtainable through at least one of these methods.

Like I said earlier, this is a money grab. If you want your Pokemon to learn such and such a move from G/S/C, you'd better buy G/S/C and a Gameboy Color.

No. The reason this is suggested is because there are some moves that Pokemon could get due to TMs and HMs in the earlier games that they can no longer acquire. it would be nice to get those back for even more battle strategies.

38) Pump up the difficulty and make the A.I., outside of battle tower, a lot smarter. Allow them to use items the way players do. There have been numerous Pokemon battle tournaments around the world with people using particular movesets and strategies. Take a hint from them and implement a few of them into the game. I want to see a trainer try and Toxic/Roar my party.

Toxic/Roar... does somebody actually use that strategy? That's just horrendous. Toxic gets stronger the longer the opponent STAYS IN without switching out. Roaring them out defeats the whole purpose, and makes Toxic a version of Burn that's just 4 times weaker.

Yes, and it is a bitch. Toxic's effect still takes place after the afflicted Pokemon is switched. The general strategy for that is to get a tank Pokemon and start with Spikes, then go into the Toxic, Roar, repeat process. Poisons, switches, new Pokemon takes damage from Spikes, Toxic, Roar... etc. Afterwards, throughout the rest of the battle, your opponents Pokemon are taking quickly increasing amounts of poison damage coupled with your attacks.

39) Add Pal Park to these games as well. I don't want to Pal Park to D/P/Pt then trade to HG/SS just to get a R/S/E/FR/LG Pokemon. That would be nuts.

Money grab, but I'm hoping for the best on this one too.

I don't think it's a money grab here. They put the Legendary Birds into Platinum instead of making you Pal Park them.

43) Give Espeon the ability to learn a sleep inducing move (other than Yawn) so that Dream Eater could be used skillfully in her movesets. It seems that every other Pokemon of every other type can learn Hypnosis (Ponyta!?).

Espeon has ridiculous special attack, and using Hypnosis and Dream Eater would be a total waste on this beast of a special attacker in the first place. Why waste time putting them to sleep (with a 55% success rate at that) and then using Dream Eater on them, instead of just killing them in one hit entirely?

A sweeper is not Espeon's only good trait. Espeon is also a nice Psychic based tank. I was merely pointing out that it would be great for a Pokemon that could actually use Hypnosis was able to get Hypnosis. Almost every (exaggerated(only a little)) Pokemon can use Hypnosis except for Espeon and Espeon can learn Dream Eater. WTF is the point of learning Dream Eater if you can't put them to sleep (and don't mention Yawn).

45) Stop giving us the legendary Pokemon through #$(*%@ events that take place once, in one city, ever. In ten years, when I play this game again, I want to get that pokemon again without cheating. Just create some really cool areas the need Big Goron Sword-like quests in order to reach. Or you know what? Use the internet to distribute it. The DSi's main new feature is that online store. Hand it out there. Do something about it.

Also a money grab, but I think they should release these Pokemon in some special way a year or two after the events.
In response to Maggeh
Maggeh wrote:
25. Once again, I doubt they're going to include any Gen 3 or Gen 4 pre-national dex.

Misdreavus was in the G/S/C games. The only other ghost besides the Gengar family if I remember corectly.

44. I didn't have any problems finding Phanpy in Silver. It just seems you want (despite complaining about the easiness of the games) to hand you the useful pokemon with useful abilities.

It wasn't that he was difficult to find, it was that he was annoying to find. In Ruby, they do practically hand you the usefullness of Pickup (Zigzagoon). It is a pretty useless ability if you cannot use it though. In the G/S/C Pokedex, Aipom and Phanpy are the only ones who know it and they both appear in the first Route after New Bark Town. But, Aipom can only be found using Headbutt, which is acquired later in Azelea Forest, and Phanpy can only be caught in the morning and only has a 5% chance of being found. So, if I were to start this game at 9 in the morning, I would have to wait 19 hours before I could get the cahnce to catch a Phanpy.
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