I haven't worked with BYOND for awhile, so I wanted my first project to be something easy, so I decided to use an old idea they have had going with IRC called Idle RPG, you might know of it.
Pretty basic stuff, it is a chat room kind of game, where you idle to gain levels and treasure. Each time you perform a action, you will receive a penalty to your time until the next level is gained. As you gain more and more levels, the time for next level will become longer and longer.
Right now, there is a set of 6 races you can play as. When you first log into the game, you start off as a human, gender based on your key's gender. You are free to change your race at will, at the cost of a penalty. Every race offers a unique stat tweek available only to them.
Classes come in the form of titles, which you can earn through special events, quests and more. Each title will adjust your character in one way or another. You will even be able to buy, trade and sell extra titles you might have, you no longer need.
There is a visible avatar for the players to view. As you find treasure or earn gold, you can get new equipment, which will effect your player in one way or another, as you equip new armor and weapons, your appearance will change. You will be able to tell the newer players from their mis-matched scrubs, to the more elite players, with their decked out gear.
Spells are just another form of equipment. You are allowed access to one spell at a time, which will simply effect the over all result of a fight or quest. People will be able to visually see on your avatar which spell you are currently using.
There will be bots in the main channel, that will offer things for sale, or buy back old equipment you no longer want. Their inventory is not set in stone, and what they might have at one moment, might not be there again at a later time. Featuring a randomly generated equipment system, there are several different kinds of equipment of each equipment class to obtain.
Quests are set on a timer and will depend on your alignment, which you can again, change as you wish. You may get different quests depending on your alignment, and the outcome of the quests can also change depending on that variable.
As a player levels up, so will their stats, which all effect the way the player's character will grow. Each stat has a important aspect to it. A example is agility will speed up all of your timer processes. The higher your agility is, the less amount of time you will have to wait for that next level, quest or special event. Also players will start to earn free action points. Free action points allow players to commit actions, that would other wise penalize them, with no negative bonuses to their times at all.
Besides the basic main chat room, another channel known as "The Pub" is a non-timed zone, where players are free to chat and trade, without having to worry about being penalized. Keep in mind, moving between channels does in fact cost you time.
Players will be able to earn, tame or buy pets, which will also help them through the course of their journey. Pets will level up just like a player, so it is a good idea to get a pet as early as possible to keep them the same level as you.
I don't really want any negative comments, I already know what kind of stigma comes with this idea of a game, I know what the nay sayers already have to say, I don't need to hear it again. But if you have some helpful, constructive comments or suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
![]() Dec 18 2008, 11:54 pm
Which is kind of the idea, you see a lot of people playing the new MySpace games of a similar nature, where your actions are limited to points, and can only do so much in a time span.
As it is right now, the first level gained is in a matter of 10 seconds, in which you can earn 1D6 action points. You could use the action points to, chat on the dungeon channel if you'd like, or, you could use them for something more helpful, like the /fight action, which will auto start a fight for you, and if you are able to win the fight, then your time will be virtually cut in half. Part idle, and part using the resources you do have wisely. |
Sounds like a similar concept to what I've been working[not really] on for the past few years, except for a few features. Like, mine is based on an actual experience based system for leveling.
Well, thats a downer, I guess, I am going to have to work on something else, I don't want to work on something similar that someone else has released.
Work on something that you want to work on. Who cares if someone has a similar game out? Didn't stop the rippers :O
Trosh Kubyo wrote:
... Thats not a very good analogy is it? Haha... that's a good point... I think it would be better to say that you should work on what you want to work on, regardless of what else is out there. In the end it might turn out to be better than the competition and you'll steal all the existing players away (win win). It's true that all the rippers did the same thing (not necessarily making a better product...), but if it's an innovative idea done well then it can't be overly bad. The concept is definitely interesting, though I can't imagine there'd be much conversation or chatting happening... "Stop talking to me, I'm trying to level here!" |
A new player entering the game should, ideally, not be doing anything at all - How do you then interest the player in sticking around? Of course, there is the incentive to simply leave the client on and come back a week or two later.