A popular thing at the moment with social networking is use of the @ to point at someone else on the social network. So, for example, if I said @tom it would automatically turn my @tom into a hyperlink to Tom's blog on BYOND, without my needing to do any fancy work.

Another popular feature, of the same type, is using # to mark tags in a story. So if, for example, I'm writing a blog post on Linux and I'm using Ubuntu, I would simply need to put #Linux and #Ubuntu and the BYOND blog system would automatically add those as tags and make them hyperlinks to that tag's search.

It's just a way to make tagging and referencing on BYOND easier. It is in the same boat as CamelCase for Wikis, only more geared to social/news based mediums.
Dunno how workable it is, but it'd also be useful if you could use the site shortcuts inside an anchor tag, so say you could use code like this and have it actually work and link to the right page, but the link will be with the words you choose instead of some fugly "ID:XYZ", heh.
[link]>look at this post
look at this game

...etc, including @ if they add that suggestion.
In response to Kaioken
How about custom tags instead, for example:
<[link]>look at this post</id>
<hub=person.fungame>look at this game</hub>

This would be a bit quicker than all that extra stuff in the HTML. My only issue with that is that I wouldn't want to create a BBCode environment where people started trying to use BYOND's own tags on other people's forums.
I'm not sure the @ and # stuff can be implemented without breaking any older posts.

I do kinda like Kaioken's idea of enabling id:#### and hub:// link translation. For the post ID though, it'd probably have to be id:post@guild to point to the right forum, with the current guild being the default.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Yeah, we don't want to break old posts, but at the same time, I hate to see the past prevent progress.

So how hard would it be to search the databases for instances where @word or #word was used? I have a feeling very few, if any, posts would actually be affected(although it might cause odd links from time to time).
In response to Lummox JR
Also, [link]@help would be a great idea anyways. I've been trying to think of a good way of doing cross guild quicklinks and I think you came up with a great idea there, even if there never ends up being an id tag, just a mod to the existing id: quicklink would be nice.
In response to Danial.Beta
Danial.Beta wrote:
Yeah, we don't want to break old posts, but at the same time, I hate to see the past prevent progress.

So how hard would it be to search the databases for instances where @word or #word was used? I have a feeling very few, if any, posts would actually be affected(although it might cause odd links from time to time).

I suspect #word is more common than @word, although I'm pretty sure Dungeon Crawlers has a post or two mentioning @Play, an online column.

Anyway I think it's a bit premature to settle on a format. We're not locked into the same format other companies use, and we could easily do something more consistent with our other filters (like we use for YouTube) by doing something like user:Tom.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
True, that would be more consistent, but it is also a little more work, and a good bit uglier when the post is made(unless the user: bit was hidden, which would be just fine).

I suggested @ specifically because it was so quick and easy to understand. The # for tags is nice because it too is easy, and can be hit in the middle of a post so that people don't have to go through the task of adding tags afterwords, and it doesn't hardly touch the format of the post. Something like tag:Word would likely not get used because it would interrupt the flow of writing, as well as of reading.

Truth be told, however, any system would be better than no system, and I do see a need for either way. My suggestion for @ is just to fit a bit more inline with the current way things are going on the Internet, especially in social mediums. @ actually comes from the need for something very small, because twitter, and twitter like tools normally only allow 140 characters in a post, so something like user:Person would just take up too much space. I like it for the reason of being super simple, quick, and easy. The same goes with the # for tags. I get tempted to start putting @s before saying anyones name in a typing situation. Heh, I guess it's better than kids these days putting things like IMHO in their English homework. "@presidentford was..."