Hey i though of a new rp death system u guys might hate or u might like.
Death System-I made where if u is kill u have a 75%-85% that u will get knock out and sent back to hospital or wherever ur sent.Then If u stike the 15% that is left u lose u char such as a wipe.
I know this is gay but it give more rp and more stuff i know all that trainning you done might been for nothing but it give other players chances.Such as in a Naruto Game and your 2nd Hokage and u die and strike the 15% u lose ur char and start over.It give other pple chances to become hokage for 3rd Hokage.Another example Bleach Game your a captain and die and hit 15% u might lose ur char as told.But it give other players chance to come in and take the titles as captain.Some game have people be kage or captain forever not giving other people chance at the spot.
![]() Jun 23 2008, 6:32 pm
![]() Jun 23 2008, 7:01 pm
Permanent death never inspires better roleplaying. Why would someone even think about investing time developing a character that has its existence tied to something like Hit Points? Especially in an online multiplayer game.
Perma-Death is good for games where you role play, I.E. where there are no real skills no arbitrary numbers such as hit points (well at least not known by the players) but in a RPG game where you have to 'train' and gain levels it makes it seem worthless to bother.
By role play game I don't mean Naruto or something Animé like what BYOND is plagued with, I mean where you must play a role like an actor of sort, similar to the tabletop games people play like Dungeons and Dragons where your character doesn't come back from the dead. An RPG system similar to the one you propose Master_Water could be lowering the players skills after 'death'. After all an athlete wont be as good as they were before they broke their legs straight after they have healed from it. |
Good roleplayers don't consider their characters a manifestation of themselves, or some all-powerful existence, but tools whose purpose is to develop the game. If your character, an insignificant peasant baring affection towards the heroine, sacrifices himself in a climatic battle between her and Dr. ExtremelyVicious so that she may live on, was his death really a waste? Personally, I think he gained more importance than he ever had when he was alive.
... And, well, you can always create a new character. :-) |
Well, there is a difference in the way he described it and the situation you described. I am all for meaningful permanent death in a roleplay environment, but when the possibility that it could be forced upon you by another player PKing you, it's not a good thing.
I agree with it in that case; the intimate nature between player and Dungeon Master in tabletop settings is usually one of trust, so characters can behave as they do without worrying about John Doe coming along, killing them and forcing them to restart. ... Well, maybe, depending on who's DMing.
I was making a generalization of roleplaying in the sense he described. Permanent Death has applications elsewhere... for example, it'd be a bit silly to have a Survival-Horror environment where you don't die when you're killed. |
Basing whether or not your character will be permanently lost on a random percentage is, well, stupid. If you simply must include permanent death (which, in a Naruto game, is stupid anyway), then atleast make it very hard to actually die. Giving other players the ability to kill another player permanently (PvP) is a BAD idea. Think of some other way the player could permanently die. Like failing a certain *unrequired* quest, or something. That way they don't have to risk the loss of their character if they don't want to.
What am saying let put u in position that ur the hokage of a game and u been hokage for 2months cause the game was fun and few other pple wants a new hokage how will u give i up second the die system their is good and bad point to it the bad is losing their player but good point aleast someone at get a chance at the power u once had now i would though of something else cause i know some people like their kage or captain and want to keep him beside what the point in a raid if ur trying to kill the hokage and he just don't die he come right back meaning like a endless kage. I will think of a a better way to increase this system after all this is only a test system.
What I'm saying let put u in position that ur the hokage of a game and u been hokage for 2months cause the game was fun and few other pple wants a new hokage how will u give it up second the death system has it good and bad point to it the bad is losing their player but good point aleast someone at get a chance at the power u once had now i would though of something else cause i know some people like their player and don't wish to start over. Also what the point in a raid if ur trying to kill the hokage and he just don't die he come right back meaning like a endless kage. I will think of a a better way to increase this system after all this is only a test system. I might have a After Life system such as when u die u keep stat and all but u become a soul and only way to get back to the game is by enter ur soul to a new body(player) with a new name but same stats.
Devourer of Souls wrote:
Permanent death never inspires better roleplaying. I explicitly argued against what you said here. You did not mention any situation where permanent death is okay, and you are contradicting yourself by doing it now. This won't be a proper argument if you change your opinion all the time, or if you cannot clearly define what it is. |
Unless the survivor horror game was actually a zombie game where you became a flesh eating zombie when you died! Brains!
I think your point is a very good one, though. With a decent DM, random death isn't an issue. With most RPGs, mouth-breathers who want to PK you for teh lulz (or phat lewt, or xpz, etc.) are a constant reality. |
Devourer Of Souls wrote:
Permanent death never inspires better roleplaying. Why would someone even think about investing time developing a character that has its existence tied to something like Hit Points? Especially in an online multiplayer game. I think its much more exciting knowing that you can go out and do something dangerous where you might die, although if the game mechanics are good chances are you won't. Its the knowing that you could die that makes it exciting. What fun is exploring the vast dark forest if you know you're invincible? Its so much more fun if you know there's a big nasty monster of death in there somewhere, but no one's seen it in weeks. Then when you do see it, you wet yourself and run like heck because you don't want your character to die. |
Yea it like life as a true ninja, would u risk ur life on the fighting for what u believe in and all.
Master_Water wrote:
Yea it like life as a true ninja, would u risk ur life on the fighting for what u believe in and all. Well, no, its not like that at all actually. |