var/obj/O=/obj in usr

why does this birng up the type error?
You are trying to search for the type "/obj" in usr.contents, but you lack parenthesis. This is the correct syntax:

var/obj/O = (/obj in usr)

However, I don't think that's what you want to do. You want to get a reference for an object of type /obj in usr, right? You can do it using locate(), like this:

var/obj/O = locate(/obj) in usr
In response to DivineO'peanut
Thanks, but when i tired that it just took the first object it could find in the usr's inventory, i need the usr to chose the object that is being chosen.
In response to Lt. Pain
You should have said so from the beginning. Use input():

var/O = input(usr,"Which /obj?","Choose") as obj in usr.contents
In response to DivineO'peanut