ok i get a runtime error that says the following

runtime error: Cannot read null.overlays
proc name: Iron Reaver Soul Stealer (/mob/Skill/verb/Iron_Reaver_Soul_Stealer)
source file:,15
usr: Sesshomaru XX (/mob/player)
src: Sesshomaru XX (/mob/player)
call stack:<dm>
everytime i try to use iron reaver soul stealer

so i typed in ctrl+g and typed in 15 to go to the problem under skills and this is the line

<dm>M.overlays -= 'Etc.dmi'<dm>

O yeh this is the skill i came up with ^^ i hope yall like it when its finished.
M is null.
so what would i change it 2??
In response to Sesshomaru XX
A non-null value. Preferably an atom. Preferably, the mob in question.
Chances are, you're using a ripped source (or otherwise don't know how to program) and you may not even need the M variable, and need to use src or usr instead, anyway. But of course, we can only guess until you, well, you know, post the code that's having the problems.
In response to Kaioken
its ok i fixed it ^^ now i have a fully working tech