Right now I'm using the Following code to show face icons in OOC chat I was wondering if there's a way to make the icon Bigger..because right now..Its barely noticeable.

M << "<B>\icon[usr.face]<FONT COLOR='#4d9ae6'>[usr.guild_name]<FONT COLOR=green>([usr.rank])([usr.race])[usr] OOC<font color=silver>: [msg]"

This is What I use to set each face icon just in case thats needed.

                    src.face=image('Bleach Faces 2.dmi',"Ichigo 2")

Question Two: I made a summon all verb but it summons all mobs in world =\ Which ISN'T very useful. why is it that it summons all? The code is following.

set category = "GM"
world << "[usr] Has summoned all to him"
for(var/mob/M in world)
M.loc = locate(usr.x,usr.y-1,usr.z)
M.dir = NORTH
Can anyone help me i dont know how to make a game please help!!!!! please? its har to make a sprite so i tried dropping one in by using an RPG Maker 2003 sprite didnt work >:( >:{(
I dont even know what to start with and codes? TOO MANY AND I DONT KNOW PLEASE HELP THE POOR!
In response to Vytong
No. I will not help you if you steal someone else's post. Make a new post of your own asking for help, and we might actually help you.
In response to Xooxer
Xooxer wrote:
No. I will not help you if you steal someone else's post. Make a new post of your own asking for help, and we might actually help you.

Funny and all. I hate that spam. oh well =\ nothing I can do now
CK Productions wrote:
Right now I'm using the Following code to show face icons in OOC chat I was wondering if there's a way to make the icon Bigger..because right now..Its barely noticeable.

In your interface editor, edit the output window you're sending these images to, and go to the Options tab. There is a box to enter style information. You want to edit the .icon style to make icons show larger than 16x16 pixels.

Add the following to the Style box, and click OK.


Question Two: I made a summon all verb but it summons all mobs in world =\ Which ISN'T very useful. why is it that it summons all? The code is following.

Because you're telling it to:
>           // For every mob in world
> for(var/mob/M in world)
> // move them here
> M.loc = locate(usr.x,usr.y-1,usr.z)
> M.dir = NORTH

You probably want to loop through every mob/player/M or whatever you define your players as. Most people use /mob/player.

In response to Xooxer
thanks for help with both =] time to get started =\

EDIT: A question with the first one about editing the interface My game doesn't use an interface so what would I edit? I don't know much about skins.
In response to CK Productions
Oh, hrm... good question. You're using the default skin, so you can't expect everyone to edit their copy. Your best bet is probably to alter the style of the output in code when a player joins the game.

if(client) // if a client has logged in
// update their default output style
src << winset("outputwindow.output", "style='.icon{width:32;}';")

That will update their skin like before, but only using code instead of having you do it manually through Dream Maker.

In response to Xooxer
Ahha, Thanks for the help again =] But by using the code you provided in given two errors

src << winset("outputwindow.output", "style='.icon{width:32;}';") :expected 3 arguments (found 2). expression
In response to CK Productions
CK Productions wrote:
Ahha, Thanks for the help again =] But by using the code you provided in given two errors

> player
> Login()
> ..()
> if(client)
> src << winset("outputwindow.output", "style='.icon{width:32;}';")

Oh, my bad. That's wronng. :P It should be:

> player
> Login()
> ..()
> if(client)
> winset(src,"outputwindow.output", "style='.icon{width:32;}';")
In response to Xooxer
Ok, That compiles with out errors. But, when I tested it to see if it would work I got nothing =\ the icons are the same size
In response to CK Productions
Ok, I should have tested this first. Seems it needs to be img.icon, not plain old .icon. Also, you'll have to define a height as well, or it will be squashed. This works for me:

icon = 'test.dmi'
icon_state = "face"

winset(src, "outputwindow.output", "style='img.icon{width:32;height:32;}';")

say(msg as text|null)
if(!msg) return
world << "\icon[src] []: [msg]"
