Your recovery() proc is calling itself over and over without any sleep. If it's going to call itself, it needs to have a spawn() in there:
proc/recovery() health += 100 spawn(10) recovery() // once per second
In its current form the proc is waiting for itself to answer, but it keeps calling new copies before it can ever get an answer. This should definitely crash your proc, though it shouldn't crash DS altogether. Perhaps DS isn't gracefully handling some cases of stack overflow. I do know that this is also an infinite loop though so maybe you're just seeing DS stop responding, which would make perfect sense.
From your code, though, it looks like this Vaizard() proc is already in a loop like that, so why not replace the recovery() call with just health+=100 instead?
Yeah I got that problem. I know Vaizard() is in loop I just want it to recover quicker than that loop itself. (little confusing but yeah Thanks for the help Lummox JR)
In its current form the proc is waiting for itself to answer, but it keeps calling new copies before it can ever get an answer. This should definitely crash your proc, though it shouldn't crash DS altogether. Perhaps DS isn't gracefully handling some cases of stack overflow. I do know that this is also an infinite loop though so maybe you're just seeing DS stop responding, which would make perfect sense.
From your code, though, it looks like this Vaizard() proc is already in a loop like that, so why not replace the recovery() call with just health+=100 instead?
Lummox JR