I was wondering if anyone knows about a demo that explains how to display graphics in a first-person view on BYOND? Or, at the very least, a library? I've seen numerous demos on how to do this, but, frankly, none of them are commented (Being the newbie programmer that I am, I have a hard time understanding uncommented code, let alone such obscure and complex code).

Here is an example of what I'm trying to achieve.

Humburgers. Yum yum yum.
DivineO'peanut wrote:
I was wondering if anyone knows about a demo that explains how to display graphics in a first-person view on BYOND? Or, at the very least, a library? I've seen numerous demos on how to do this, but, frankly, none of them are commented (Being the newbie programmer that I am, I have a hard time understanding uncommented code, let alone such obscure and complex code).

Here is an example of what I'm trying to achieve.

Bear in mind it's a limited first-person at best. You won't have fluid movement or anything properly 3D. BYOND just isn't built for this sort of thing.

Lummox JR
I don't know if any of these demos are commented:

Kunark's 3D Maze
Shadowdarke's Raycasting

Also I once read a BYONDScape article by Malver titled something like, Raycasting. It was pretty basic but helped. But if you really don't understand how Kunark's 3D Maze works or if you don't know one bit of Trigonometry I highly doubt making a first person game would be a good idea for you.
In response to Lummox JR
I know that. I'm trying to do this because of curiosity.
In response to Calus CoRPS
Well, I couldn't find Kunark's 3D Maze(deleted, maybe?), and Shadowdarke's Raycasting isn't really what I'm looking for, and it's also horridly slow. I want to achieve what is seen here.
In response to DivineO'peanut
i wrote this in about 5 hours o.O so its far from perfect, but it does pretty much what leftley's does... from what i saw of it at least. plus i added a little minimap, since trying to play with the game-view like this is imposible without one, get lost every .2 seconds lol

anyway o.O leme know wutcha think, i might work on it some more tomorow, theres a few known issues i still have with it
1 - water doesnt display correctly, mainly due to iconing
2 - when facing west or south the "compass" on the minimap is offset wrong

but eh, it was basicaly just a demo to show u how to do this. its semi-commented, but i figured u know DM well enough to figure it out yourself

to truely get what leftleys does the walls would have to be custom iconed, instead of just running off of the 1 icon thing the way i did, which wouldnt be a major change, and i may set it up to run that way tommorow...

Edit: this is just some general info about it incase anyone else besides u plans on using it <.<
- the movement is recoded: left/right spin u around, north/south move u forward or backwards
- this basicaly just runs off a normal byond map, so anybody should be able to figure out how to map with it at least o.O
- the minimap loads itself off the map, only works correctly if the map is 32x32, but if you wana mess with the map the minimap will auto update so it shouldnt be a problem
- theres really nothing to do in the game! and as of right now it only renders turfs so its not really multiplayer compatible... or object compatible... might add those later too...

ok thats all for now
In response to Falacy

theres a screen shot of it o.O

also i think there may have been a bug in that zip with the view size... not really sure how i didnt notice it while working on it for like 4 hours straight lol. anyway just set client.view="10x10" and itll get rid of the black outline
In response to Falacy
It's great, but, to be honest, I don't really understand it. I'd appreciate if you released a more organized and better commented code please please?
In response to DivineO'peanut