A company by the name of Glutton Creeper Games got a license from Interplay in 2004 to make a Fallout D20 roleplaying game.
Bethesda having insecuritites of their own game sent a C&D letter to GCG demanding they stop production on the D20 adapation of Fallout, stating that Interplay never had any right to sell them a license for such a thing.
GCG asked Bethesda to give them proof, but Bethesda refused. Instead of going head to head with Bethesd in court GCG simply decided to change their game into a more generic D20 game to avoid any further problems.
Good job Bethesda, for people who claim to be fans of Fallout, you sure act like a bunch of dicks.
Aug 17 2007, 1:06 pm
In response to WarLin
WarLin wrote:
Gee, for people who made the oblivion game they sure are assholes eh? Suppose that's how people like Chuck Norris keep their fame. Get enough fans and anything that person does is just good, and anything mentioned of them is good. |
In response to WarLin
No Oblivion doesn't make up for everything they do wrong...
BUT, Morrowind sure as hell does, go Bethesda! I <3 j00! |
In response to Evil-Inuyasha
You know, most people who say stuff about Chuck Norris are being sarcastic. You knew that right? ... You knew that I was being sarcastic... RIGHT?! |
In response to Rifthaven
Morrowind was a terrible game. Worst game ever.
In response to Revenant Jesus
See? He knows how to be sarcastic too!
Because everyone knows you have to have an iq of George Bush to not be able to like an open world where you can do... most anything and go where ever the hell you want regardless of what anyone else tells you to do... Fun game :D. Not as fun as oblivion but still fun~. |
In response to Revenant Jesus
I'm pretty sure a comment like that is like to land you in the one of the seven circles of hell!
In response to WarLin
I never cared for Morrowind, as a matter of fact, I could only play it for short bursts of time at any given time. I tired to play it several times and simply couldn't get into it. Didn't like it.
Oblivion has the same open end-ness as Morrowind, but I was able to get into the game much easier the Morrowind for some reason. |
In response to Revenant Jesus
Odd, or atleast seems odd to me. In my opinion Morrowind had everything over Oblivion other than the graphics and a more developed combat system.
Ugh, i would of loved to of seen a D20 system of fallout. Hearing this is thoroughly disappointing. Oh well, any word on what said generic D20 game is going to be?
Edit: However, the game informer article on Fallout 3 made me almost lose it. It looks pretty, and apparently is going to have the feel of the originals which i love. I can't wait to get the jigalo award, again! |
In response to Rifthaven
It's probably the text versus speech thing. It's what turned me off Morrowind. When I stop playing to read a wall of text it really snaps me out of the game.
Also, when someone is telling you to go see someone somewhere and they're speaking it's easy to absorb the names of that someone and somewhere. Yet when I read those names they blur out. I hear it's pretty common. |
In response to DarkView
No actually I read quite a bit and reading text is no big deal to me. I can't really say what I didn't like about it.
If someone really wanted to play a D20 Fallout, they could just use the game as a resource, since Fallout is based on a D20 system. Last time I read it was actully based on GURPS. |
In response to Revenant Jesus
Fallout couldn't of been on the d20 system, or the one most of us know it as. 'cause your player could hit mobs with ungodly AC and if you modded your char to 999 AC mobs could still hit you.
In response to Darkdemonrad
A armor class of 9999 was impossible, you could only get that by cheating. Anyways, yes, even if it was 9999 and you got hit, it could still be based on the D20 system.
Like in the case of Dungeons and Dragons 3.0 edition. Your armor class is decided by a few vars such as size, weight, class and armor. Your ability to hit a creature is based on a dice roll (A D20) + any bonuses you might have. A good example is, one of my level 12 Barbians had about a +6 bonus. Because of that, if I rolled a perfect 20 on my dice roll, Id actully get a 26. Because of the bonuses and the dice rolls, anything is really possible. It is improable to be hit with an A/C that high, but it isn't impossible. As a matter of fact a lot of the leveling up and stuff is based off of a D20 system. |
But Oblivion makes up for everything they do wrong. EVERYTHING. Even if they kill a few people.