//original; no problem
if(ismob(M) && M.client)

//new; problem here
if(ismob(M) && M.client)
M.nofight = 1
M.nofight = 0//to here are inconsistent errors for some reason

Problem description: I don't know why it says inconsistent indentions when it looks perfectly alligned. I believe I asked this question a long time ago, but it still frustrates me every time this happens since I forgot or never found out how to fix.

Even if it looks perfectly aligned, you may be mixing tabs and spaces. Press control-T to show tabs.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
Even if it looks perfectly aligned, you may be mixing tabs and spaces. Press control-T to show tabs.

I tried that too. I always used tabs for the past couple years.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Everything under M.nofight = 1 under the if() statement you pointed out seems to be indented one extra.
In response to GhostAnime
GhostAnime wrote:
Everything under M.nofight = 1 under the if() statement you pointed out seems to be indented one extra.

Wow really? I just noticed that; but I coulda swore I copied and pasted it correct from the DM window..Anyways, I retyped it(still using tabs), and it still says inconsistent errors..

Edit: I did notice that it goes oveer one more space when pasted here...
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Well, a quick way would be to de-indent everything and re-indent it (gotta love shift+tab or de-indent and tab for tab indent) the whole lot where it is happening just in case (when I copy/pasted and aligned the three lines with spaces, it worked out perfectly)
In response to GhostAnime
Wow for some strange reason it works.. Typing it out with the tab arrows showing but not without them showing..Thanks. 0_0
In other news:

You shouldn't have all that stuff in Enter(). It should be in Entered().
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
Garthor wrote:
Even if it looks perfectly aligned, you may be mixing tabs and spaces. Press control-T to show tabs.

I tried that too. I always used tabs for the past couple years.

To have used Ctrl+T to check on this and not see it means you didn't spare it more than a glance. It should be clear that either a tab is somewhere, or it's not. There are definitely tabs and spaces mixed there. In several places you should be expecting to see the tab (with Ctrl+T turned on) but won't.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
More insidiously, you may have a space right in the middle of a bunch of tabs. In this case, it's only apparent by the tab characters being out of alignment.