Applicable Configuration:
BYOND Version: 3.5 Beta 10
Operating System: Windows XP
Web Browser: Internet Explorer
Game/Hub(s): The website itself

Descriptive Problem Summary:
When I try to connect to the website my computer refuses to load it, but here's more odd parts..

I can connect to the pager SOMETIMES
I can play games I got on my computer...

But, no one gets my pagers, and the only way I get here is through a proxy...

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
(I got Earthlink internet)
Start up Internet Explorer
Try to go on the BYOND website
See it fail and probably bring you to a search engine.

Expected Results:
It gives a search engine to find BYOND websites, then I click one and get "Page cannot be displayed"

Actual Results:
No one can enter games I host, I can't get into games, my BYOND is offline alot, and I can't get to the website.

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Everytime.
In other games? Yes.
On other computers? Only on this one, and the one that gets internet off my router.
In other user accounts? Unsure.

When does the problem NOT occur? It always happens.

Workarounds: I got no idea.

Please help, and thank you.
It seems like its fixed when you use a proxy server the problem might be your ISP i think they are blocking byond :S

Since you get there address on the end.

TRY ringing them?
In response to A.T.H.K
Tried that, they nearly destroyed my computer.
In response to King of Slimes
I know this might sound stupid but have you reformatted? have you tried byond on another pc at you house?
In response to A.T.H.K
The other computer in my house isn't mine, and it has RoadRunner.

Also, there's another computer, the one that gets internet off my router, but that one has my problem.

My computer's acting strange, so I might reformat soon.
In response to King of Slimes
"Also, there's another computer, the one that gets internet off my router, but that one has my problem."

You almost answered your own question right there. If both computers are having the same problem, follow the lines. It's quite possibly the router. If you know how to get into the routers internal settings, it could possibly have built in firewalls that are blocking you. You probably don't know how to do this, but if you can get into it's settings, try 'dematerializing' your computer, then try to connect to a BYOND game. I'm sorry about the hosting. With a router you'll never win. I've dealt with a couple and the most you'll get is a headache. The most success I got was people could connect, but they were randomly disconnected and sometimes it was hard for them to connect.
In response to Mikau
Mikau wrote:
try 'dematerializing' your computer

Surely you mean "DMZ-ing". (DMZ = Demilitarized Zone, meaning that a computer behind the router is effectively given a direct connection to the internet.)
In response to Crispy
Nonono. If he wants to dematerialize his computer, by all means we should let him. :)
In response to Crispy
Yeah, that's what I meant. I haven't been inside a routers settings in a while. I was just sounding out the word. Thanks.
In response to Crispy
My BYOND problems seem to have pwned itself..
In response to Dark Bahamut
Scratch that, there's time I can get here and times I cant.
In response to Dark Bahamut
Dark Bahamut wrote:
Scratch that, there's time I can get here and times I cant.

"In rare circumstances DNS error page routing may cause problems for some EarthLink customers running various speciality programs or services. As a work around, EarthLink provides two DNS addresses that do not route to our EarthLink/Yahoo! error page."

Maybe that page could help.
In response to Jon88
Thank you very much, Earthlink sucks noodles I know but I can't change >_>
In response to Dark Bahamut
Um, what was I supposed to do with that?
In response to Dark Bahamut
It provides instructions on using alternate earthlink DNS servers if you're experiencing problems with the default ones. It might help, but then again, it also might not. It's something to try anyways.
In response to Jon88
Please, if ANYONE has ANY idea on how to help... please.

Each proxy website sucks harder then the last one...

Thank you Jon.
In response to Dark Bahamut
He already posted exactly what you need to do to fix your problem. If you would have actually read the article and did what he told you to do you'd be fine.
In response to Nadrew
Did that.

Just because I'm not trust worthly with DM doesnt mean I don't know what to do there.

I _DID_ everything that link said, but parts just dont make sense.
In response to Dark Bahamut
Come on...

You're the only people I can actually rely on... Even ATHK >_>

If this isnt fixed, you'll never have your adored wiz_chat logs and stuff...

Seriously, is my problem THAT hard to fix?
In response to King of Slimes
First off you basher me about everything i say then you change your mind and you rely on me.

Ok well lets see if we can't actually help you without getting flames for once.

Have your tried any proxy programs?

Have you tried the steps above about changing proxy to the other earthlink dns?

" In rare circumstances DNS error page routing may cause problems for some EarthLink customers running various speciality programs or services. As a work around, EarthLink provides two DNS addresses that do not route to our EarthLink/Yahoo! error page. These DNS addresses can be used as a means of opting out of the error re-routing service.

* (East Coast)
* (West Coast)

Are you changing DNS only on windows or are you doing it in the router? case.asp?s=st%3D208%2Ce%3D0000000001421756602%2Ck%3D4319%2Cs xi%3D14&article=3737

[EDIT] Although i know your young i still wouldn't put up with this your ISP is disgusting.
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