1.how do i get the person's char on the title screen after they choose their name
2.how do i get the hair to show up on the char when they choose it
3.how do i make it when they choose their skin tone they turn into that icon
4.when they click done they go to the game and are the char they made
Feb 24 2007, 9:59 am
In response to Atomixkid
im not a coder so i dont know how to do that stuff thats why im asking all these questions i need it in code form
In response to Vegito SSJ44
Read the DM guide and learn it. People aren't gonna give it to you.
In response to Vegito SSJ44
Vegito SSJ44 wrote:
im not a coder so i dont know how to do that stuff thats why im asking all these questions i need it in code form This is not a 'code hotline'. These forums don't exist to serve you code. If you want to accomplish something, you'll need to work on doing so yourself as well. |
3. Make diffrent objs for each hair type. Add on the person's overlay the object hair when it's clicked.
4. Make diffrent objs with the icon state what the user will get. When clicked make the user's icon state equel the obj's icon state.