I had a dream once (long time ago) where I was dead scared of a bowl of fruit. Not, like, a bowl of a scary fruit or anything. Just apples and stuff. For some reason that freaked me out...
Oh, I remembered another one:
I was talking to Bobby from the cartoon "Bobby's World". We where hanging out in a tree, also, there was a dresser in the tree. Then I was Bobby and we where moving to a new house. I awoke to the show actually being on, the episode was about Bobby moving to a new house. Interesting how we form our dreams around what we hear. I have had other dreams triggered by shows playing on my TV, they are always the strangest. |
"That's all they really want
Is some lunch Don't know for certain but I've got a hunch Those girls, they want to have lunch Oh, girls just want to have lunch" -Weird Al 'Girls Just Want To Have Lunch' |
![]() I had a dream that this guy was chasing me around a mansion, trying to chop me into bits. He took a god chunk out of my hip before I woke up. I've never played a Silent Hill game, though. :( |
Holy crap, sweetness. I was wondering how I am passing pre calc with a B, yet I daydream every day, then can turn around and do the homework, tests and quizzes.
It's a gift best developed in detention, that's where I got it from. It's handy being able to sleep or daydream without worrying about getting in trouble for being caught.
S'like light dreaming that I learnt to pull off in lessons. If you're in a very, very light sleep you can drift in and out of it quickly but pretty much any stimulus - a kid knocking into you, a window opening, teacher asking you a question - will wake you up.
I think I learnt how to do it after I fell asleep in biology, had my teacher and class standing next to me staring (he was pretty annoyed) and I only began to wake after someone put a hot-air blower/heater right in front of my unconscious face. =P |
Quite often my body continues to do what it was doing when I daydream even though I am not aware of it. It is quite an odd experience.
For example, when I used to play in the orchestra I would sort of "zone out" while playing and then begin daydreaming about something else. Later in the song, or sometimes just after finishing, I would come to and realise that I was unaware of my playing. I would then worry about my performance, thinking "Uh-oh, how did I do? I wasn't even thinking about it; was I squeaking horribly and ruining everything?" But when I asked later, every time people told me I did just fine. It also happened once way back in 3rd or 4th grade. I was reading an article to the class about past presidents when I started daydreaming and forgot I was reading. I "came to" about halfway through the article and realised I hadn't been paying attention to my reading, and I suddenly stopped since it startled me. I stuttered a bit and sounded bad for a moment, but then started to read again normally, though I was wondering if anyone noticed and if I said anything stupid, and I probably looked red as a beet. |
That reminds me of more dreams I have. I tend to dream of losing muscle control. I will be running in a race or even just going someplace when my legs give out and I can no longer stand. It is a weird feeling and is hard to explain. I can still move my legs, but if I put weight on them(Stand up), they go limp. I have had this happen with my arms in a few dreams.
Loduwijk wrote:
Quite often my body continues to do what it was doing when I daydream even though I am not aware of it. It is quite an odd experience. I experience this quite often, too... When it happens, I myself am not awake at all, nearly always not aware of the situation, but yet I handle perfectly fine. As if someone else is steering me. In my case it's not really '(day )dreaming', because I aren't really dreaming when it occurs, but rather half-asleep, but while being fully aware of that you're not 100% awake*, strangely enough... * "Awake" isn't really the correct term, I just can't find any other word for it... Something between being drowsy and dizzy... O-matic |
This reminds me of something that really freaked me out, I thought I had died.
I was fully awake and concious,but I could not open my eyes or talk! I could hear everything, and was still breathing, but for about 15 minutes I was like a vegetable. Scared the stuffs outta me >> |
One of my weirdest dreams, if not the weirdest, is a dream where I was just wandering around, and I found a squirrel trying to put on a thong that was shaped like a hammock...
I do that while driving. More than once have I arrived at my house, swearing that I had just left work a few seconds before, the entire drive being a blank time in my mind. The strange part is that I live about 15-20 minutes from work and have to drive through traffic and on winding roads every day.
Xx Dark Wizard xX wrote,
Sometimes I have dreams where I am unable to move, I am paralysed. How to sleep for the subconcious mind: 1. Concious mind goes away. QUICK! MAINTAIN BODY!!! 2. REM period starts. DISCONNECT ALL BODY CONTROLS! [paralyzed from this point on] 3. REM period ends. RECONNECT ALL BODY CONTRO-- oo shiny.. here shiny shiny... |
Android Data wrote:
2. REM period starts. DISCONNECT ALL BODY CONTROLS! [paralyzed from this point on] Not true, you can still move fine in your sleep, you just don't control it. |
Not entirely true, either... The body does manufacture muscle paralyzing chemicals during sleep (particularly REM sleep)... Presumably as a way to keep us from harming ourselves by acting out our dreams...
The effectiveness of this varies from person to person, of course... Some are locked down into seemingly no movement at all (from what I can deduce, I'm of this type, judging by body position, blanket and pillow locations, etc. before and after sleeping; nothing changes), while some can still move pretty freely, and still others can end up as sleepwalkers, with apparently no effect from this at all... And its timing is also not always perfect... It doesn't always completely sync with the brain's current level of awareness... Sometimes, it fails to kick in soon enough, and people will find themselves awakened by some movement they're acting out from their dream... Sometimes, it doesn't wear off fast enough, and people will find themselves mentally alert, yet unable to move... But in any case, muscle paralysis does indeed occur during sleep (again, especially REM sleep) |
A freaky experience, but perfectly normal: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis
1. I was Beetlejuice, for some reason I could fly, I was flying through a giant maze of monkey bars... crazy
2. Freddy Cougar(No clue how to spell his name) had trapped me and my friends in one of their backyards, there was only a 4 foot metal fence keeping us in there. My Mom was walking down the road, I was yelling and yelling, she didn't hear me, so I jumped the fence, I really don't remember what happened after that
3. I am climbing a ladder/building, I get to the top and grab for the last step/top of the building, my hand slips and I start falling, I wake up during the fall, but I have the feeling like I was just dropped onto my bed, it is weird, but I don't think much of it.
4. There are more, but I can't remember them.