![]() Jun 3 2006, 5:02 pm
In response to Kujila
Hah, you know it. The secret is unveiled. (AKA, too late to edit).
Prince of Worlds wrote:
ATTENTION : I have figured out who the Anti Christ is. I have a feeling it was an Ancient Philosipher by the name of Howard Edward Butt. Now if you check out the first letter of his First name, Middle Name, and Last name it spells out HEB. Which is common knowledge it was made in June 6, 6. Now if we look at what people say it says 6/6/6. He made the philosiphy about some strange thing called a "Store" Where he breeds his army of Demons from the end of the Cosmos. He has gotten his army ready and has prepared to ATTACK ! Now prepare yourself and CHARGE! Oh wow, great theory, where does this HOWARD guy live? We need to protect ourselves from him ahead of time! What do you guys suggest we do to protect ourselves against this guy? |
It is not a theory its is a Prophicy =P He lives in aisle three by the soup cans. When you go by them say "AntiChrist lives with rice but does not tolerate mice" A secret compartment will open. Jump down it and watch out for the Shamans! Use the holy grail to avoid detection.
Flame Sage wrote:
I'm not getting anyone all panicy, otherwise I would be like OMG THE ANTICHRIST IS COMING RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! I mean woohoo..Like somebody else said its actually gonna 6/6/06 not 6/6/6. To me that day means nothing to meh, just another day of life and the day that The Omen comes out.. |
Well, it really doesn't make sense to do dates, because think about all of the calanders have have been used throughout the years.
I say we strike first, imagine his suprise :)
That or make friends and play some poker. Either way, we win. |
You DO realize the anti-christ is the DEVIL right?
(Do not quote me for all of this) 1) You cannot KILL the antichrist, everything has already been foretold, even if the anti-christ was traveling in some kind of plane, and you crashed it, he would still live, the events of the bible still have to be played out. 2) The antichrist knows (I believe) all. He knows he will be defeated, I don't have all the answers, but I assume he still goes on with his plan because he would still have rule on earth, his mission isn't to turn people to the Devil, it's to turn people away from Christ. 3) Letters are supposed to be devliered to some church in Asia, Africa, one of those places, by an angle, but it will prob. be a person disguised as an Angle. I love reading everything to do with the "End of the World", so if anyone has any reading that is actually christian / bible "agreeing" please post the links to such articles. |
I say we attack at dawn!
But anyways, does it mention in the bible about a specific date? Just because the number is six six six doesn't mean it's a calender date. Even if he is the incarnation of evil, he can stay be good. Where there is darkness, there is light. Everything has the right to choose, and it will beat any prophecy. Believe in the spirit of humans. |
Well, it's the DEVIL in a human form, the human isn't posessed or anything.
It's kind of like how Jesus came down, he didn't posess anyone, he came in a human form. I do not belive the Bible talks about any dates, I believe the only thing it does say is something about how 'it shall come at a time when we are not aware' or something. Just beacause it's 6/6/06 doesn't mean the antichrist will be REVEALED, maybe he's born on this date? Only time shall tell. |
But howard is my poker buddy on Monday nights. All well since everyone is saying your the devil, I'll have to kill you :/
But WHICH sixth of June? Remember that timezones exist! Is it American time? Why? Just because America has an overinflated ego, really. GMT? But why the hell would it be connected to England? Keep in mind that there's a whole 48-hour span of time in which it is the sixth of June, 2006, somewhere in the world (As the point JUST EAST of the international dateline gets there 24 hours after the point JUST WEST of the international dateline, and then stays at that day for 24 hours).
The only two which you could use that would make any logical sense (Although applying logic to this situation is a little silly...) would be Jerusalem's timezone, or a point just west of the dateline. Also note that the calendar is an entirely artificial construct - if nothing major happens, it'll be the sixth of june, 2006 in the gregorian calender (Wait, that happened a while ago, and there weren't any problems...). Or maybe it's the sixth of the sixth month in the sixth year of the Chinese calendar. Or the Mayan calender. And, of course, the destruction of the world is a little too far - maybe a major asteroid strike would do. Or a another massive tsunami. Or a nasty eruption. An earthquake, maybe? If you look at it like that, SOMETHING bad will happen on one of the many dates that could be considered the 6/6/06, so don't be surprised when the prophecy is 'fulfilled' |
ah ah and why for
and went it be cobbo birthday on 6th of june willam stay up and wish her happy birthday and cobbo looking fowrad to went her birthday hope it go happy |
GokuDBZ3128 wrote:
So I guess humans lived in space approximatley 6,000,000 years before Earth was formed. Awesome! Don't be so silly. Humans weren't around before then either, and it all makes perfect sense when you take the whole system into account. I am a Christian for the most part, and my beliefs include such a system. I feel compelled to point out that if you claim an Earth that is only thousands of years old can't be true because it contradicts the evolution of our cosmos which places many Earthbound things at before that time, then you become just as reasonable as the bible-thumpers who hand out tracts that say "Turn to Jesus because you're a sinner and he can forgive you." without lending any further depth (though for many of them that's because they don't know the topic with more depth than that, but I won't go into that argument here). You have to look at everything with perspective in mind. |
FriesOfDoom wrote:
Jesus filled so many proficies that it is more likley all the parts of a 747 would be sitting in a warehouse and a tornadow would come by and put it all together the right way. That doesn't make any sense. By a similar argument, you could doubt me when I try to tell you all the many video games I've played. I've played video games so many times and played so many among them that if I were to list them all it would be more likely all the parts of a 747 would be sitting in a warehouse and a tornadow would come by and put it all together the right way. Of course that's not true and is far from logic, but it fits that type of argument just as well. |
Shattered wings wrote:
Really? We survived the last 6/6/6 (june 6th 1806, 1906 and so on). All you gothic(the ones who support and make up this stuff) people can kiss my you know what, and if I ever see anyone like you in real life ill be sure to break your nose just for bringing up crap like this and stressing out the weak minded like children who read this stuff. Theres a difference between Goths and Satanists, you know. >> |
Well, if he has a series of 6s on his scalp, do the noble thing!
Whatever you choose to be noble :P However...STOP THE WORRYING. I'm sick of this 666 crap. I'll just be happy when it passes by and everyone realizes they're overhyping it. Just like Y2K. |