What i want to know is this. Say there is an item on the ground with a verb Get() then i use "set src in oview(1)"
without using usr how do i detect what mob click on get. I tryed Get(mob/M) but that did not work. Please Help!
Feb 28 2006, 3:03 am
Feb 28 2006, 3:06 am
Euh, I don't know exactly what you're trying to do, but euhm
In response to Mysame
this is my code
Card icon = 'obj.dmi' icon_state= "Card" verb Get() set src in oview(0) usr << "You Picked up a Card" usr.In_Add("Card",1) del src now i know you it best not to use usr so how would i do it withought using usr? |
In response to The Riddler
How you'd do it without using usr? Euhm, impossible? In a verb, it's advised to ALWAYS use usr for the one that's doing the action.