Well, I got World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy 4, and alot of clothes for Christmas, and then $250 to buy what I wanted for XMas tommrow. I really want a awsome FPS or 3rd Person Shooter for the PS2 that is multiplayer.

Buy I am also looking for maybe a good RPG for the gamecube.

Can someone suggest some good titles? I need to know before tommorow!
Hmm..Here's some :

Spider-Man 2
Soul Calibur II
NBA Street V3 (Only version with Mario, Luigi, Princess duh)
Animal Crossing
Mario Kart Double Dash
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Time SPlitters : Future Perfect(I only played 2, this is a VERY VERY FRANTIC shooter)

Sorry if it isn't really system varied..I own mostly Nintendo games..0_0
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
If i was you, i would get mario smash football x_X
In response to Fire Dynasty
Fire Dynasty wrote
-If i was you, i would get mario smash football x_X

Also know as super mario strikers for us in the US :P.

I enjoyed Super Mario Baseball and the new Mario Party 7 looks good if your looking for Mario games.

They got Half Life for PS2, and you can get it pretty cheap now adays. Maybe $20.00 max? If you can find it.

Doom 3 for PC is pretty good, so if Half Life 2.

They got Final Fantasy Tatics Advance, Final Fantasy 1 and 2, and Legend of Mana, those are all sweet.

Mario Party is always good, and Mario & Luigi Super Star Saga, and Partners in Time are very good.

Animal Crossing DS, Mario Kart DS, and I just got nano stray, which is freaking awesome!
In response to Shades
They have Legends of Mana for the Gamecube!?!
In response to Sniper Joe
No for the GBA. Maybe its not called Legend of Mana, but its a Mana game none the less, but I got it a few years back, like 2 or 3.. so you might have to get it online. =/
In response to Shades
Sword of Mana. I had it also, and had Legends of mana.

Sorry I must of not made myself specific enough.

(Good Multiplayer Shooter for PS2)
(Good RPG for GameCube)

I already taken care of every other system, but thanks for the good ideas.
In response to Sniper Joe
Ok sorry, one sec..


Baiten Kaitos (RPG)
Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door (RPG)
Metroid Prime 1 or 2 (FPS)
Skies of Arcadia (RPG)
Skies of Arcadia Legends (RPG)
Resident Evil 0,1,2,3,Code Veronica X, 4 [in that order]
Fire Emblem for the Gamecube.
If you never played it before, PSO 1&2 for the gamecube are great. The new plus version came out recently, so you should be able to find that.
There's not a whole lot of RPG's for the gamecube heh... Xmen Legends 2 is ok, same with xmen legends 1. Fire emblem was fun but it's a different style of RPG then you might be used to.

Tales of Symphonia is a good RPG if you don't mind the completely kidish/cheesy story line but it's multiplayer... Baiton Kaitos is a good rpg single playe.

Hunter the reckoning is awesome multiplayer but it's a modern day RPG and it's not that well done... but it's the best modern RPG you'll come across (if not the only one)! :)

Instead of an RPG for gamecube I reccommend metroid prime if you haven't played it... or Eternal Darkness.

FPS for playstation 2? You got the wrong system for that :P
Half-life 2 would be my reccommendation if you don't got it for computer.

Call of Duty 2 wasn't horrible but eh... if your parents will let you get an adult game and you want something really gory, and really well done... GET GOD OF WAR! :)
If you've played it and liked it there's Devil may Cry 1-2-3, and Metal Gear Solid 2-3 which are really well done games that are fun to have (mind you cheap as well if you go to the right places).
In response to Jon Snow
Check out ShadowRun for Snes and Sega, that is one of my favortie cyber punk rpgs.

There was supposed to be a modern day rpg called Rent a Hero finally coming to the states, where it is, I don't know.

Paper Mario TTYD is actully a really good rpg, and its fun. The whoe battle is set up on a stage, and while fighting, props might fall down.. Or people might throw stuff at you (Mushrooms OR Rocks)...

Depending on how well you fight, you can get bonuses and stuff. Theres this part where your fighting this big dragon, and he gets weak, so he eats the auidence, it rocked.

Most RPGS get tiring after awhile, but Paper Mario 2, isn't super long, they keep the game play freash by changeing how stuff works. If you liked Mario RPG or Paper Mario, get the one for the gamecube.

To tell the truth, I hated Phantasy Star Online, and the only reason why I would get it, is to pirate NGC games.
In response to Jon Snow
Jon Snow wrote:
FPS for playstation 2? You got the wrong system for that :P

I suggest get Killzone for the Playstation 2.
For an RPG go old school and get Final Fantasy Tactics.
In response to Shades
Yeh, half-life 1 is like 20 bucks for a pack of 5 games, including counter-strike.
In response to Shades
ya unfortunately paper mario 2 won't be going down in price anytime soon...
In response to Nesso
PSO 3 was a let-down. They made it into this wierd card based chess like game.

Secret of Mana is coming out for the DS, from what I saw in the Game Informer mag, it looked pretty cool.

Not to steal this thread, but does anyone know of a game thats a mix of Turok and Diablo II? A FPS RPG with towns and goblins and stuff? They've had the technology since N64, but I haven't seen one yet :'(
Well, here is my list of what me and my sister bought.

Call of Duty: Big Red One(PS2)
Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament(PS2)
Tales of Sypmphonia(Gamecube)
Zoids: Battle Legends(Gamecube)
DBGT Transformation(GBA)

I love Call of Duty and all my games!!
In response to Sniper Joe
Tales of Symphonia is cool, but there'll be a new one out shortly.

YuYu Haskusho.. Never liked it

Zoids looks cool

DBGT Transformations blows bigtime.

COD <3
In response to DarkCampainger
DarkCampainger wrote:
Not to steal this thread, but does anyone know of a game thats a mix of Turok and Diablo II? A FPS RPG with towns and goblins and stuff? They've had the technology since N64, but I haven't seen one yet :'(

You should really look into King's Field III out for the PS2. Although it's a pretty weathered game, it IS a decent FPS with swords, bows and arrows, and a plethora of other things you character can wield to fight off the forces of darkness.