_>I've been trying to figure this out, using google only leads to stuff with C++ & Visual Basic.
How can I access the window's registry and delete stuff from it?
Oct 9 2005, 2:23 pm
_>I've been trying to figure this out, using google only leads to stuff with C++ & Visual Basic. How can I access the window's registry and delete stuff from it? |
Oct 9 2005, 2:24 pm
Reg edit.
In response to Dark_Shadow_Ninja
Thanks, could you perhaps help me find where the registry where "game is installed on this computer" type thingie be? >_>
In response to Hell Ramen
In response to Dark_Shadow_Ninja
_>Fast replies, thanks. I removed it. |
In response to Hell Ramen
Your welcome, I was googling for it after I sent that figuring you probably wouldn't know how to acess it XD.
In response to Dark_Shadow_Ninja
Gah, I guess removing the registry didn't take away the option of "Uninstall"... :|
My currnet problem is: I have a disc, but no files on the computer. When I go to uninstall it, missing file. So I can't install it. I explore the CD, run setup.exe: ERROR: Please do not run file manually, run from disc. :| |
In response to Hell Ramen
Sounds like it trying to force you to run it from the autorun.exe. Also try looking for the missing file, on google or something. Usally a missing file is a .dll. Also why is it missing a file? Usally when an install fails it uninstalls what it installed. Just out of cursoiuty what game is this?
In response to Dark_Shadow_Ninja
_> Phantasy Star Online (don't ask!). The point is, though, I'm trying to install it, but I can't because I only have the option to uninstall it, and when I do that I get missing file (the file must've been one of the ones I deleted, and it's not on google. ;-;). Ah well, I'll figure this out later. [edit] Summary: Game thinks it's installed, but it's not. |
In response to Hell Ramen
Only thing I can come up with is deleting all traces of the game...Than windows usally gets made when you try to uninstall it and removes it.
EDIT: Acutal before you do that see if the file is on the cd, if it is try and move it from the cd to the games dir. |
In response to Dark_Shadow_Ninja
That's what I just did, yet no avail.
I guess I'm screwed. =( |
In response to Hell Ramen
Err, you rebooted after you delete the reg entrance right?
In response to Dark_Shadow_Ninja
<Peter Griffin voice>Perhaps...</Peter Griffin voice> No, I should go do that. :| If this works, I'll officially love you forever. |
In response to Hell Ramen
Takes you awhile to reboot. >_>