Dear Dantom and/or to whom it may concern,

Hello, my key is Arcanedragon_2004. I joined in June 2003, and I have been very impressed with as long as I have been with BYOND. You guys never fail to amaze and impress me for 2 years, even though you have been online for more. But honestly, this letter is more about suggestion and ideas that I have for BYOND 4.0 that would make your system superior to other game making programs.

The first of the suggestions I have is the ability to choose the size of icons that the maker of the game would like to use in his/her projects. This would be sizes such as 32 x 32, 64 x 64, or custom sized graphics. This alone would completely renew the system. It would make it so much easier for people to create large graphics without the hassle of multi-tiling them or using large bmps that would take a long time to load.

Another suggestion would be the ability for users to move flawlessly. What I mean by this is that players can move without the blockey movement that is already made for BYOND 3.5 and below. Pixel movement, like the kind you see in many side scrollers (Super Mario Bros., Megaman, Megaman X, Super Metroid) and various RPG's (Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, etc).

My last suggestion would be the use of WAV's that wouldn't bog down the system. MIDI's are quite fine, but it was just another suggestion.

Granted, all of them would require more time and code to create for people to use, but think of the opportunity, the games that could be made, the system would single handedly be the reincarnation of every 8, 16, and 32 bit graphic consoles from Ninteno to PSX (well, not the 3D games for that matter...but still).

Just take these few things into consideration, hopefully these might be good enough for you to try out.

Thank you in advance.
You can use WAVs of all types right now. To my knowledge, the only area your limited is with MP3s, and people shouldn't use illegal music, let alone from bitchy record companies and such.

The first two suggestions are actually what I've been pressuring for the past few months, just I gave ideas on how they could do it :) I definately agree with them, and they would make BYOND way better.
In response to Kunark
You can use WAV's of all sizes? Or...particualarly small sizes that will run fluently?

Cool...that works.

As for your reply to my first two ideas, thank you very much. I'm glad you share the same thoughts I do.

You make me feel special ^_^, lol
In response to Kunark
The only bad thing about redoing the movement(Which I would like done) is they would have to almost redo everything.

I would still kill for them to do it :) I will also donate my $2 from paypal.
In response to Arcanedragon_2004
Try using OGG, it is close to mp3(Size and quality), but byond supports it. There are a few free converters out there.
In response to Scoobert
yeh, just don't use wavs. WAVs, although you can make them smaller, they become poor quality.
In response to Sniper Joe
Not neccissarely, for either ideas. That's what my recent posts were about. With movement, they don't need to change much, they just need to add stuff in, although it'd still be nice to improve their current systems (mobs STILL have trouble with flick()). They could built stuff in like pixel movement, and have options for it to make it look right and such, and better detection systems. You can make these yourself right now, especially with the detection systems, but it being built into the system would help a lot, and the current movement systems with having to use flick() and all with the 1/10th animations and all that junk make it look wayyy too jumpy.

For larger icons, it'd be nice if they would make detection for it, but that isn't nearly as important (since it can be done with a library) as being able to have larger images for mobs and objects, without multi-tiling. As in, you can make the larger images in the DMIs when you create them as 64x64 or whatever, and it will actually display them large by just setting it as the icon. Multi-tiling is a pain in the ass, and I would make larger icons for my games if it weren't so. People say, "oh, but why do that when you can do 10 hours of workaround!", well, I'm not going to spend that kind of time on something that should be a part of the system already and that I can accomplish with smaller graphics, just less visually stimulating.

Although bigger graphics would also have to be supported with the movement as well, that may be a toughy if they do the detection for them, or for anyone who makes a library for detection or movement.
In response to Kunark
Then it definitly looks like Dantom has his work cut out for him.
In response to Arcanedragon_2004
He would, if he was one person.
BMPs will slow down a game. They suck- use PNG.

Pixel movement can already be acheived using BYOND! Do a search.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
He is now, since Dan is gone.
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
BMPs will slow down a game. They suck- use PNG.

Pixel movement can already be acheived using BYOND! Do a search.

I can't download the pixel movement lib, I don't have a subscription... You could always get me one or someone can. ^_^'

And I don't like PNG's...I just don't like them.
In response to Arcanedragon_2004
Arcanedragon_2004 wrote:
And I don't like PNG's...I just don't like them.

Well you should! PNG is hands down the most efficent image format around for digital graphics (JPG is still king for photos.).
In response to Sniper Joe
My main problem with the movement is the strange activity of the sliding when you change the pixel_step_size after compile-time... Can we say bug?
In response to Ter13
Yes we can good sir.