Social Studies project'd. Anyways, I can't find a climograph of Bolivia, ANYWHERE, I check google, 5 results, about 3 works, and no pictures of a climograph on Bolivia. =/ I tried wikipedia, nothing. LUElinks, nothing. :(

BYOND, help me, I don't want to phail this report!
'phail' is spelled fail....
Anyways, exactly what is a climograph, if you don't mind my asking?
In response to Jamesburrow
Jamesburrow wrote:
'phail' is spelled fail....
Anyways, exactly what is a climograph, if you don't mind my asking?

Ah, the irony!

In response to Jamesburrow
I suspect it is a graph...that...graphs..the climate?

@ Hell Ramen, maybe if you...make your own you can get a good grade since, if you can't find it on google it doesnt exist! The teacher might not know, and its better then turning in nothing!
In response to ITG Master
ITG Master:
I suspect it is a graph...that...graphs..the climate?

I guess that makes sense(*kicks himself for asking dumb question*). Well, I can't find anything either, so I agree, maybe you should just make your own.
I can find one of just about everywhere else, but not of Bolivia.
In response to Jamesburrow
I spelled it wrong on purpose, it's a LUE fad, but anyways.
Thanks for trying to help, I'll try to make one myself, I hope succeed at it and do well.
In response to Jiskuha
Sorry, but I don't see the irony. Will you point it out for me.
In response to Jamesburrow
*cough*if you don't mind -me- asking*cough*
In response to Hell Ramen
oh, ok. I really need to start paying more attention to my mistakes than to others' (especially since I seem to correcting mistakes that were put there on purpose, lol)
You could also just give me a site on Bolivian temperatures & rainfall per month. Basically annual rainfall&temperature. :( Please, I'll <3 you forever.