Apr 7 2005, 1:39 pm
I had no idea this was coming out. It looked pretty cool when I checked out da trailer. My only disappointment is that its only for PS2..
In response to Elation
Yep, they should try and make all the money they can get..Did u watch the trailer? You can make your own character on it now, and there are new characters including a girl with a big 'ol blade ring..
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
It's looking incredibly hot. I would have preferred more videos of ingame footage rather than some geeky programmer/project manager talking about how great it's going to be though. They should have had Taki or Ivy hyping up the game, they are...uh...'prettier on the eyes', ahem.
But yeah. It's looking very yummy (and that's just the female characters ¬_¬ ). |
In response to Elation
OMG OMG OMG They have Seika characters in it!!!!!!! It's going to rox0rz teh big 1!!
In all seriousness, though, I love soul caliber. Only fighting game I can play and like, I even hate Tekken. |
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
OMG OMG OMG They have Seika characters in it!!!!!!! It's going to rox0rz teh big 1!! If BYOND games were beat-'em-ups, then Tekken would be Zeta, and Soul Calibur would be TPoEBaD. Tekken is just popular for exactly the same reason Zeta is; easy to win bashing buttons, it's monotonous, and rubbish. Soul Calibur requires rapid finger movements with skill, and intelligence. |
In response to Kunark
Man, is gonan be so cool. Although I doubt I'll be abel to get it at release, I might just have to wait til it costs $20(USD) like I did for SC2...
In response to JordanUl
I think that was mainly because of the character featured in it, though =P
Having a PS2, I obviously don't mind it being an exclusive. However, if I owned another console, I'm not sure I'd enjoy waiting for a port. Even some massive XBox glitz is not going to compare to what's on the new consoles. If Sony comes out last, Namco can at least take advantage of the PS2 loyalists. Meanwhile, Microsoft and Nintendo won't need a port of some game from the last generation. I say skip SC3 on Xbox and GameCube. Wait for SC4 on the next generation systems.
Then again, I know nothing of console-specific deals; it's just a hunch that I have that it'll be for everyone to enjoy. Why waist such a lovely game on such an underpowered console? :p