A few things you should check before making any further assumptions (just to be safe) is:
FIRSTLY, check if the game is actually on the latest Beta version (507.1250). If it's not, then you're doing everything wrong already and wasting your time. Sometimes people miss the smallest things.
Secondly, make sure Allow webclient is checked.
Thirdly, make sure you are not logged in to the game on DreamSeeker already. I made a bug report on this already. It's fairly easy to avoid as well. Just log off your DreamSeeker client that's on that game.
Fourthly, ensure that the game you are hosting/trying to play has a proper interface setup. Once again, another bug report. If the interfaces anchors are crazy enough, it may just end up not showing up on the screen. Only giving you a gray (or white, which is most common) screen. The gray screen, when clicked, will turn everything white. And I mean everything. You'll have to relog at this point. The white screen is already white so I'm not sure if it turns white... *scratches head* But, yeah. Check the interface.
That's just about it for diagnosing your issue.
A Kindle Fire HD. Technically, not android, but it is based on android and thus far I've never encountered a android app that isn't fully compatible. My issue may be the dream daemon thing, see below.
@Warlord Fred
I didn't know that was a requirement, do you know any servers currently using the newest version?