Is there anyway to run a byond game in like a webpage,telenet, or anything? Since I want my games out of byond so it can reach more people but in here theres too many people that spam, create dbz rips, exc
I just want a system that can create a graphical RPG stand alone.
![]() Feb 16 2004, 11:37 am
![]() Feb 16 2004, 11:41 am
As far as I know the only ways BYOND can do this are through Telnet and web sites.
I also have a question similar to Kasumi's. Rather than start a new thread, I'll just ask it here.
Is it possible to host a MUD made with BYOND through Telnet? That would be great. Well, that's all. :) |
N649po wrote:
Is it possible to host a MUD made with BYOND through Telnet? That would be great. Not quite sure what you mean by that... |
0_0 well can you answer mine too? You can host a BYOND game though a website? Such as I load this website and it has the game in its like own window?
Well, a MUD, a multi-user text game, made with BYOND. You said below that you can host a game with Telnet. How do you do that?
You can do telnet through BYOND. As in, make games with BYOND that are compatable with telnet.
They're not AS compatable as some people would like, but it still makes them more available to people who don't want to download BYOND. |
BYOND doesn't run from websites like java programs. But you can have web sites that run through BYOND. Basically the same way that the browser works in DreamSeeker, anything you can do in the browser can be done from an actual website.
However, since I don't have a server, let alone a server that supports BYOND, I don't know how this works. There aren't very many servers out there that support BYOND anyway. Just, perhaps, and who was that fellow that was offering to host games or sites through his high-end connection? |
Kasumi, Telnet is a Windows application that is text only. It is used for connecting to other people's computers, and often, to play games (MUDs, MUSHes, MOOs, etc...) that are text only. So you could not host maps or anything like that. Sorry
well... hmm.. is there a way to like make a BYOND program run though java into a website? or atleast a program? I dont even relaly care if its like.
Opening a program (stand alone) that can connect to my BYOND games. |
What is the code that allows the people to access the game through Telnet?
I seem to be having a mind blank and cannot remember. |
Basically you just override the client/Command() proc. There are a few parsers out there that should show you how to do this. Unfortunately I don't think there are any tutorials out there on how to make things telnet compatable. You just have to ask around.
SO your saying is.. I can make a BYOND game (without map or icons) and make it into a game that can run though telenet as a stand alone thing?
The only thing I dont like about MUDs is that..
Its sorda hard to make like a world map.. where you can explore.. (I have a cool way of doing this, making a world map without the world >=) I just gada find out how to make a BYOND game work with telenet) |
The only real restriction is that the host server has to run it through BYOND, and finding servers with BYOND is kind of hard. But yes, someone who doesn't know anything about BYOND could connect to a telnet-compatable BYOND game through telnet.
Not necessarily a BYOND game. Just research MUDs and other types of games like that to get a good idea of what they are. Basically, most of them are places where players log into a fantasy environment, create a char, and work to advance their char through roleplaying, fighting, adventuring, and other things. There are THOUSANDS of these, and frankly, the BYOND newbie central is not a very good place to discuss them. But research, it shouldn't be hard to log into one and check it out a bit. That will give you a better understanding than any of my posts.