Nov 1 2003, 5:48 pm
I have a car game I'm making but I have no clue how to make the cars go faster than some of the other ones?
Nov 1 2003, 6:27 pm
Make them not as slow.
In response to Garthor
You cant make stuff go faster, but you can make other stuff go slower, but i dont knoe exactly how to. Some one has a library, its a very good one too ^_^
`Master_Damien |
In response to Master_Damien
make some cars sleep long than others with the sleep() proc
example mob mob var/speed car1 icon = 'car1.dmi' speed = 5 car2 icon = 'car1.dmi' speed = 10 Move() sleep(speed) i think that's how. the car1 is faster than car2 |
In response to ZDarkGoku
Sorry, that's totally wrong. And I'm really too lazy to tell this person what to do when a simple search will answer his question for him.
In response to Master_Damien
You cant make stuff go faster, but you can make other stuff go slower, but i dont knoe exactly how to. Some one has a library, its a very good one too ^_^ You can make things move faster by moving them more than one tile per tick. In my Racing Game once you pass a certain speed this starts happining. To make things go slower you could either use a movement delay or handle partial tile movement which I demonstrate in one of my demos. |
In response to Theodis
thanks guys... i need sum help hehe
In response to ZDarkGoku
thx goku
In response to ZDarkGoku
the only problem in that code is that there is and error Inconsistent indentation. |
In response to Master_Damien
who has the library
In response to ZDarkGoku
//This world was created by <Jake> on <11/29/02>
mob icon = 'Car.dmi' icon_state = "convertable" Login() ..() verb Say(msg as text) //what the usr says is passed into "msg" as text world << "[usr]: [msg]" //the world sees chatroom-like output var/hub world/hub = "Chibi_Gohan123.Carworld" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HERE IS YOUR PART mob var/speed Ferrari icon = 'car.dmi' iconstate = "ferrari" speed = 10 Porche_911_Turbo icon = 'car.dmi' iconstate = "911turbo" speed = 5 Move() sleep(speed) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOUR PART ENDS HERE var/delay = 1 verb/Porche_911_Turbo() set category = "Pick_car" usr.icon = 'Car.dmi' usr.icon_state = "911turbo" delay = 1 verb/Supra() set category = "Pick_car" usr.icon = 'Car.dmi' usr.icon_state = "supra" delay = 1 verb/Convertable() set category = "Pick_car" usr.icon = 'Car.dmi' usr.icon_state = "convertable" delay = 1 verb/Civic() set category = "Pick_car" usr.icon = 'Car.dmi' usr.icon_state = "civic" delay = 1 verb/Camaro() set category = "Pick_car" usr.icon = 'Car.dmi' usr.icon_state = "camaro" delay = 1 verb/Eclipse() set category = "Pick_car" usr.icon = 'Car.dmi' usr.icon_state = "eclipse" delay = 1 verb/Datsun() set category = "Pick_car" usr.icon = 'Car.dmi' usr.icon_state = "datsun" delay = 1 verb/FBI() set category = "Pick_car" usr.icon = 'Car.dmi' usr.icon_state = "fbi" delay = 1 verb/Ferrari() set category = "Pick_car" usr.icon = 'Car.dmi' usr.icon_state = "ferrari" delay = 1 verb/DodgeViper() set category = "Pick_car" usr.icon = 'Car.dmi' usr.icon_state = "viper" delay = 1 verb/McLarenF1() set category = "Pick_car" usr.icon = 'Car.dmi' usr.icon_state = "mclarenf1" delay = 1 return mob/verb/Go_To() set category = "Go_Somewhere" switch(input("Where do you wanna go?", "Go where?", text) in list ("City","Race","Cancel")) if("City") usr.loc = locate(1,1,1) if("Race") usr.loc = locate(41,16,1) if("Cancel") return |
In response to Chibi_Gohan123
Chibi_Gohan123 wrote:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HERE IS YOUR PART mob Most of that needs correct indentation. |
In response to Maz
whats that mean maz?
In response to Chibi_Gohan123
It means, the indentation is messed up and needs to be fixed.
In response to Crispy
Say, could you possibly help me out with the indentation
In response to Chibi_Gohan123
In response to Chibi_Gohan123
If I wasn't in a helpful mood, I would now completely ignore you because of that disgustingly rude bump. We are not your servants, and we do not refresh the page every five seconds just to see if you've posted again. Get used to it.
mob That's a start. I've got rid of the Move()/sleep() bit because that's not how you do movement delays. Whoever told you that didn't have a clue what they were on about. See my other post on your duplicate thread (cross-posting is also frowned upon in this forum). |