In response to digitalmouse
Oh really? i looked up the word and it said it was a spice used in sushi or a sugar cane...
In response to K'ros Trikare
Yet you contributed to the rips.
In response to K'ros Trikare
Fine, you people want to keep all these games? Fine by me (actually it's not) anyway, I'd like to answer all of your extremely critical comments, but I won't. I will, however, tell you that my personal definition of a rip-off is a copy of any person's work. Now before you go off saying that Dracon's original game in it self would be a rip, I'll say this; you would be correct on some levels, and he'd be taking terms and story straight from the cartoon. But, did Funimation code the game? Did Funimation make the icons? Did Funimation pay him to make the game? No, no to all of those. I want work to mean something. Hell, if somebody makes a fangame, good for them. If somebody copies that fangame, calls it their own, and makes money off of it, I'd be happy to see them rot in a jail cell with a large man named Bubba. Of course, you guys aren't defending these games, are you? No, you're pretty much just saying "Yeah, we want them gone too, but we're not gonna help you." What kind of a mentality is that? I'd compare it to something much akin to not doing anything about the horrible things going on in the third world. Oh and, making fun of our name, and my name. I really don't care, "God of Sugiru." I like the ring it has, you don't? Fine. Sugiru actually is a Japanese transitiative verb meaning "To exceed." I'm sure you'll make fun of how we've taken on this name, saying that our concept of ourselves is much too high. Guess what? I don't care. I only care about cleaning up the hub. It's just shameful what it's descended into. There are the few good games from the few masters of icon and code. I respect them, I don't respect the idiots who just copy a game and say it's theirs. Oh, and I'm not just talking about Dragonball Zeta games, although that is obviously the most ripped-off game. But there are icon trading chat games, Ghaleon's Fast and the Furious game, and other games that are copied. I hate this. If you won't help K'ros and I, fine. We can get along without your elitist comments and critical accusations. Just abso-friggin'-lutely fine. I won't be checking this forum anymore either, since I have not seemed to gain any support. So don't bother, you'll be wasting your time.
In response to Nadrew
Hmm, last I checked Nadrew, about 2/3 of all the games on the hub were Dragonball Zeta rip offs. Better get cracking the whip on those officials, hmm?
Dracon didn't make the icons he edited an rpg maker char set for his base. Its so close to the original it shouldn't even be called an edit. Im not justifying rips i would like to see them gone too but suing them for someone on Dracons team leaking the game wouldn't win your court case and your basically trying what the RIAA is doing with Kazza users. I guess you agree with what the RIAA is doing the way calling yourself god is pretty cocky...saying in your profile "Well, I have a hard time saying you're welcome every time someone in the world says, 'Thank god!'" just cements that.

P.S. What the hell have you done that makes you think your god-like?
In response to FuZzY DiCe
I looked up the word (In a japanese book) and it means 'To Exceed'.

In response to FuZzY DiCe
Once again Dice (if you looked at one of my previous posts you i wouldn't need to repeat my self but...) its a rank scheme, we dont beleve were god like in anyway, if it offends you, we can change it, dosn't bother me, dosn't bother Mario.

Ok, before you read this you have to understand I don't mean any offence by it, I'm just stating some stuff in an attempt to help you clean up your groups image.
The post is mostly negative feedback, so if you don't want to hear it don't read it. However I suggest you read it and think about the points I bring up. They aren't meant as insults. Clear? Good.

This post is a prime example of why people aren't taking you seriously. You've basically responded to some criticism with "Lalala, I don't care".
By giving yourself titles and such it makes you appear as if your just trying to take a short cut to being a Hero/Legend. It also makes you sound like your playing a game.
I think that is one of the key reasons why people aren't helping you. That and you haven't really planned anything out.
Pretty much everything you've said has boiled down to "We are going to stop the rips". You've mentioned one action that you plan on taking, which wasn't really well thought out.
You would also do well to use paragraphs. It's not that important for you as a person, but as a leader you need to come off responsable, educated and well mannored (Not saying you aren't all that, I just mean you don't come off that way).

Anyway, I'll finish up by saying that I don't know how to get rid of all the filth off the HUB, but a vigilanty group isn't the answer.
In response to DarkView

Thanks for the constructive ciritisim, one of the better posts that came out of this, I see that you do not like the all, so i'll go ahead and come up with new ranks and such.

As for the paragraph issue, i'll see if i can work on that, i normally dont think of paragraphing when im writing a post on a message board, but you make a good point.

About the plan to remove the rips, were still planning, rome wasn't built in...a week (was it?)...Im still trying to get Dan and/or Tom's opinion on this, if they dont like it, then we can ditch the rip removing idea, it was just something that I thought would help BYOND, but intill I get Dan/Tom's thumbs up/down then im sticking with it.

Thanks for your opinion mabye this'll clear up stuff just a tad..?


In response to FuZzY DiCe
FuZzY DiCe wrote:
P.S. What the hell have you done that makes you think your god-like?

Ah, I am only checking the post again because K'ros said I should. Since what is currently hanging on my car's rear view mirror had a strong opinion about me considering myself a god, I believe I should tell him something. I'm an athiest, I don't believe in god, and won't until he decides to talk to me. I throw the word god around very loosely. It can apply in situations such as actually talking about god, saying someone is very good at something, or as an adjective. Would you like some examples, novelty automobile decoration?

God is the deity of the Christian and Jewish religions.

That guy is god at playing video games.

These Cocoa Puffs taste godlike.

So you see, textureably appealing game piece, you should not be offended by my usage of the word god. I think highly of myself. Therefore I can use my definition of the word god to describe myself. Now after this, I won't be checking back, so please, go do something that can benefit society. I'm also changing my name, since it has seemed to upset you all.
In response to K'ros Trikare
Thanks for seeing that I didn't mean that as an attack on you guys personally. A lot of people don't handle critism well, so I'm impressed with your reaction.

Just a note. With the ranks it's not so much that you are giving yourselves the titles of gods and such that bothers me, it's the way your making your organisation sound like a kids game.
I think your group would benifit from getting rid of the power structure idea. I suggest you make it so you have three groups. Leaders: The people organising everything. Members: The people who join your organisation. Non-Members: People who aren't in, but show some interest.
Ranks make it seem like your going to get bossed around by everyone when you join until you get to the top, even if that is not the case.
In response to DarkView
Well, personally i like the idea of a hirearchy/ranks, but I'll consider what your proposing...Thanks.


P.S. We finished the ranks, there mostly based on a buisness structure, CEOs and such...
That would be super god of to exceed.
In response to K'ros Trikare
Yeah, if. Its still laughable.
In response to K'ros Trikare
It actually means "too much of something" but i can see how you mistaked it.
Mario_Wario -God of Sugiru- wrote: personal definition of a rip-off is a copy of any person's work...

that's just fine, but it is the legal definitions that matter in regarding taking action against such people. and that is what your group needs to focus on- not your personal vendettas against something.

heck, with all that energy, you would better server the community by creating a game that is better than these copies. People would pay far more attention to that, than to "flag-waving" efforts about a long dead and dealt-with issue here.
We're not doing it now, we're in the planning stages, it's not hard to go through them, the search function is pretty handy. So please stop trying to do something you have no authority to do (and the game creators know this, and will probably disregard any emails you send them)
In response to Nadrew
I told him to keep it secret nadrew, he ignored me and said something..but I forget what exactly he said. With orginazations aimed at removing things, Its certain That they are to be kept secret so no one can prepare for what would happen. Understandable isn't it?
In response to digitalmouse
Mouse..if you would have read abit more, he was giving his defenition of what rip-off is, people didn't know what he ment, now, i dont think he was saying what copyright infrignment is? or what plagiarism is? Nope? Didn't think so.


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